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Joined 11 months ago

What Israel does is as you described. But can we please not use whataboutism to try and justify barbaric behavior? This is grotesque. Things done to Palestine are grotesque. Let’s just call evil things evil and not try and say “hey cause someone else did an evil this evil is okay.”

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This is somewhat misleading. According to that Wikipedia page, just using the US estimates, Ukraine has had 70k deaths and Russia has had 120k+. While these are similar in that they both round to 100k perhaps, Russia has almost double the Ukrainian military personnel losses.

War is miserable, but I don’t think Ukraine is losing military personnel by nearly the same clip that Russia is.

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MultiLogin is a Chromium feature that can be abused to compromise a user's Google account. The "bug" was unveiled by a malware developer known as PRISMA in October 2023. The cyber-criminal shared details about a critical exploit designed to generate persistent cookies for "continuous" access to Google services, even after a user's password reset.

Oof. Another good reason to use Firefox I guess?

Fish don’t really swim, they are flying through the water.

This is such a bad look for Apple. Like we get it, you’re a trillion dollar dragon sitting on your horde. But like, dude, innovate instead of sitting there. You shouldn’t be afraid of side loading. Steam has shown that if your experience is the best, you can do fine. Apple just realizes they wouldn’t have the best App Store experience and would lose revenue. Tough shit.

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Solvents and other residues can off gas over weeks and months (or possibly longer) without any burning.

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Saying “this is almost as bad” establishes a comparison, and in the context establishes justification for this event because of the comparator. So your response to the barbarism here is a tacit justification by comparison, or taken in another view, a counter accusation. Which is definitive whataboutism: responding to an accusation with a counter accusation.

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If taxes are robbery then using public infrastructure like roads without paying taxes is also theft.

Taxes exist because public goods are actually good, and benefit everyone. The sum of the parts is greater than the individual parts. Your taxes pay for roads and public transit which are used to get people to work to create wealth for a community. It turns out the thing that makes humans great is community and banding together. Taxes are a formal way of doing that.

Now, we need equitable taxes, but that would involve taxing the rich proportionally. This is economically sound because wealth doesn’t trickle down and the mega wealthy are, well, mega wealthy because they hoard wealth. That money would be better spent creating better roads, better public transit, better education, or in short, a better community. The prospect of a better community only upsets those who are not members of the community, because their insane wealth puts them in a different class, and those who think defending that class will somehow get them privilege. The only privilege we need is a better community.

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It doesn’t lead us to the same place but slower, at least not everywhere. One party has rolled back abortion protections, equal rights protections, bans books, and a host of other regressive policies. Democrats didn’t do that. Democrats might keep status quo, but the Republican agenda is literally to move us backwards to a worse place (though if they wanna move us back to when the highest marginal tax rate was 90% I could be onboard with that part at least).

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I mean if he broke the law and there is enough evidence to get a conviction amongst a jury of his peers then, like, yeah, go for it. I don’t want any president or any citizen to be able to claim immunity just because they held political office for some period of time. Like if you can’t lead the country legally then don’t lead it? Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time or some platitude.

SoRA is a generative video model, not exactly a large language model.

But to answer your question: if all LLMs did was redirect you to where the content was hosted, then it would be a search engine. But instead they reproduce what someone else was hosting, which may include copyrighted material. So they’re fundamentally different from a simple search engine. They don’t direct you to the source, they reproduce a facsimile of the source material without acknowledging or directing you to it. SoRA is similar. It produces video content, but it doesn’t redirect you to finding similar video content that it is reproducing from. And we can argue about how close something needs to be to an existing artwork to count as a reproduction, but I think for AI models we should enforce citation models.

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Then they can vote against the bill. But they should get the opportunity.

Additionally, laws that curb unbridled greed at the cost of consumers isn’t a burdensome regulation for the people, it’s actually relieving the burden. Just like you can’t make defective products that kill people. That’s not a burden on the people, it saves people’s lives and yes costs a company, but a burden on a company is not equivalent to a burden on the people.

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Please give me recommendations of oat milk that tastes good. I’ve been desperately looking and/or hoping for bacterial production to kick off to make it more environmentally sustainable, but I haven’t found anything that tastes remotely as good (on its own or in a latte). I drink ultrafiltered milk for what it’s worth, usually 2% so I don’t need the creamy aspect, I just like the flavor.

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I think in general the goal is not to stuff more information into fewer qubits, but to stabilize more qubits so you can hold more information. The problem is in the physics of stabilizing that many qubits for long enough to run a meaningful calculation.

