Valve To Steam Deck Owners: Stop Huffing Its Vent Fumes to Not The – 571 points –
Valve To Steam Deck Owners: Stop Huffing Its Vent Fumes

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Solvents and other residues can off gas over weeks and months (or possibly longer) without any burning.

100% the same as the "new car smell"

My favorite smell after baby smell.

Nothing beats new baby head smell, I really don't understand why they smell so pleasant. We recently had another baby (2nd child) and I'd forgotten how nice it was.

That baby smell triggers oxytocin which acts similar to the reward chemicals someone might get from drugs but also kicks off tribalistic reactions in the human brain.

Baby smells get you high and promote warlike behavior and ethnocentrism.

There's someone somewhere right now thinking how can they use this to turn a profit in a probably distopian way.

Isn't that basically what happens every time politicians tell people to vote against their own interests and say it's "to protect the children?"