Germany Will Force 80% of Gas Stations to Install EV Charging, Too to – 871 points –
Germany Will Force 80% of Gas Stations to Install EV Charging, Too

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That's a terrible place to put them. They should be in large parking lots and garages where people leave their car for 30+ minutes.

You're not spending 30+ minutes charging on modern EV's (maybe some cheap crappy ones IDK)...I spent my summer holiday driving around Europe for 3 weeks, and charging stops were always <25min from leaving the highway to back on the highway. The actual charging time was often so short that we barely had time to get the kids to the bathroom and back before the car was ready to drive for another couple of hours. Having them at gas stations in Germany, where there's almost always a decent level of amenities (at least along the highway) is just fine and makes perfect sense.

it's not, what about the handicapped who need assistance? Gas station has those.

  • all the amenities that are at the gas station so you can do stuff during your 15 minute charge,

this should be done along major roads everywhere

Though I'd agree simple 230v (since it's the EU) charging in many places is something that should be a focus too, mainly at workplaces and stuff like that where people spend a lot of time

I think the naysayers don't live in Germany, or at least are not used to the idea of mixed use neighbourhoods.

Most gas stations have some building with a (or multiple) shops which could easily be adjusted to slow moving chillin car charging peoples (no offense, I’m one as well).

We want them at office car parks, super market car parks, restaurant car parks, etc. Anywhere you going to leave your car for hours. It doesn't need to be rapid.

In the future, when cars are largely V2X, while just sat there, they can be local power stage. Buying and selling power, making you money and smoothing the grid.

Cars are sat most of their lives. While sat, they should be plumbed in and their huge batteries made use of.