I think if they were involved it will backfire on them. The reality is it is now going to be a lot easier, and the military-industrial complex is extremely eager, to put aid for Israel as a joint package in aid with Ukraine. Net result may be that aid is enhanced for both nations.

Edit: that said they do want Iranian drones. I could see them supporting it from that perspective and also happy to run their misinformation campaigns for them to dry and drive a wedge.

Sure just like Hawaiian people could go back to the upper 48. You know just abandon their home, their livelihoods, their communities. No big deal surely to just give an aggressor nation whatever they want at the cost of all your worldly possessions.


From before the paywalled section:

‘’’ “Suddenly, there is all this talk about underground shelters, about fleeing, and this makes this crisis feel more real. But if we leave, can we come back? Or will Yonaguni be wiped out?” asks Mr Otake, wondering if he will be able to hand down the business to his 14-year-old son. ‘’’

Later it mentions there are 1.4 million people in the potential war theatre zone. And yes the plan is to move them back to the mainland if they can, but that’s a monumental task to move that many people across disparate, disconnected islands, to say nothing of the potential impact of trying to integrate 1.4 million people into local communities.

Yes, and he’ll do the old “force austerity to temporarily drive up profit margins for a quarter or two, then once it’s clear the next quarter will be crap, sell all of the stock that was awarded (auspiciously with a very short vesting window, if not just given outright)”

Typical bs, probably worth shorting this stock over the next year or so

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Right but your wages are shit now because they didn’t keep track with corporate profits. Inflation is only bad for you because it somehow didn’t cause any inflation in labor costs. So the question you should be asking is, why is everything but your labor costing more?

The problem is the wealthy. And it will be, if history is any guide, until the only thing left for people to eat that aren’t wealthy, is the wealthy.

Wait so your argument is that because we lag good ideas elsewhere they must not be good ideas? So by definition a place like South Africa should never have abolished apartheid because obviously if their people wanted it then they would’ve done it within 3 years of the first abolishment of such a system?

If someone wants to put it on a ballot, let them put it on a ballot and decide. If the will of the people is that their privacy is worth more than a companies bottom line, that is the choice of the people.

It is tiny, but far more parity in terms of arms and the whole being an island thing makes it exponentially harder to invade than say, a country you share a a land border with including roads leading you to where you want to go.

Guy Person is a racist troll.

Databricks is in the top 35% of similar companies in terms of diversity. So really I guess if they were trying to say this was an achievement without people of color and diversity I’d guess they just self owned themselves since in fact it’s considered diverse in its field.

Edit: I shouldn’t use gender assumption language even though guy is fairly gender neutral where I am (you guys).

Double edit for a source:

This is only partially true. Due to things like Henrietta Lacks cells (HeLa cells for those working in cell culture), we actually have informed consent around this. They can’t just use your samples for not consented collection purposes (though in some cases, the further testing may fall under the original consent)

HHS rules note:

“If the tissues are identifiable, then subjects must provide consent for the secondary use and that consent must cover the elements of consent in 21 CFR 50.25.”

That really only applies to healthcare providers covered under FDA and HIPAA regs.

Obligatory not a lawyer etc.

They’ll almost surely attempt this, but it will be much less clear cut on it. There’s federal law against discriminating on the basis of genetics, so they can’t explicitly charge more for it.

But you better believe it’ll be a component in a deep learning insurance adjustment model that charges you more and just tells you the model says so — I’d expect this to occur and a court case to happen.

This so much. People need to recondition that entertainment is not news, and news should not be entertainment. News should be description of noteworthy (even if boring) factual events. A presumptive presidential candidate talking about violating the constitution of the United States, that is noteworthy; maybe not unexpected in this case, but noteworthy.

We need to be less entertained by news and more informed by news. Tell me what presidential candidates are saying in the most mundane terms possible. Anything beyond the barest oblique (as opposed to direct) fact or factual description should be eschewed.

Ignoring the ad hominem in your post, I never said Hamas was Palestine. I said that things done to Palestine are grotesque. I said this action by Hamas was grotesque, and replying to the original commenter that it was “almost as bad” as heinous acts done by the recipient of this evil act does not justify this evil act.

And the Holocaust has literally nothing to do with this discussion, as you mention. Better to make your point would be to actually discuss whataboutism as a definition and provide discussion for why making a counter accusational justification doesn’t qualify as whataboutism (note: the definition of whataboutism is literally responding to an accusation with a counter accusation in an attempt to side step the issue, which I believe is exactly what happened here, eg “this evil act (the accusation) is actually not that bad because of the other evil acts of Israel (counter accusation)”).

