3 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

12 million? Pfft. Just a small fraction of that is more than fine. My wife makes ~$150k a year as a therapist and I am indeed happily that guy. Throw in home school, playing with the kids, running errands, and handling other parental and spousal duties that pop up.

Is it tiring? Yes, quite often. Is it stressful? Yes, sometimes. Is it worth it? Hell yeah.

Do I miss work since I “retired” almost two years ago? Hell no.

As long as life’s basics are covered and there’s a little extra play money it’s all worth it.

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Before becoming a stay-at-home dad, I was a state investigator (and a police officer prior to that). I investigated medical doctors and nurses on behalf of their respective state licensing boards, investigating things like application fraud, substandard care, unprofessional conduct, and drug diversion.

My tech skills are limited to building a PC and basic troubleshooting.

My wife is a therapist and she’s considering making the jump from Reddit to Lemmy.

Fuck spez.

It’s called the Herman Cain Award.

This is next level psychotic. Nightmarishly cruel. Typical of Putin and his barbaric Russian horde, sadly.

“I WiLL nOt BeCoMe a ShEeP!”

[breathes on strangers while running errands, spreads COVID, kills vulnerable people in their community]

Good. Go home, orcs.

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I would say there’s a 99.9% chance that traitorous pathologically-lying coward won’t take the stand.

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If anyone got a screenshot of that, please post.

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There are three federal criminal cases—that we know of anyway. There may be more ongoing investigations.

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It’s so incredibly fucked up that we ever made it so convicted felons cannot vote. I say that as a former cop and former Republican turned staunch liberal.

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This is maximum cruelty by a psychopath.

I’ve had five vacations and I’m almost 40. Only three as an adult.

Pure greed. :-(

I’m just excited to see Lemmy approach critical mass. Over 410k members and counting.

I’m 36 but a tech potato.

I can build a computer and do basic troubleshooting. That’s about it.

At this point just investigate the entire SCOTUS and let the cards fall where they may. If all need removed when the dust settles, so be it.

I hemmed and hawed for a few months but what brought me to my decision to leave my career was the extra thousands of hours I would get with my kids as they grow up. That time is just SO much more valuable than money.

Sure, we could make ~250k a year combined, aggressively invest, and enjoy a lavish lifestyle in our 50’s. But at what cost?

So, I spend my days with the kids and my wife works from her in-home therapy office—with dialed-back hours to enjoy 3-day weekends with us. One day we will retire comfortably enough to get a decent RV, travel 1-2x a year, and dig into hobbies. And the trade off for less wealth? We’ll have rock solid relationships with our children with so many fond memories of their childhood—far more than we’d have if we both spent 40+ hours a week working.

As I’m sure you know, it’s an extremely fortunate position to be in. If you choose to resign and take the plunge into SAHD life you can always return to work if you decide it’s just not for you. Good luck!

Oh, and one more thing: I have a book recommendation. I think it should be mandatory reading for all parents. It’s called ‘Playful Parenting: An Exciting New Approach to Raising Children That Will Help You Nurture Close Connections, Solve Behavior Problems, and Encourage Confidence’ by Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D. I’m almost done with it. My kids are 7 and 15; I wish I read it years ago but it is what it is.

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Here in Alaska you can have a cell line, 500mbps, and unlimited data for $125.

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We need a team to collaborate and make a large ad for Lemmy.

Demilitarizing the Russian fascists is going relatively well. Slava Ukraini.

That’s bloody brilliant. I hope it’s implemented soon.

A very long period of time in which pigs dominate the planet.

Nightmare fuel.

This is more than mildly infuriating. It’s sad this is actually common in our society. People like that need a lot of therapy, not romantic relationships.

Ain’t that the truth (I’m a former cop).

Power washer.

Gotta be a little stressful when rambunctious kids are near fragile exhibits. 😝

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I like how you accidentally replied four times and people upvoted all of them.

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Yeah, could be. But in any case, I upvoted all of them as well. Cheers!

( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

Nice! Thank you!

I like that thought better than mine tbh.

Thank you for your service.

I often nervously wonder what will happen when society hits the post-growth phase and worry about what will happen to the stock markets since our retirement depends on it.

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Thanks for this! I will dig into those references over the weekend. Hopefully they provide a little peace of mind. Cheers.

Agreed. Super fucked up.

My bad, I should have added that it’s conjecture on my part but I suspect the Feds are also investigating him for defrauding his donors to “stop the steal,” to the tune of ~$250 million. But yes, two confirmed federal cases. Good call.