1 Post – 179 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Perfect example of continual enshitification, there's no reason even a 15s "short" or other quick media couldn't have video controls, it's just intentional because some dogshit behavioural phycologist they've paid said that's the best way to coerce more engagement.

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Take every single day you're entitled to. The days of working yourself to death so you get a pat on the back by the boss is well over. You come first

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Cheers for the good work guys

Finally some feel good news for a change

I get there's a heap of people on here who've somehow never seen these new anti-popup measures before, but they're definitely becoming more prevalent.

I switched to uBlock and purged the caches and it seems to have fixed the issue (for now anyway)

At some point I'll have to find a more permanent solution like switching browsers but right now things are working

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Back when you could actually have funny ads and not worry about people whinging about it online

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Imagine you go to court and this fossil at 96 is the one who determines your fate. Imagine if you catch her on an off day and she thinks you stole her computer, her files or other nonsense she's accused court staff of doing (the only thing that's been stolen is her marbles, and it looks like they went a few years back)

Get these shocking people out of the courts and into the nursing home where they belong

Who didn't see this coming? Kill all good third party apps and funnel everyone into their dogshit, undercooked app and then leverage every metric and interaction for advertising

People generally will fairly buy content when it's available and fairly priced if they want to support the creators. There's a huge difference between wanting to help your favorite content producer VS companies that fart out mult-hundred dollar box sets of old content

"not always possible for other developers", mostly because they're busy shitting out rubbish, buggy titles riddled with micro transactions (or whatever nonsense they can get away with to nickel and dime their customers)

People took note of how great BG3 is because it's just a good game, you're not be treated as a resource they can squeeze to get extra cash

Do they really think their service is worth 12-15 bucks a month?

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Really disappointed that after a solid 3-4 months of dev diaries, open communication and hype for the game, they drop this performance bombshell on us at the last moment.

They get points for at least giving everyone a weeks notice, but that's clearly a calculated move (compared to if they kept it quiet entirely and it launched with people unaware)

I'm not instead on playing sub 60 FPS games at 1080p, especially not when I've got a 4090+13900k and it crushes almost every other game in existence. The game isn't pretty enough to justify such terrible performance, it's just purely unoptimized now.

Why there's no DLSS / FSR also at launch is baffling, it helps GPU bottlenecked necked games greatly (even if boosting from a native 30 to 60 is a bit yuck)

Really disappointed

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Who are these 50% of Aussies who think we need more locally produced content on streaming services? Our content sucks, who's actually watching these Aussie dramas / series

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Good luck doing that too Nintendo. They're professional dicks

Pretty impressed at just how many notifications, popups and systems MS creates to continually try and funnel you into bing. At some point it moves past being annoying and now I'm just surprised at their tenacity / endurance

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I miss the random non tech centric communities from Reddit. The userbase here, across the fediverse as a whole gravitates towards more tech focused aspects and while that's fine, you miss out on the random topics / subreddits you'd find on Reddit.

(The answer isn't also 'just start that community here', specially I miss randomly getting topics from subjects I wouldn't even search for, but just get surfaced because of the shear amount of content and users Reddit has)

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Linus has already put out a response and it's not great either. There's some points of contrition, that it was done on his watch so ultimately he's reasonable, but overall he justifies their actions as a company coming into it's stride and being transparent with their mistakes (instead of them just rushing out content without proper vetting)

It's not a great look, but it's one I've come to expect from him given how he's handled previous community backlash with the backpack, screwdriver and other scenarios.

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The best part is the end result, not where the data comes from. Tired of hearing about AI models "stealing" data. I put all my art, designs and code online and assume it'll be used to train models (which I'll be able to use later on)

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This artist has a shithouse personality. How thin skinned do you have to be that any criticism warrants that type of petty approach, jeeze

In other news, water is wet

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Good, a well deserved fine for shitty price fixing actions.

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Cheers for the numbers, always good to see transparency for income and expenses

Let's see how this pans out over the week, still heaps of opportunities for unity to fuck this up further

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Great clickbait title from them. This is a US / NA specific issue and thankfully isn't fully reflective everywhere else

Best part is when they're shit and don't categorize / separate out their notifications into categories I just turn notifications off. If companies want to play by the rules and have properly segmented notifications I'm happy to let some of them through, else they're all getting disabled

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Your membership to the service is now worse off comparatively, so the benefits you receive have shrunk. Shrinkflation feels pretty apt here

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There's been a heap of development going on with kbin recently, with a release upcoming. Overall the development process has been a bit slow with Ernest (the guy who owns the project) having personal issues to resolve.

Definitely the moderation process needs to be improved so that we have better ways of addressing spam so it doesn't bother other instances.

Personally I'm of the opinion that we should be using a metric based system where we weigh in the users date or creation, overall interactivity, upvote / downvote ratio and other data to potentially flag spam users. But honestly fighting spam is really hard and all of that would have to be built (plus it's a public repo so bad actors could look for how this is pieced together and find new ways to get past)

Amazing. Wonder what new nonsense they'll focus on next to pump up their value for the IPO

Important to contain all your mess to one side of the room, makes it easier to manage

This one. One of the best motivators. Sense of satisfaction when you get it working and you feel unstoppable (until the next subtle changes happens anyway)

I assume she's got nothing else in her life, actually quite sad

Probably rubbish scraped from other legitimate sites. These websites are just the worst

Reducing your interaction with social media, even like what the author did where he dropped him daily tweets to a few times a week is still progress. Less interaction makes your account less valuable for advertising.

These sites used to be decent but it's all about the ad revenue now

This is the best take on here. There's no more "just trust me bro" tolerance anymore, too many things have just turned into vaporware over the years and now until I physically see it, it doesn't exist

This seems like the better approach. Let other sites who theoretically have image detection in place sort this out. We can just link to images hosted elsewhere

Much less beholden to arbitrary rules also. Way too many times companies will just up and lift their API access or push through restrictions. No ty, I'll just access it myself then

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If the changes were launched this way, being tied to a new version in 2024 then this would have been a perfectly fair approach, you could stick with 2022 / 23 LTS for your projects and only if you want 'new' features would you pick up 2024 LTS and agree to the new terms.

I've honestly not seen much difference between major versions e.g. 2021 - 2022 LTS, so unless these new versions come out with amazing new features, devs can still stick to these old reliable versions.

It's much better overall but the way they've handled this has been shithouse

How are these tutorials overall though. Humble has pushed out some real stinkers before from no-name tutorial mills so I'm always a bit way.

I know from their blender sales that some of the places they partner with are legitimately shit (low quality recordings, poor sound, poor pacing, not showing screen keys, poor instructor guidance etc)

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I feel a good majority of people are just in the outrage phase and there's literally no response that would have been good enough.