
1 Post – 402 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm glad that had a happy ending and sorry that happen. Autolock is so dangerous.

You can pay to have less ad, but you're still also paying with your data. Bet pretty soon it will be pay and have ads, or pay more again. They have a captive market. They can extract and extract.

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Seriously, no one is going to mention "Right To Repair"? If this was law, and companies had to divulge how there stuff worked and was assembled, as well as sell parts, things would last longer. If every trade zone had a repairablity index, competition would make things last longer still.

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And forced the hardware obsolescence nightmare.

And the big tech surveillance nightmare.

And the nightmare of the war on general purpose computers. (OK, that is more GNU and GPLv3)

And a few other nightmares!

Well done Uruguay.

Nope. The vandalism is by the troll farms and a weapon of the quiet information war waging against reality.

This is economics now, not politics. US can go full crazy Trump, but the grid will just keep getting greener as greener is cheapest. He can rant and rave about global warming being a conspiracy or anything else, but it's unstoppable now.

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This isn't an excuse to not recycle. The problem is not the very idea of recycling, but that things aren't made with it in mind. Everything should be designed for reuse, repair and recycling.

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"Demo magic", it's everywhere. Always has been, always will be.

The problem with mob justice is lack of due process. It frequency gets the wrong person as it can't be reasoned with.

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Or any other service, that like Twitter, is a closed for profit service of a multinational for profit corporations.

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Maybe they mean pigeon to make it sound like he isn't able to be a seagull manager. Like he's trying to be a seagull manager, but only managed pigeon manager. A quiet insult.

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There no hate speech laws this breaks? He's literally calling for violence on a group of people.

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Enshitification gold rush continues. It's like now there is a word for it, all these companies are exploring how they can do it.

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Some of us use FOSS because of access to the source and the benefits of an all FOSS system. Not because it's zero cost. This list is just zero cost and some happen to be FOSS.

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It's data that could have value, so I doubt they don't store it. I think the movie studios didn't offer enough. Or Reddit thought it was too damaging for this particular sale.

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It should be ordinary. But it isn't. Which means the market stagnants as competition basically stops. Like how Microsoft basically closed IE development when IE "won" the browser market by achieving monopoly.

The main problem is political not technical. The market had been allowed to become a duopoly and too many critical things now need an app on an Android or Apple phone. The worse I know is banks needing an app for authentication for their online banking. No separate security device anymore, those are ewaste apparently.

Public EV chargers where you can only control them from an app.

Riding book at theme parks. The cases are growing. Even the app is just wrapper of hidden web page!

Frankly I think regulation is required to get competition in the market. Not the only tech one either. Why is it so hard for law makers to see monopoly in tech?

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It's even cars, dishwashers, cookers, and other white goods now. They can't open even their APIs "because of security". Each one has their protocols to their own servers. If you get any access, it's via their cloud/servers. WHEN they abandon those devices, stop supporting their protocols on their servers, any smarts are crippled. It's just so short sighted. So vendor locking. So anti repair. So anti digital freedom. It's plain monopolistic digital serfdom. Purely software, on pure computers, is yesterday's battle front.

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More enshitification.

Linux has been on ARM since the 90s and Acorn days. Russell King is a large name to thank for the maturity of Linux on ARM.


I've been here a week or two now. It's going better than Voat did for me when I last tried to leave Reddit. That was full of alt-right crazies basically, but so far here, people have been lovely.

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From my perspective the biggest thing wrong with FreeCAD is that it's a single threaded app in a multicore world. If you load large stuff, the app freezes and one core is working really hard for a while.

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If you're on Lemmy, you almost certainly understand the problem and know how to acturally own digital stuff.

The problem is all the normies who can't even see the problem. We need everyone to be protected by law and it all to be citizen oriented. As the moment, it's all stacked in favour of exploitive multinational companies. Maybe ever was it so, but we need to fight that.

We treat it as a tech problem, something to work round, but it's a political problem and we need to solve it politically.

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What worries me is that combined with anti immigrants sentiment. I fear beaches of dead as people are prevented from fleeing. I read a SciFi with that and it chilled me as I can see it happening.

LibreDraw is pretty good at opening PDFs. It's one way it's better than Inkscape. PDFArranger is good for adding and removing pages.

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Great. All technologies that bring down CO2 emissions are needed.

As long as people get rid of their dino juice cars, who cares.

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But increasingly the batteries are glued in.

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You give people unchecked power over other people, and it will be abused. Occupying armies, prisons, police, clergy, you name it.

We just aren't nice monkeys. So power has to be transparent and accountable.

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That why we need regulators. The market doesn't magically deal with "Tragedy of the Commons".

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Yer, they got experimented on by free market maximalist. All regulations to no regulations. All public to all private, in a big fire sale. Those with money bought everything and became a new super rich ruling class. There was, understandable push back from that mess, but it swang too far back to authoritarian; but now with a new class of super rich calling the shots. Like Putin.

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Putin will want it over. It's an embarrassment to him that Ukrainians don't want him and have resisted him so effectively.

Ah! That makes sense. I was on world news of Lemmy.ml and the comments where full of nutters and/or troll farms. It was like gote/gout (or whatever it was called), another Reddit alternative I've tried that seamed to fill Nazis kicked off Reddit. I unsubscribed and blocked.

Edit: Voat! That was it.

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From the 80s

Pretty sure any AR-glasses from the megacorps will add ads to real life soon enough. Any AR-glasses not from megacorp will be bought out to shut them down. Not like there is functional antitrust.

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To be fair, that is true of a lot of dropship stuff on Amazon and EBay already. Claiming EC marking and the like they just don't meet. The EU needs to come down hard on these market platforms. It's unfair on legitimate manufacturers and bad/unsafe for consumers.

The antifeature of DRM anyone? Wanting open source that you can keep running, up to date and secure, as long as you want?