So my argument still stands to the tenets by definition, I never equated Hamas to Palestine (and in fact made the same point that acts done to them were also horrible), and never defended Israel or Hamas. I just don’t believe that killing civilians, or committing war crimes or attempting terror campaigns, is justifiable (by either side).

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Or the Oxford definition:

what·a·bout·ism /ˌ(h)wədəˈboudizəm/ nounBRITISH the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.

Edit: downvoting the actual definition from two external, highly authoritative sources that support my previous comments is certainly an interesting choice

I never equated LLMs to intelligence. And indexing the data is not the same as reproducing the webpage or the content on a webpage. For you to get beyond a small snippet that held your query when you search, you have to follow a link to the source material. Now of course Google doesn’t like this, so they did that stupid amp thing, which has its own issues and I disagree with amp as a general rule as well. So, LLMs can look at the data, I just don’t think they can reproduce that data without attribution (or payment to the original creator). is a little better in this regard because it does link back to sources and is attempting to be a search engine like entity. But OpenAI is not in almost all cases.

This is why you also have laws in place to protect the core functioning of an entity. It’s why even with an absolute hack trying to undermine it, the USPS still delivered mail almost completely uninterrupted (despite the losing of sorting machines, which was about all that stooge could do to hinder the USPS).

I’d much rather federal and local municipalities run fiber options. If you’re using a utility pole, you should be subject to utility regulations full stop. And compared to having a locally monopolistic private corporation that has much more unilateral freedom to do super shady shit, I’d really prefer an entity that at least can have government oversight and associated required disclosures.

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I think Russia probably encouraged this, but I think it’s another miscalculation. America is set up at this point to fight proxy wars. Now all that happens is Israel weapons gets added as a line item alongside Ukraine on a defense budget bill that’s now easier to pass. So they may have been involved or just encouraged, but I think it’s gonna backfire.

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What games do you play in particular that is abysmal on Linux?

Passing AP bio is a long way off from an MD, it’s just intro college bio. Still, the first part of the comment is fair, I think

Well they’d argue that the money they put in is taxed, presumably because it was income and subject to income tax. So any income used to assess tax, they’d argue is taxed.

I’d just argue any income (including from capital gains) should be taxed according to your wealth. I don’t care if it has already been assessed for tax. If it’s income, and you already have excessive wealth, you should be paying a hefty tax. The point of taxes is redistribution of wealth and communal improvement (eg infrastructure) so I really don’t care if something is taxed once twice or more times, I care that wealth is taxed and used for public good.

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This is a really bad look. It will probably be the case that it will be an opt in feature, and maybe Apple negotiates that Google gives them a model they house on premises and don’t send any data back on, but it’s getting very hard for Apple here to claim privacy and protection (and not that they do a particularly good job of that unless you stop all their telemetry).

If an LLM is gonna be on a phone, it needs to be local. Local is really hard because the models are huge (even with quantization and other tricks). So this seems incredibly unlikely. Then it’s just “who do you trust to sell your data for ads more, Apple or Google?” To which I say neither, and pray Linux phones take off (yes yes I know root an Android and de google it but still).

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Not even a summary of what’s on Wikipedia, usually a summary of the top 5 SEO crap webpages for any given query.

Ah thank you, will just block — appreciate the heads up!

I think the Creative Commons would fail to apply to the source material, but using the source material should be fair use in almost every context on Lemmy.

I mean you can model a neuronal activation numerically, and in that sense human brains are remarkably similar to hyper dimensional spatial computing devices. They’re arguably higher dimensional since they don’t just integrate over strength of input but physical space and time as well.

So the real / original answer to this was the idea that we should avoid double taxation. If you were taxed on income already, and then invested that income which is now post tax, that capital gains then should be less taxed (or some argue not taxed) because you already paid taxes on it.

I’m of the opinion that I think taxes should be based on any income you make, based on the wealth you have. Source of income for the wealthiest should be irrelevant (and yes this includes in my mind realizing gains from stocks by borrowing against them).

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While this is true, I also kind of doubt that Reddit isn’t just one mistake away from accidentally deleting an old db and losing the historical data. So it may in fact mess up their ability to sell the data.

Also potential GDPR violations etc if you’re in the EU

Eh, I’d personally just get a more ergonomic vertical mouse, wired if you need the absolute lowest latency. Much easier to come by and they’re cheap. I used an evoluent I think it was wireless mouse for DotA2 when I played it ranked years ago, and I found it more than capable to climb the ranks with it. I also have a Logitech gaming mouse, for comparison.

Some vertical mice can easily be found on Amazon or anywhere really. Logitech makes one (it’s okay) and a few others as well.

Conversely, if just looking for more ergonomics, you could try a hyperlight mouse with a good gliding wrist wrest.