1 Post – 255 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

LG effectively has said that their owners manual and a cardboard box have authority over the courts. Clearly, as the courts have nullified it, they fucking dont.

All I see is a damned good reason to ban arbitration agreements outright. If you want to arbitrate a tort, you should be required to motion the court for it.

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Shuttering their central bank and converting to dollars... Meaning they aren't actually getting rid of a central bank, but are rather converting to a foreign central bank.

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In case Apple’s advice doesn’t work, it’s safe to say that you probably need help from professional repair experts and may even need to prepare yourself to buy a new iPhone.

"Don't do anything yourself, just come give us more money"

We need to get rid of riders... Someone propose a "one bill-one item" rule already, and stick that motherfucker on every single fucking bill as a rider until something comes along that'll bait em all into that shit.

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And they're gonna go away because some wingnut convinced a bunch of people that their fins cause boners.

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I can't believe the level of stupid in what I just read...

In 2017, Texas decided they didn't want planned parenthood covered by Medicaid. Let's just ignore the merits of it entirely and respect Texas's right to be as stupid as they wanna be.

So for four years, from 2017 to 2021, they went through whatever bureaucratic/legal process is required to remove an agency from Medicaid. Also ignoring the merit of it, that's their right.

Now they wanna say that all claims made during that process are fraudulent? Because while pp was still part of Medicaid, they didn't want them to be?

I don't want texas to have property taxes, I'm gonna start a movement to get rid of them (hypothetical, I don't live in Texas), let's say I succeed 30 years from now... do I get my money back?

No you jackasses. That's not how shit works. It's not rational, it's not logical, it doesn't pass a common sense test, you're fucking stupid.

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Bomb the manger on Christmas...

Is isreal really that oblivious to world opinion and how it might affect them? Seems that way...

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I read the article, and it quoted her as having said "oh yeah" when he declared a weapon, and I thought "yeah that's not great, but I kinda get it" because I assumed the context was that she assumed he meant it as a mild threat perhaps and was responding with "oh yeah?" the way one would when being insulted or threatened...

Then I watch the video, and that's not the case at all... The tone implies something much more along the lines of "yippee, you got a gun, now I get to develop a sudden fear for my life and do THIS!... Yeehaw!"

She ain't intimidated or threatened, she just mentally busted through a brick wall holding a pitcher in her hand looking to have a tropical punch party, that was a koolade man "OH YEAH!"

Y'all cops need to come to Jesus and establish some fucking standards and enforce them, because what you got going with the paid vacation and taxpayers funding their own restitution is not gonna be indefinitely sustainable. You're filling a keg full of powder and one of these evil motherfuckers you keep turning a blind eye to is gonna throw a spark in the wrong place at the wrong time, and not even the bomb squad in their full staypuft costume is gonna qualify for immunity from the explosion it causes.

I don't think we need to go down that road, but a lot of people do, and cops like Ms koolade here arent making the opinion shrink...

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The best clothing for a hotter environment is a tad counterintuitive, because it's less comfortable in the short term... you want full sleeves, full pants or a long skirt/kilt/toga/whatever (I'm reasonably certain that if heat waves continue cranking it up, these are going to become a unisex thing, whatever we're gonna call them...). You want everything loose so there's room for evaporation to happen (it's your body's natural swamp cooler), you want large openings everywhere so the air can ventilate, and you want lighter colors that reflect. You'll also want to cover your head, preferably withsomething wide (and/or includes the little neck covering flap deal) that creates a lot of shade, but it's currently more common in deserts to see less shade producing scarves/wraps.

You'll feel hotter in the immediate, and overdressed, but you'll overall be absorbing less energy from direct sunlight, and that means a more stable amount of body heat overall, and less risk of things like cancer.

I wear loose t-shirts, jeans, and a wide boonie/fishing hat. Less overall clothing is better, but more coverage is also better. Gotta find that balance is all.

TL:DR, the clothes most people associate with the Middle East... clothes that are worn by people who've dealt with a hotter climate for millennia. The white robe looking getup is what's gonna work best in a hotter climate.

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How many people spend 45 years in prison on a legitimate rape conviction?

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My property tax is $1200 a year. Failure to pay that for a while (a year or three) could result in the state selling the house, keeping the overdue taxes, and paying me the rest (if there is any. Sometimes they get sold cheap).

The state can also buy my house from me under eminent domain, to put in a rail line, or power lines, or some other utility. They'd owe me "fair value" for it, but they basically determine what that means, and it could be significantly less than what i could sell it in the market for (but to be fair, taxes are based on "fair value", and almost everyone quietly allows the state to low-ball their property value because of this).

It can also be condemned. If it's egregiously not maintained and shows obvious signs of structural issues, or the property gets hoarded up and looks like a trash dump. This is much more common with commercial property.

