Is it just me, or is Lemmy 1000% better? to Lemmy – 869 points –

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Personally I prefer how on Reddit you can get really specific communities. Like for tsundere sharks, or bread stapled to trees.

Give it some time, user count is still tiny compared to Reddit so obviously niche content will be less common at first. But it's growing rapidly, I've not even been here a week and every day it feels more alive.

Definitely has a level of "aliveness" that already makes this a usable Reddit replacement.

I've been on Lemmy for only a few weeks, and I am already seeing pretty growth on niche communities. The TTRPG community specifically was pretty much dead here a couple of weeks ago. But now there are lots and lots more people! The communities are active, there is constantly new content, and actual upvotes. Nice to see! I am looking forward to watching this place grow.