1 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mean, the #1 reason is because it makes it taste like banana.

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For some of us, the joy of good food is the only reliable joy we have.

I think it sounds more like a bunch of men feeling threatened by the fact that women find being attracted to imaginary women a pretty big turn off.

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Besides all the reasons other commenters have said, it's because mental health is a pseudo-social phenomenon among teens.

Having a mental illness gets them attention, online and in person. I have two teens, and even though both have diagnosed mental illness due to trauma from their other parent, they still seek, discuss, and revel in self-diagnoses.

If a friend claims to have something, they rush to the internet to do "research," and begin exhibiting "symptoms." Same thing is true with other labels.

We have a dearth of parenting, due to needing two incomes to make a household run. Adult attention is scarce, so teens make up for it with wild claims and garnering attention from other teens. The internet makes it easy to model behaviors. So yes, there is an increase in mental illness, but not the kinds, nor for the reasons the internet would have us believe.

A grumpy old person because I'm too exhausted to plan a costume, and I don't know how to have fun.

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Wouldn't that be all Kraft Singles ever?

It would be nice if men learned that attraction doesn't have to mean objectification, and that real women are way better than a cobbled together Frankenstein "perfect" monster woman.

I mean, 99% of these men would have zero chance with a woman half as attractive. They seriously need to start figuring out what WOMEN find attractive instead of wasting their time with empty fantasies if they want to get a real relationship someday.

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My brother and I used to play a game called Splatterhouse on Turbografx-16. It was humorously horrifying, given the highly pixellated gore on screen.

Next time, try "what difference does it make?" or if you don't want to be confrontational, "It's medically necessary."

You shouldn't have to feel anxious just for getting a meal.

Definitely caramelized onions and roasted garlic. Especially on anything red meat or potato. Totally worth the time.

Probably because those of us in the more flexible areas of the Kinsey scale are leaning away from men in light of everything.

I find it unattractive to use logical fallacies like ad hominem to try to attack someone because of feeling threatened. But I do find it amusing when such fallacies fall so short. I don't care if I'm attractive to you. I have much more important things to be. Being unattractive to people who would find AI attractive is something I'm rather proud of. It means I'm doing something right.

Fortunately for one of us, insecurity actually isn't one of my faults, or my feelings would be almost as hurt as yours seem to be.

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No, that's you projecting. This isn't men finding women attractive. It's men finding a bunch of pixels on a screen attractive. They aren't real women. If someone is attracted to something that isn't real, or to nothing more than an appearance, that's a problem. And someone else has every right to find that a major turn-off.

If that's what male sexuality is, male sexuality is kind of disgusting. I, personally, think that's NOT intrinsic to men, and that men can be better and more interesting than that.

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Pandora is supposed to be paid ad-free, but you can't pick specific songs, I think.

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Two thoughts: this is mind-blowing AND there's no possible way this could go wrong, right? Right?!?

Everything you said is so true.

I rarely comment with this (Beehaw) handle, because so many men see an opposing point of view as an excuse to school me on being nice. It's NOT MEAN to refuse to accept someone telling you what you meant. It's NOT MEAN to have an opinion while female. And if it is mean, then I'm happy to be mean.

He's clearly guilty of discharging, but it may not be found malicious, given the other verdicts.

You probably actually wouldn't when it's 5 times more expensive.

I would suggest looking around for female leaders at your company

Thank you. My friend and boss's boss was the only female leader in my part of the company, and she recently passed away from cancer. It's been hard missing my mentor on top of dealing with this.

I really appreciate the rest of your advice. I don't think my softening behaviors sabotage me, in fact it's when I forget them to focus on the problem that I get in trouble. But maybe I should think more about that.

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Yes, the "I think" is exactly the type of thing I meant about self- deprecating behaviors. I am not good at naturally soft language, but it's exhausting to be constantly trying to monitor that.

Thank you so much for being a sounding board.