There's also civil asset forfeiture. If you're manufacturing and/or selling drugs/weapons/etc. (as a random example. Any crime counts really) on a property, it can be seized outright with no requisite compensation at all.

HOAs ar often described as similar to asset forfeiture, but they're closer to a tax siezure. The HOA has to have in its charter that they can fine members for rule violations, and the process for an HOA is the same as for overdue taxes, but with unpaid fines. The authority for HOA is entirely contractual, you have to sign a contract agreeing to those rules.

All of these are incredibly rare occurrences, and usually involve some sort of genesis, like an investor wants a specific property, neighbors hate someone, etc.

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...and cue a 4,000% markup on what an MRI costs.

Don't worry though, I'm sure the price will go back down once the artificial shortage that generated it is addressed (chuckle)

Actual answer? Who knows...

MY answer, because instance operator/server can establish whatever rules they want, and aren't beholden to a CEO, shareholders, or any other entity that might want to put 50 ads on your feed for every post...

Because it's open source and the community apparently wants it to stay that way.

A gas car costs twice as much as a gas car after like 100k miles or so... you end up paying for some random ass shit that broke every couple months. Alternator here, transmission there, radiator, head gasket, O2 sensors, rusted out muffler, injectors... it's not like your gas motor just keeps on trucking forever and doesn't nickel and dime the fuck out of you as it ages. An EV is mainly just gonna lose some capacity as it gets elderly, and isn't likely to have random little repairs as often.

If you ain't super well off, you roll your shit til the wheels fall off, and with an EV, that's just going to mean that the Tesla that goes 300 miles on a charge today, in ten years, is gonna be a Tesla that goes 150 miles on a charge, and there's going to be people that will rock that old ass battery pack for as long as itll keep rocking, and a lot of those packs aren't actually going to get replaced at the age everyone is claiming they will be.

Battery pack might be the whole ass cost of the car, but poo-pooing EVs over it is disingenuous if you ask me.

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I'd probably go with almost exactly the way you typed it... "This avatar is from a pornographic game with furries"

A twelve year old definitely knows the word pornographic unless someone has been very helicopterish with their screen time, and if she has a chat program, she should know enough to recognize predatoryish chat on her own anyway at 12 (that's just my opinion though). Maybe replace "porn" with "adult", maybe replace "furries" with something else.

Discussion with her parents first is warranted if that's a thing.

Be prepared to hear that she knew it was a furry thing too... Probably not super likely, but she might have known what she was doing. My 2nd child told me at 10 years old that she was lesbian. She didn't fully understand the entirety of what she was saying, but she wasn't wrong, all her early crushes were girls and it wasn't "a phase" or anything. Assuming the amount of what they know can put you off your game real quick :) intelligence, curiosity, research ability all vary wildly from one kid to another.

If you go to an "estate sale", you'll generally find that everything not nailed down is being sold.

What will remain, that can't be carted off or removed, is the "real" estate. The land itself, the permanent structures.

It's why a house sale includes a bunch of information about things like appliances, mineral rights, the things that are being included that arent "real" components of the property, because they could conceivably be removed prior to closing, because purchasing "real estate" doesn't automatically include those things inherently, and you want all the estate that isn't "real property" to be codified.

Estate sale vs "real estate" sale, is the basic difference.

Jesus fucking Christ...

Is this to suggest that out of all the options in the DNC, Biden is not just the best one available, but the only person in the DNC capable of winning an election against fucking trump?!?

That is a hella sad implication.

It's kinda sad as well that after four years at the helm (arguably), the best the dude can go with as a campaign is to just drag out the same lame ass "I'm not trump" he ran on last time... Not that "I'm not trump" isn't worthy of a vote, it is in my opinion, but shit man, you can't hold up anything else, after 4 years?

Anyone know who's going on the libertarian ticket next year?

61 more...

Hol' up...

Prices for sugar were this high in 2011, so prices went up on sweets back then as well? Did they go back down and now they're going back up?

I bet they didn't...

If you're allowing a corporation to have it, you are giving de facto consent for government to collect it with zero regard for your rights whatsoever.

They have the greatest ability to buy it, the greatest ability to steal it, and a fairly unique ability to confiscate it.

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One item per bill.

This didn't have bipartisan support. This wasn't debated. Neither you nor I had any representation whatsoever on this issue, it was proposed by an obscure lobby group and someone tacked it onto something that actually mattered.

Who actually wants to buy a breathalyzer as a required option on a new car?

Not as bad as it was pre-covid, but yes, this is still definitely a fucking thing...

I appear to be immune to it, I'm retired military and went looking for work more as something to do than something to pay bills, and literally nobody gives me shit about anything, I have a very obvious no-fucks dispositon. I see how they treat coworkers though and seriously wonder how the fuck the state of what people believe individual liberty should be has gotten this fucked.

