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Joined 1 years ago

The majority of my friends leaving Austin have done so because of state politics. It's hard to feel safe when you're queer in Texas.

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The fun part of transitioning is that you'll get both traditional misogyny and new, unique flavors!

Seriously though, joining a group of people that you aren't used to being in will always feel weird, but luckily that goes away with familiarity. I feel like my advice is always the same though, which is to find a therapist informed on gender issues if you can afford one.

In general, body hair will reduce slightly on hrt. It's still there, but in particular I saw a lot less growth for chest hair. If laser works for your skin/hair color combos at a practioner near you, I found it very effective and tolerable. Otherwise I use a safety razor for everything else. Once you're good with it, it's a very close and low irritation save.

For facial hair, almost everybody will see no effect with hrt. New growth (as in fully new follicles) should stop, but any existing hair will need to be removed if you want a smooth face all the time. I did laser for some initial clearing and now am doing electrolysis to finish up.

It's a good idea in a world where that child is aware of their gender identity (which many people develop far earlier than when puberty starts) and about to start going through irreversible changes. The betrayal of their body is a big part of why trans children have such high rates of suicide.

In any case though, if you're worried about them being too young, why would you be making a stink about a medicine than exists to delay permanent changes in their body? We give it to cis children safely in the case of precocious puberty, it can be stopped and puberty will resume, and it stops a huge source of emotional pain for them.

Just because you don't need it doesn't mean that gender affirming care isn't still healthcare.

Even in this comment there's a distinct lack of recognition of the extent that hormones, and testosterone specifically, are responsible for dimorphism. People commonly think that the list of secondary sex traits is much shorter than it is and underestimate the effects of hormone therapy.

The Olympics have allowed trans athletes to compete as their gender identity since 2004 and yet trans women have not done well. One trans person has ever medaled. It was in a team sport by somebody who didn't have male puberty. There has been one trans woman competing in weight lifting, she didn't complete her lifts.

As far as I'm aware, the only sport where we have specifically studied athletic performance is distance running (, where no advantage was found.

I'm also not sure I agree on what you personally define as transphobic. If you consistently other trans people and refer to them as separate from the rest of their gender, that's transphobic. For dating, there are a number of reasons why you may not want to date somebody. Genital preferences are a real thing and are absolutely a good reason not to date somebody. There are plenty of artifacts of being trans that are reasons to exclude somebody from who you date, but if the only reason you won't date somebody is that they're trans, that would still be transphobic.

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A note for everyone who is interested in injections but doesn't like IM, you can also do subcutaneous injections. My understanding is that estradiol in common preparations is a depot injection where absorption is controlled less by physical factors and more from the lipophilicity of the medicine itself.

Anybody who's interested can look for the article "Comparison of the Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Estradiol Regimens as Part of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy" published out of Dr. nippoldts group at Mayo recently.

I met up with a friend group I haven't seen in a while, and a lot of people made an effort to lump me into 'the girls'.

Plus electrolysis is showing good results, even if that hour a week is slowly killing my soul with pain.

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It's a pretty great description of what dysphoria can be like for some people.

I really don't know why some of the more conservative dosing recommendations still give two week dosing schedules for EV. It has a lower half life than cypionate and should be injected more often, assuming you're aiming for stable levels (most people are). A lot of our original recommendations for transfem people were based around studies for populations with prostate cancer and menopause, and it seems like dosing strategies for them have stuck around.

I personally wouldnt ever go over a week long dosing of ev, and would likely switch to twice weekly injections if were I on it. The people over at put together a neat way to visualize the difference in esters for achieving a steady state dose based on the pharmacokinetics of them all. Basically, at this point if I get a recommendation from a doctor for 14 day dosing of EV, I'm going to assume they're not up to date on current feminizing hrt research and are likely going to also be giving old information about things like IM vs SubQ injections.

Finally, nobody should ever be paywalled from medical information (and it's pretty abhorrent that this research even has to have hoops to jump around to get through). Just as an fyi for anybody else reading this, most articles that aren't brand newwill have a copy of it you can access by its doi number on (or another mirrored domain, searching scihub normally gives a list of current working addresses). In the case where it isn't available yet, the journal should provide a way to email them asking for specific articles for patient access.

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I recently had to build out my business casual wardrobe as well. Madewell has taken so much of my money for both regular clothes and business ones. Decent deals on sale and generally a great quality. I'm also tall, and they tend to offer a tall version of everything which is so lovely.

Zara on sale had some decent deals of meh quality stuff, and I did some last bit of filling out with h&m stuff since the clothes budget was blown. H&m has some stuff that will look good for a bit, but long-term quality isn't great.'s definitely real words, at least I though. Did you get a non English torrent or something? Or do you not ever hear southern accents?

