Biden ‘not sure he’d be running’ in 2024 if Trump wasn’t: ‘We cannot let him win’

Lee to – 242 points –
Biden ‘not sure he’d be running’ in 2024 if Trump wasn’t: ‘We cannot let him win’

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Jesus fucking Christ...

Is this to suggest that out of all the options in the DNC, Biden is not just the best one available, but the only person in the DNC capable of winning an election against fucking trump?!?

That is a hella sad implication.

It's kinda sad as well that after four years at the helm (arguably), the best the dude can go with as a campaign is to just drag out the same lame ass "I'm not trump" he ran on last time... Not that "I'm not trump" isn't worthy of a vote, it is in my opinion, but shit man, you can't hold up anything else, after 4 years?

Anyone know who's going on the libertarian ticket next year?

Just like Hillary was the only person who could beat him in 2016…

I feel like we’re sleepwalking into a dictatorship because of old fucks thinking they know better and that now is their time.

Unfortunately we're in a position this election cycle where our options are vote for old fuck, or let Nazi old fuck win.
I'm not thrilled about it either but it's something we can sort out after this election cycle. There's a much larger and important issue on the table than age and it needs to be dealt with first.

I'm not thrilled about it either but it's something we can sort out after this election cycle

Said everyone who ever defended the preferred candidate of the DNC to someone with actual ideals and principles every single election cycle for the last 40+ years.

That's how we got to a situation where a Trump presidency was anything but a throwaway joke from The Simpsons that was supposed to be over the top satire.

Do you seriously think Biden's age is more important than allowing the US to fall into a Nazi dictatorship?

No. His age is a minor thing. It's (almost) everything ELSE about him that should preclude him from being the only alternative to fascism.

He's for sure the lesser evil compared to Trump, by miles, and I hope everyone who can votes for him, but that doesn't mean that he's not still an evil.

An extremely ambitious politician from Pennsylvania doesn't just move to tiny little Delaware for reasons unrelated to it being the most corporation-friendly state in the union and "the Senator from MBNA" is no exception.

STFU. Name another presidency in the last 50 years that has been more progressive than Biden. We’ll fucking wait. SMH.

That of Obama and even that of Clinton, when you adjust for the general public being much less progressive AND much less informed in the 90s than now.

That Biden made a good cabinet appointment or two on the advice of people more progressive than himself and his PR department hailed the infrastructure bill as saving the environment (even though it stipulates a manifold increase in federal fossil fuel leases before any new renewable energy programs are allowed to even BEGIN and privatizes more public infrastructure than it funds) doesn't mean that Biden, a conservative barely if at all to the left of Joe Manchin, is progressive.

In conclusion, YOU are the one who needs to STFU and stop drinking the neoliberal kool-aid.

Your opinion pieces are not fact, boot licker. Now leave me alone.

Your opinion is from the bottom of the boot. At least the opinion pieces have references. Please include some of your own or STFU. I’ll wait.

This election cycle? This will be the third election cycle where the only thing going for dems is "well you don't want the other guy, so you???"

4th. Second time, Obama had been governing as a neoliberal rather than the progressive he ran as at first, so Not A Corporate Raider Animal Abusing Religious Fundamentalist Hypocrite was the best reason the Left had to vote for Obama again.

Yes this has big Hillary 2016 vibes.

If Biden is so confident he’s the best suited to beat Trump, why not hold a primary so the voters can back him up? There are some interesting challengers to the left of him with actual populist positions and meaningful intent to follow through on them.

The truth these geriatrics don’t want to hear is that Biden is one of the few Dem candidates who can LOSE to Trump. And he’s dead set on doing so.

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Meanwhile this has been the best Democratic presidency in 50 years. Way more progressive policies passed than Obama but I guess none of that matters because he’s old.

I am not sure I agree with best in 50, but I'm open to being wrong. I do know that each time I read a list of his achievements, it's kind of impressive for someone who gets shit on constantly

Meanwhile this has been the best Democratic presidency in 50 years.

How utterly depressing.

lol. How influenced by the social media algorithms do you have to be to interpret “best” as “utterly depressing”?

Someone blithely asserting that this is the best Democrats are capable of is utterly depressing.

I'm sorry your standard for "best" is "some rando on the internet said it was best!"

Name a better presidency for progressives from a policy perspective in the last 50 years. I’ll wait.

Obama. The ACA, even the version we got after centrist Democrats gutted it with zero help from Republicans, is still a greater accomplishment than Biden's entire damned presidency.

And touting that as a great accomplishment is almost as pathetic as pretending that Biden has been a good president as far as progressive policy is concerned. If this is all we have to show for the past 50 years, "utterly depressing" is high praise.

Traditionally, Incumbent has higher chances of winning. DNC whole thing is taking "no risks". I remember how people would say they loved Burnie and still voted for Biden in the primaries. I'm like wtf. DNC slogan should be "not the GOP". Sad part is risk of Trump is too high for third party middle finger vote. people did that when DNC shafted Bernie the 1st time and we got trump. DNC knows this.

It would be great to do the third party middle finger vote but that just gets the fascist elected. I see people complaining about Biden (even though I think he’s doing a pretty good job, despite the shortcomings) and say they won’t vote for him if he doesn’t do some single issue thing and I just can’t help but think that’s a super special level of privilege. Like really?

I guess it really is super privilege to think third party route or abstaining is taking power back or "sticking to the man". I think it's lack of knowing the consequences and ideology thinking anything will change with the DNC. I really hope GOP crashes with soon so we can finally vote third party but I suspect That will never happen.

Ranked choice voting is spreading. That's our shot at having more viable options.

I voted for Biden to stop fascism and now there's a genocide happening with Biden's full support.

Yeah this is the biggest complaint I keep seeing. It’s completely true, it’s also really really dangerous to not vote or vote third party because of that at this moment. I agree that it’s totally messed up but it’s still better than what will happen if trump gets elected.

I’m just hoping the people saying this will at least vote blue while also holding Biden accountable.

You can't hold Biden accountable and also elect him President lol

Biden needs to reverse course on Israel or else he is going to lose. Does genocide Joe love killing Palestinian children more than he wants to stop Trump?

And how would that be any different with any of the last dozen presidents in power?

When was the last time the US didn't back Israel while they've been shooting at the Palestinians?

Anyone know who's going on the libertarian ticket next year?

I know it will be an absolute moron

It's actually just resignation to the fact that people are so uninterested in their children's futures that they couldn't be bothered to learn about a new candidate. I don't think he's wrong about it, sadly.

I'm going to go so far as to say Trump is the only person Biden can beat (but even that isn't guaranteed if you look at current polling of likely voters). He is an supremely terrible candidate, like Clinton was, and people choose to ignore that at their own peril.

STFU. Biden’s is the best presidency for progressives in 50 years. Go ahead, name another who has been better for progressives. Shame on you for feeding the Trump narrative.

"the only person in the DNC capable of winning an election against fucking trump?!?", yes, since he is the only one going to be the Democratic Candidate, he is the only one with any chance. Glad you worked it out on your own.

I mean it definitely couldn't just be people don't want massive changes and want a dude in the center keeping most of the status quo.

A centrist who has a long history of cooperation with politicians on both sides of the aisle is going to be a far more effective president than an ideologue who embodies the feelings of angry lemmy users.

Besides, realistically, big change for the country shouldn't be coming from the top down starting from the president. It should start locally and move up. All of these people complaining that AOC or Bernie would be some sort of political Jesus who would revolutionize the US if only the corrupt, evil DNC would pick them are completely out of touch with reality.

Agreed. And it's a shame it's so hard in many locations to stay up to date with local politics.

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