1 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I feel like having no way to legally get food or shelter would make it more likely they'd commit crime again, not less.

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I looked into this more. Reddit (created by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian) merged with Infogami (created by Aaron Schwartz). There are people calling Aaron Schwartz one of the founders, but that doesn't seem entirely accurate.

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I'm not familiar with how they do it in particular, but I do have some experience with what AI art in general can do.

I know there's techniques to generate larger images, but it takes more computing power so I doubt you'd find a place doing it for free. Your simplest method would be to use a simpler AI upscaler like waifu2x. It won't be able to add meaningful details, but it can still make it look okay at a higher resolution. Beyond that, you could start with a smaller image and then outpaint to add more to it. Or maybe generate on image, then upscale parts of it and using upscaling and outpainting from the parts already generated to do the rest.

You're not selling your account so they can datamine reddit. You're selling it so that they can put ads on Reddit that look like a user commenting. Which is also a thing Reddit does.

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In addition to what others have said, they're not a vacuum inside. They're filled with 0.7 atm of argon gas. That would slow the transfer of heat, but there'd still be plenty of heat transfer through convection.

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They weren't doing anything smartphone manufacturers haven't been doing for years. Or those guys that make McDonalds ice cream machines.

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Personally I prefer how on Reddit you can get really specific communities. Like for tsundere sharks, or bread stapled to trees.

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By a strict definition, no. But most vegans don't really care about scientific classification. Personally I don't think they're sentient and think it's fine.

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Does karma change that? We still have upvotes and downvotes, and you can sort comments by how well they do, and mods can still ban people not only from a community, but from a whole instance.

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What's the normal amount of over budget and behind schedule?

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Unless the two sides significantly disagree about the chances of winning, they're both better off avoiding the costs of trial and the risk of not being able to predict the result by settling. Also, they can have NDAs as part of the settlement and it doesn't set a precedent, so even if it's a large settlement other people will be less likely to sue than if they lost.

It would mean he couldn't be punished for it. It wouldn't mean his attempt at taking over the country would be successful. That said, we want to make it so there's an actual punishment for that so presidents don't just keep trying.

Sure it does. All they have to do is fire the CEO and they'll have so much more money.

  1. Rain dance And we're not clear on this one, but:
  2. Seeding clouds for rain

He also ran the Boring Company.

I used to, but now that we have sexbots why bother?

Is it ethical to give tools to a country you don't trust to use them responsibly?

It's not just a Lemmy thing. Imgur has the same problem too, and the only reason it exists is for images.

Anyway, I don't think this fix is ideal, but I'm going to head to a CSS community to get it working properly.

If you the download size is in the gigabytes and need a good graphics card to run it, you're doing it locally. Otherwise, it's remote.

There is a set of people who are frequently subject to racism in the US. How should we refer to them?

There is some optimal amount of thermostat vs fan speed. Whether you're better with a lower thermostat and higher fan speed or vice versa depends on which side of this optimum you're on. We as random internet strangers have no way to find this.

I agree with the basic idea, but there's not some fundamental distinction between what we have now and true AI. Maybe we'll find breakthroughs that help, but the systems we're using now would work given enough computing power and training. There's nothing the human brain can do that they can't, so with enough resources they can imitate the human brain.

Making one smarter than a human wouldn't be completely trivial, but I doubt it would be all that difficult given that the AI is powerful enough to imitate something smarter than a human.

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Changing .img-expanded { max-height: unset; } to .img-expanded:not(.banner):not(.avatar-overlay) { max-height: unset; } Fixes the banner and Lemmy icon, since they're listed as .img-expanded for some reason. I'm hoping to figure out how to make it overlay the image on top of the sidebar, or at least only push it away while the image is opened.

How is this not a solved problem? Am I the only person who cares about seeing the image at a larger resolution?

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The Constitution lists one crime: treason. He didn't do that. Not faithfully carrying out the duties of the office is absolutely grounds for impeachment, but it's not a crime.

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I made this user style to help fix that problem by outlining images, and also make it so when you click an image it expands over the page at full size up to the width of the screen.

Though it's not perfect. If the image is already black it's hard to tell. You could change the outline color to something less common, but that looks ugly. Changing the boundary radius would probably be the best, but it's already marked as !important so I don't think I can change it. I'm open to suggestions on improving that part.

You mean there wasn't yet? I don't know if that's true, but I know there most definitely is precedent now.

If reaction to physicals damage is enough to qualify as pain, a brick wall feels pain. If you damage it, it will start having holes, and eventually fall over completely.

I think at the very least you'd need some kind of learning. Pain is the stuff you learn to avoid and pleasure is the stuff you learn to do more. Without that, it's impossible to say whether an instinctive response to stimuli is a negative or positive feeling.

I disagree. There will definitely be porn ones that make it, but there's a lot of AI porn startups.

If someone is executed for murder, then you definitely shouldn't hire them. But if they served their punishment, letting them out of jail and then not letting them earn the money the need to survive is a recipe for disaster.

Some of them are broken by quantum computers, but not all of them. For example, SHA256. You can use Grover's algorithm to take sqrt(n) steps to check n possible passwords, which on the one hand means it can be billions of times faster, but on the other hand, you just need to double the length of the password to get the same security vs quantum computers. Also, this is the first I've heard of a hash that uses a quantum computer. Do you have a source? Hashes need to be deterministic, and quantum computers aren't, so that doesn't seem like it would work very well.

Maybe you're getting mixed up with using quantum encryption to get around quantum computers breaking common encryption algorithms?

I don't want them expanded by default. I just want it so that when I click on the thumbnail, it fully expands. Also, apps are a phone thing, right? Fully expanded on my phone is even smaller than partially expanded on my computer.

I tried that. It still seems to be limiting the width. How can I make it so it can stretch from one side of the screen to the other?

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That’s not true.

Source? This says it also mentions piracy and counterfeiting, but it's just listing it as one of the enumerated powers.

and we gave Congress the power to create laws, which all citizens are bound.

Exactly. Congress has to make things a crime. The fact that the Constitution says that the president has to faithfully carry out their duties doesn't make not doing that a crime.

If you're saying that Congress did pass such a law, can you tell me which one?

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I come here occasionally, but for the most part I use Reddit because it has the biggest user base, so you can find far more specific and active subreddits than Lemmy communities.

It's not illegal to lie to the American people. And it's practically a requirement for office.

It's nothing inherent to the word. Words mean what people use it to mean. If racist people said "African American" and non-racist people said the n-word, then saying "African American" would basically be announcing you're racist.

If you just want the caffeine you could just take a pill.

Still frustrating. I generally try to make my passwords all lowercase in case I need to type them (especially on a phone). But a lot of places don't allow that.

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Your AI achieved superintelligence and achieved the singularity, and you think your startup is going great, but then trillions of years later it fails due to the heat death of the universe.