
1 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

So. Underpaid highschool teacher is held to a higher standard then checks notes ex-president(and traitor to) the united states.

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Yoga swing.

Anytime an adult asks what it is and I explain. They always - always always - assume its a sex swing.

Which, admittedly it could very well be if the wife wasn't so damn unwilling.

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"raped" they raped him. Even by americas fucked up definition of rape. Raped him. Why can't news just say 'they raped the man' always with weird innuendos.

The police are rapists. So easy to type. Almost flows off the keys.

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But when I post anything anti-genocide - I get banned from Facebook for being anti-Semitic?

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America. Are you ok? Blink twice if you need international help.

Or about just a friend from the north?

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How do you say freedom in fascist American?

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If you express grandiose delusions you should be sitting in a psychiatric chair. Not a senate chair.

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Now you gotta check for ticks.

Fucking ticks. Ruining my frolicking

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Not stupid answer :

After cremation - all metal artifacts are given back to the family should they want them.

I hope my kids take the titanium from my spine.

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about to make comment - checks sub-lemmy

Phew I almost said something serious on a silly sub.

Don't let this sensational headline fool you. These are not the 1% not even close.

I have never - ever - dropped a device off anywhere.

I have spent hours and hours learning new skills, trouble shooting, and engaging in forums with people who know better than me.

But just drop it off? Never.

Wait wait.

I dropped off my ps2 to get modded.

I dunno why I individually responded to people when I should've just done this.

It's because one of your peripherals is set to wake state. You can google how to figure that out.

I turned my mouse and keyboard off from this. The mouse will wake it even if you move it. So f that. Keyboard. Some. Keyboards will wake just by having an active transmission (so manually turn it off every time - no thanks)

Now I manually have to touch my power button to wake.

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I've only gotten MORE healthy and strong.

My sex drive hasn't gone down like media tells me

Retirement is a fantasy

When I look at homeless people I think 'that could be me in 4 months if I miss 2 weeks of work.

I'm always surprised this doesn't happen much more often - especially on shows like 'just for laughs - gags'

Like. Impersonating a police officer. How the fuck aren't these assholes in jail ?

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I'm on my 5th year with my Oneplus 6.

I suspect I'd I do a full wipe, a new OS and a fresh battery I should be able to keep it going for a couple more.

Phones plateaued for me. It runs fast. It holds more then enough data.

Camera is a little slow. I've been told to stop using the default camera app. But then the double click to open won't work.

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Almost as unfortunate as being an innocent man shoved to the ground and having the life literally squeezed from you.

Phone plateaued 5 years ago for the average user.

I have a one plus 6. I'm on it for hours everyday. Reading. Browsing. Listening. No gaming. Lots of pictures.

My online data ran out long before my phone data - for pictures.

Phone runs fast. No more updates so nothing changes on me anymore.

I have zero reason to update. Would I like a better camera? Sure. But not for 1200$ I don't.

Could my battery last longer? Yeah. Sure. But I can replace it if I want for 20-40$

My next phone will probably be a refurbished last Gen phone. Nothing more then 400 I imagine.

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That seems like good advice...

I guess I can't trust it. Since a stranger in the internet told me eh? Lol

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Can you image how impossible it will be to search reddit WITHOUT using search engines?

The reddit search functions a joke. Everything about it frustrates me.

After 7 years I still have no idea how to search my own inbox for posts that I know I have - but no idea when or where. If Google can't help me find them - they might as well not exist.

If reddit wants to die so badly - this is the way to do it!

Ummm. What's lemmy position on this? I havn't looked to hard at sync for lemmy opinions (indeed, I only have a few dozen posts / inbox messages) but If it's the same as it was for reddit. It's also not great.

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That's Exactly the woman I want teaching sex Ed.

We had a priest... Teaching sex Ed... That's like having a blind person instruct drivers Ed.

The reddit posts I saw made it seem WAY more complicated then it was.

It made it seem I was going to have to make dozens of different users. That it was going to be an issue posting to different instances. That I was going to need several programs to talk to eachother..

Mean while. I signed up. Sync told me. 'hey! You just got lemmy - I already work for that!' and here I am. Sometime I forget this isn't reddit.

Seriously. Whatever flyers you want to spread for reddit needs to show how EASY it is to come here.

Speaking of that. Do we lemmings have a dedicated post we can share to redditor who are ready to switch?

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My 56k modem would get 15kbps. What exactly is going on with grandmas connection?

She on Freenet or something? Is that even still around?

The legal system.

After having 3500 dollars worth of stuff stolen by my shit landlord. I went to court. Again And again And again And again.

Not accounting for my time, gas, parking, I spent over 5000.amd even after I "won" I still wound up goj back to court several times because this scum sucking asshole claims to be 100000 in debt to the government.

I hate the legal system more then I hate the guy who stole from me!

I'm confused. What the hell am I using on my ff if not extensions? (add ons)

I'm a little confused now.

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For 500$ it better work as a ma'adam in a brothel.

On mobile? Use Firefox.

On pc? Free tube.

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Cd bruner in the early 90s.

I paid 600$ cash for a 4 speed cd burner.

I made my money back in 6 weeks.

Everything after that was pure profit.

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One day my Oneplus 6 will stop working. Until then. It does everything I need it to. Lightning fast. Rooted and lightly optimised.

Camera could be faster. My only big complaint.

I'm always shocked that my battery still lasts me all day.

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95% of the games I play are on pc. With mods. Faster load screens. Better debugging by the community.

The 5% of games I don't get to play "new" will inevitably be developed for pc - by the companies themselves or some smart fan.

I figure consoles have another 25 years max before they are totally obsolete tech.

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If your boat is on fire. And has been for a while. And you start throwing water on it - but at the same time someones at the top of the boat are actively throwing gasoline everywhere - you aren't going to put out the fire.

Let's skip the middle man. Get rid of politicians. Use AI instead.

AI will not cave to threats or bribes. AI won't take million dollar salaries.

AI won't need billion dollar pissing contests to feel better about themselves.

AI won't hire their inept children to fuck shit up.

AI won't be as cold hearted... Wait. Scratch that one.

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America no!!

America : I'm over here...

Sorry, force of habit, Canada Noooo!

Now let's do it to an industry that deserves it. Cigarettes. Sugar. Opioids.

I heat my milk so I can eat a HOT breakfast like a human being.

I also always eat it at a table to avoid a -1 mood debuff.

Cold cereal? No thanks. I'd rather starve.

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Canada also has plans for if America ever invades them.

But why would they? Let some other country mine resources that you buy at a steal.

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"if you don't have any money - spend the money you don't have and move"

Might be the dumbest thing I've read ment as good advice.

Moving won't help the whole country is in the same sinking boat.

Fleeing the country costs even more money and time.

I'd wager more the 70% of people are stuck where they are. Whether they own a home or are renting.

Move. To where? Cuba? Most places don't want the average dumbed down north America.

Moving also men's leaving all your support groups, friends and family. You have any idea how hard and expensive it is to pack up and move someplace where you don't know anyone?

I believe that is "The O'Neal" actually.

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I hope he sold those national secrets for more then half a billion.

Edit: no I don't.

Apparently megagram is the correct term! Someone else was just posting about another metric question and they posted some historical reasons for why megagram never took off.

That car weighs in at 6 megagrams.
