Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

Lee to – 1009 points –
Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

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The spike is first thing in the morning, before work. The gradual increase is home after work. The later it gets, the higher the consumption.

I did some data analysis a few years ago on porn consumption for a project at work. People are insanely addicted.

I did some data analysis a few years ago on porn consumption for a project at work. People are insanely addicted.

Can you share some more details?

Not without violating a bunch of NDAs. Lookup Sandvine and Deepfield. There are other companies that do traffic identification too.

If you're just curious about what I worked on, ask away and I'll answer what I can.

Im just shocked because this can really pass for some crappy smart watch ECG tracing. I see what resembles P waves, then the QRST is spot on, really.

Maybe it's in the morning, when 3rd shift gets off (ayyyy) and then rises as the majority of people don't work 3rd shift?

That came up on discussions. Maybe, but not enough info to know with any certainty that it was post night shift wanking. That was a fun conversation with executives.