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Every copy costs them money. Don't you know how digital copies work?!

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You left out the best part... The amount is often extremely low. Just a few grand to the old PAC that directly feeds their campaign which is just a slush fund for their personal use.

I thought Twitter rebranded to 69Boobies420 ?!

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Boss gets fired for blowing $15M on cloud platform per year for several years. New boss comes in and demands an audit. Turns out there's waste everywhere. New boss says reduce cost or else. New boss calls a meeting a month later to review cost savings plan. Platform owner proceeds to provide a presentation outlining how the platform costs will rise by 20% next year and at least 10% every year after for several years. Platform owner gets fired. Complains no one listens to him.

Really? I've seen it at least twice in the last minute.

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There is no extreme too extreme in the war against the verticles.

Why did you black out your private IP addresses?

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Literally zero changes to YT over the last few years have been positive.

It's not free, it's socialized. This means expenses are passed to the tax payers. But like you said, if it lowers costs long term, it's worth the short term cost increase.

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That's a terrible place to put them. They should be in large parking lots and garages where people leave their car for 30+ minutes.

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So there's this company that's been buying up about 30% of houses in many cities to turn them into rentals. They outbid everyone. That's a bigger issue than the few air bnb.

Great "technology" article.

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CAFE is killing the smaller vehicle. Vehicles are getting super round and boring for aerodynamics. Wheel base is getting longer. Track is getting wider. There's no such thing as a small truck. Everything is am SUV ("truck") or crossover (hatchback / station wagon). CAFE allows for less fuel efficiency for wider track and longer wheelbase and trucks over everything else.

Remember how VW got caught cheating on the mileage tests? Remember how every other major manufacturer was caught too?

The govt has set far too high of a standard for mileage, so car companies are making giant ass cars to meet (cheat) CAFE standards. The manufacturers have done everything they can but still can't meet the standards.

So do torrent sites.

As a premium subscriber, it's definitely gotten worse for me over the last month. Whatever they're doing on the back end, it's pretty terrible.

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What is a woman?

Clearly not that dude!

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Bruh that delay was because of the PLANDEMIC!!111!!


My G Shock is super reliable and will never need a battery. No way I'm swapping it out for some fragile piece of junk screen that mostly displays a clock that dies every few days.

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The company I work for was nice enough to give me a 5% COL increase last year. Groceries are 50% higher. Gas 25%. Insurance 20%. Clothing is definitely at least 10%. Restaurants about 20%.

But yeah.... My "real" wage is higher.

I'm guessing you also believe in Keynesian economics.

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My guess is ads don't work in cached pages.

First, sandvine calls it an app for legacy reasons, but 100% that is the bit torrent protocol. I have insider knowledge that this is the case. So don't get hung up on that. But you're right to doubt them. They are a shell of what they once were. Their fixed deployments are quite small now and do not represent fiber at all, which just hit over 50% in availability in dense US areas. Sandvine is still in Comcast at 100% coverage and in Cox, but they're tiny. Sandvine is a bit sparse in mobile, but still there solidly. I believe that bit torrent is rare in mobile. Like no shit. I believe them that it's down in fixed copper (dsl and cable). But they're missing 100% of fiber. Sandvine does pattern recognition primarily. It used to be great. I suspect it's still pretty good. They claim better than 90% accuracy. I'm sure the data they have is correct. But what they get from their customers is definitely questionable at times. They've made some huge mistakes in the past, grabbing data for too short a period of time or not across a broad enough customer base. I'm sure that's still the case. What we need is someone like Kentik, Deepfield, and anyone else doing flow correlation to release a report. But they won't because no company gives away that kind of data anymore. So we're stuck guessing.

I wouldn't call Kia nor Hyundai nor Toyota nor Honda anything close to pseudo luxury. Has the bar been lowered because of all the plasticated electronics and DUAL ZONE AC?

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Horse shit.

Sandvine still released traffic reports. So does Cable Labs.

Maybe attempted connections, but not volume / tonnage / bytes.

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Seems like a way to check for attention. Not clicking the skip indicates you're not actually watching. The benefit to them is probably more ad revenue.

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I'm sure op is part of some giant sales org.

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Were but not anymore!

Blazing Saddles.

But Snatch and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels are a really great pair of movies.

YouTube Podcasts coming to the YouTube Music app delivered to you by the Google Play game delivery app!

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Fun fact: Only heterosexuals produce atypical sexual people.

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That cannot happen until the dinosaurs in power vacate the positions. Hopefully they are not replaced with new corrupt twats. D & R, they are an embarrassment and do not represent the regular citizen.

Former govt IT employee here. Trust me, you really don't want the govt in charge of media platforms. So what's the alternative? Well, at least in the USA, we have this idea of publishers and platforms baked into law, however, it's mostly ignored because right now because the govt and media are on the same side. (Heyoo! The fourth estate aligns with the fifth column.) What we need is to fortify that idea AND entrench net neutrality into a formal perpetual law AND codify all wireless and wired communications as public utilities.

The spike is first thing in the morning, before work. The gradual increase is home after work. The later it gets, the higher the consumption.

I did some data analysis a few years ago on porn consumption for a project at work. People are insanely addicted.

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I'm sorry but you're wrong here. Kids need to learn that everyone is different and everyone is not treated the same. The oft liar is never trusted. The fat kid is probably the one that stole the candy. The nerdy kid probably did most of the group work. If you get good grades, the teacher gives you more slack in some areas.

And your example sucks. Putting your head down and "listening" is not the same thing as sitting up and paying attention to a lecture but not taking notes.

Don't get me wrong. I see where you're coming from and agree generally, but on academics, there's too many different ways to learn. Whatever someone figures out that works best for them should be left to that if their marks are good every evaluation.

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Lack of competition, manufacturing consolidation, and inflation.

Which makes the Ocean movies hilarious with the super advanced Greko security system.

Pedestal mounts suck. Too wobbly.

If only there was some sort of legal agreement that should and could be reached when the govt wants to use some private platform to communicate something important to people. If only.

Look up Edison Motors. A literal logger in Canada is beating out every truck company with investors. People are excited and lining up to buy them (logging companies anyway).

What he's doing with logging trucks can be done with tractors.

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Too late. Already is.