I literally watched someone hand over their cell phone to a manager so they could go through their Facebook messages a couple days ago... That manager has never even asked for my phone number, and I'm 100% certain she wouldn't ask for my phone. She just pushes certain people because she knows she can.

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Smashing toys during the holidays is a good look...

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...and they all logged in to make it happen...

My baconreader icon opens Lemmy. That's how you actually say fuck spez.


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Several people were shot Friday at the New Hampshire state psychiatric hospital, police said.

State police said there were “multiple victims” in an alert released via social media late Friday afternoon. Further details weren’t immediately available.








That was it... That was the whole article, verbatim...

EDIT - they're editing to add actual details, so I'm ok now :)

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options include the establishment of a digital ID system or services that can estimate an individual's age based on a visual scan of their face.

Oh yeah... I'm sure that won't cause any unintended issues at all...

We need laws addressing shit like "if you don't say no in 30 days, we'll take it as a yes"...

If you can get convicted of rape for assuming silence to be consent, then why the fuck does shit like this pass muster?

10 more...

Whatya mean? You can twitch combat games all day that show every component of the human body flying through the air, appendages, intestines, no problem. Just gotta make sure there's no nipples rendered on the flying parts...

Encephalitis is caused by viral infections. Our immune system usually suppresses said viruses, and HIV takes away the ability to suppress them.

This happens with a lot of illnesses... thrush, Tuberculosis, fungal infections. HIV allows a lot of stuff to have far worse impact than it normally would.

That's not quite the same as HIV causing them... Pedantic maybe, but since we're talking about words meaning things... ;)

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"we voted, you lost"

"No I didn't"

Thanks trump, now we got this stupid ass kindergarten playground political strat we get to deal with.

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The movie companies said they were not planning to go after these people in court

Worlds most prolific story tellers tellin stories;)

Direct vent to sewer gasses...

"It's mostly Maui Waui, but it's got some Labrador in it"

Gotta be a couple folks in here old enough to catch that one, right? ;)

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Right... But they spent $89m to prevent 104k in shrinkage...

If you're the executive at Walmart who handles loss prevention, and you put $89m into a program that reduces shrinkage by $104k, your new duty position becomes "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out". It's a gross mismanagement of public money, and while it was obviously glowed up considerably, that was what was implied In the title.

The lack of a comparison in overall losses specific to skipped fares before and after is a contemptible omission though, I'll definitely join you on that hill :)

Can't read the article (acts like it's paywalled but the paywall doesn't even come up,maybe ad blocking is borking it), but let me guess... Every time a show gets big, someone splits it off into a new sub service, and people are getting sick of that shit and pulling the plug on the people they pulled the plug on cable for...

My kids hit me up for yet another subscription last week, because they wanted to watch a show. I was very close to cancelling everything instead, and teaching them some slightly sketchy skills, but I took the "high road" on it. They're getting close to the age where that ain't gonna happen anymore though :)

Consolidate yo shit media dudes. You got a finite limit on how many pieces of the pie can exist. When the slices get too small because you cut it into too many slices, nobody buys a slice anymore...

8 more...

They wouldn't be conscious for more than two or three minutes, so the heat and causticity wouldn't matter much.

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Biden deserves some political reward for this good news, given that Donald Trump and many in his party...

Fucking election year, everybody fire up the spin. I hate politics :/

This is wildly better than whatever shit the repub propaganda machine is gonna fart out though, so I reckon I'll be avoiding Facebook and YouTube for a bit ;)

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That's like saying we should all drive faster to help identify shortcomings in traffic signals or vehicle safety features...

Sounds like a flimsy ass false pretense to chase profits. Just my opinion, mind, but that doesn't sound like something someone would posit at face value.

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Because a corporation can arrest, convict, and jail someone...

I think someone might be putting a little too much stock in a cease and desist letter

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Okay... Should congress likewise be allowed to pass laws without any oversight from the president or the courts?

Should the court not be constrained by the laws created by Congress and approved by the president?

(Just to be clear, that's a fuck no...)

What the hell do you mean half the population doesn't think checks and balances should be maintained? It's a very fundamental concept of our governmental structure... If you suspend the system if checks and balances, the partisanship we're currently struggling with becomes an absolute nightmare, for everybody... Imagine a president that can willingly ban whatever they don't like... A congress that can fund everything, or nothing, at will... Courts that can convict on feelings...

Y'all crazy

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Ya know, I read an article yesterday, and I saw the specific comment about scavino having posted that, and I recalled trump pulling a printout of that very tweet out of his pocket during an interview, and this exact thought occurred to me... That it wasn't even actually his tweet...

I didn't really think much of it tbh, but here it is as it's own headline lol.

Y'all know what interview I'm talking about right? Dude definitely claimed that tweet in his defense in that interview... Sham...

Edit- I found it...


They aren't actually plastic though... They're made of starch, as a biodegradable alternative to plastic.

Essentially, they're Cheetos

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