If you think rolked oats are better than instant, wait until you try steel cut.

now there is no uncomfortable peace with these people

So true! I have a lot of anxiety about keeping my job. I was laid off twice in one year (first for not folding on my desired career path, second for a company acquisition) shortly after having my second baby and going through a divorce from an abuser, so I don't deal well with work conflict any more. I'm the only earner in the house, and I'm not sure I'm mentally well enough to handle another "layoff." So I'm in the folding mode, but it's hurting my already fragile mental health.

The self-deprecating tools are things like helping someone else come up with my idea so it doesn't come from me, making it clear that I'm just advising, asking leading questions, small talk, etc. I know they aren't great, but it's hard to let go of things that have protected you. I'm way too blunt for my own good, naturally. I'm looking into the possibility that I am autistic, after that possibility was raised.

I was going to respond, but you said it so much better than I could have.

The tension between liability and control is real.

Weren't they saying this back in the 90s?

Just this week, I sat across from a male psychologist while he asked me if I'd reported abuse my daughter went through at the hands of her dad.

No, I didn't.

First, she didn't say anything until years later, when she no longer had to see him.

Second, the second time I did report something, I was told to stop causing trouble between me and my ex spouse, or I'd lose custody of the kids. I was terrified of being able to protect them even less.

Third, each time I reported cost me thousands of dollars I didn't have because he retaliated through the courts.

So no, I haven't reported anything since then. And yes, I'm ashamed. But shame or not, I don't know what I could have done differently.

The courts truss women like pigs and roast them on a spit for even hinting at trying to protect their kids, then skewer them again when they don't.

I am fairly faithful, though more liberal than many in my faith. My kids have come out to me maybe a dozen times in total, and have been disappointed every time because I didn't go crazy on them. Most religious people don't hate LGBTQ, even if they also don't agree with some of it. Most religious parents love their children AND their faith, and are willing to let their kids make their own choices.

Don't let a vocal few and their media response cause you to try to squish your parents into a box. They can love you and not love your choices, but also support you making them. Not everything is black and white. If you have kids, some day your kids will subscribe to ideologies you don't like, too. It's part of parenting. Parents are allowed to be disappointed when their kids reject the things they love.

Just stay true to what you feel is right, try to love your imperfect parents, give it a few years and everything will look much different one way or the other.

Even if it's life, no life is allowed to commandeer another person's body to survive. Period.

This is a great stance to take until the government forces you to regularly go through a life-threatening procedure to harvest your bone marrow so another person might live.

The difference is that a photo of my SO represents a real person in my life. I'm affected by their wants, imperfections, needs and humanity.

It's not bad to like a WOMAN. It's bad to equate a fantasy with a woman, and have a hard time differentiating between them.

"Teardrops on My Guitar" and "Blank Space."

The only times God has spoken directly to me were to tell me I was being stupid.

Try malt vinegar on fresh cut fries.

It HAS enabled it. I've watched my kids be abused for 15 years, powerless to stop it, because CPS told me to stop "causing trouble" with my ex after my second report, or I'd lose custody.

That's not religion. That's abusers using religion to control people. Which unfortunately the most vocal make sound like that's all religion.

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I've had passionate disagreements with others about organizing alphabetically vs. by spice type.

I converted to spice type and regret nothing.


As a knitter and an animator, I'm flabbergasted.

Point out where I spoke for all women?

I can perfectly handle you saying what is a turn off to you. I just told you I'm glad to be a turn off for you, if you think sheer physical appearance is enough to be attracted.

I'm moving on from this conversation, now. Your emotions are getting in your way here, and I'm not interested in playing Whack-a-Mole on your straw men.

It's possible to feel strongly and still be independent. Partisan politics package often inconsistent ideology together. You don't have to be milquetoast to want an a la carte approach to politics.

That's not how learning works. A graduated system allows people to gradually take on responsibility. Going from a total child to full adult is too much of a shock. It's bad enough as is, with kids having a hard time "adulting."

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