I feel like hair volume and fun styles, plus a lot of late 90s early 00s clothing is coming back in style right now! I'm having fun wearing it this time around.

Go fiddle with the calculator on the website I linked to see how injecgion time changes peak-trough gap in the hormone curves. But generally I want stable levels because research shows we need a minimum amount of estrogen in order to have feminizing effects. We don't want to overshoot it because your body will create SHBG at too high of levels. I've never seen any research that hints at varying levels be more effective.

To me it's the best value for price bourbon I've found, and it's very good. I haven't tried very many of their higher end or limited offerings though.

It's not even people being offended that creates the rules a lot of the time. If you don't have strict and clear cut rules, it's going to eat up a ton of mod time trying to keep out trolls and people asking the same things repeatedly in bad faith. I liked the split that was on Reddit between an asktransgender group and the groups meant for community.

For me though, I've just never wanted to be in that particular kind of place as a trans person. It takes a lot of energy to constantly answer the unintentionally offensive and invasive questions from all the people in your family, job, and just general day to day life. It's hard to find people who consistently can and want to give time to helping slowly warm people up to the same basic facts that they could find on their own.

A nice npr segment where they talked about mattress store because there are a bafflingly large number of them.

Obviously everyone else is right when they say that clearly this isn't your fault, and add the most of the visual feminization comes from fat distribution, so it's going to need to be there anyway.

I also want to mention that changes only really happen once your hormone levels get to where they should be. For some people, it takes a while to work with their doctor to get T suppressed and E elevated enough to start seeing changes. Just keep up with your labs and don't be afraid to talk with your doctor about hormone levels that aren't where you think they should be.

I'm also interested in this for using stremio from phones and PCs. Chromecast in particular also kinda sucks due to limited codec support.

This still just feels like a muddying of technical language. If you were to write an article about autopilot killing somebody and use object to refer to them, that's certainly dehumanization, but saying that an object detection algorithm performs poorly on humans doesn't feel like it is.

Part of the problem is that in general we aren't talking about specialized human detection models that incorporate things like pose estimation. Instead it is almost always a general object detection alg, and referring to the same models differently based on the subject just adds muddiness.

I'm mostly familiar with AI within healthcare, and in my workplace, any released model is going to have a number of conversations and evaluations about the technical performance, practical impact on patients, and general ethics of the model. Those conversations blend, but it's harmful to make the language less clear in any one of those contexts.

It's also important to note when in your injection cycle you tested. I'm mostly interested in what my trough values will be (so immediately prior to the next injection), since that's the best approximation of steady state tissue levels. Especially on a two week injection cycle of EV, I'd be worried about my levels dipping quite low by the end of the cycle.

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Part of the issue it seems like people are having in this thread is that it's really unclear what you mean by nonpolitical help.

I've never experienced any communities calling gender dysphoria beautiful, but I also see that idea as distinct from acknowledging it as a real problem that affects people. I don't think it's in any way political to talk about the fact that gender affirming care is well supported by medical research.

For me personally, I got mood swings right before my next dose until I changed the frequency because my levels would drop. But in general, the goal with feminizing hrt is to change your hormone profile to something approximating that of a cis woman in order to get the changes you want. With a long enough gap between doses, the short half life of EV means that you'll have very low levels of estrogen right before your next injection, below your goal range.

If it turns out that running isn't your thing, I'd recommend trying some sports. Climbing is basically the only exercise that doesn't bore me to death. Plus, they're a great way to meet people, and a lot of cities have a queer specific league.

Yeah same, except it was later overturned where I live and they came right back. Luckily, at lesser numbers, because more of us were used to bringing our own by then.

Just wanted to add that event digitizing older records these days is better. Some hospitals do make old scanned notes indexed and searchable through OCR now.

NK Jemison is a great new scifi author who always includes a trans character in her stories in really natural ways. Not sure they'll be what you're looking for, but they're also incredibly good books.

Aw, I've been using my evo for a while and didn't realize they'd gone out of business. They were always great to deal with for me. It's a nifty device, and I like the all glass air flow. That really only stayed true when using it with extracts in the glass nails though.

Have you found a reasonable clone for the baskets? I love those little things and used them in my portable as well.

It's a bit delayed to be responding to this comment, but I wanted to in case op is still hanging around this thread.

  1. He doesn't necessarily need to be worried about 'looking different'. A lot of trans people, and trans men in particular, completely pass. Testosterone is strong as hell. People just always stick with their 'we can always tell' talking points, because when they see passing trans people, they don't assume they're trans.

  2. The phrasing behind your second point is kind just of a rehash of a common anti lgbtq sentiment. The problem is, at least anecdotally for myself, that the people who would harass you consider that to be anything showing you're in some form queer or showing any pride in who you are. It's essentially a demand that people entirely hide part of them if they want to to be treated with respect.