Is it just me, or is Lemmy 1000% better? to Lemmy – 869 points –

I haven’t missed Reddit once since I started using Lemmy. This place is a vibe.

6 more...

Getting there. Just not active enough for me yet. I need go be able to scroll a unhealthy amount all day long dammit :(

But it's a much better community.

Try the new feed on a few different instances. I personally run a server that has seeded new for me.

Why (how?) is doing "all" view sorted by new different than what you are suggesting?

Not all communities are synced, some are defederated.

Only thing I’m missing is all of my dedicated subreddits for information I like consuming.

The order of sorting by hot is a bit getting used to, and the reports in different communities is some getting used to also.

And seeing a lot of posts in hot without any comments

Feels like Reddit way back in the day, honestly.

I’m talking like 17 years ago way back.

Loving it! So much fun, silly content!

And just think... in a mere 17 years we can revolt against the fediverse and move on to the next greatest thing to feel these feelings again!

2040, the year the fediverse was taken over by the Humongous Language Model.

I don't understand why people are grasping so desperately onto reddit. This platform is young but already superior in most ways to reddit.

Also, I firmly believe that federation is the perfect environment for something like reddit and this is what we should have gotten in the first place instead of what reddit became.

Probably people either aren’t drawing a line or don’t care or have been replaced with bots.

Lol Reddit was a great news mediator when respected but has become unwieldy.

I've honestly been impressed with how fast Lemmy has improved both in terms of technical implementation as well as the quality of the site overall. Memmy has also impressed me with how quickly it is improving as well.

Just made this account, been lurking for a couple weeks. Chill vibes in here, and yeah things are impressively smooth.

The old memes and posts about a dude not wanting to poop for 3 days has given me pure joy.

But everyone here has also been really great, and I've had no shortage of posts and comments to interact with.

My experience is that it's 95% of the way there and has the potential to do it all. I think Lemmy needs time to coalesce as a thing and for defacto groups to emerge that replace the ones over on Reddit.

I’ll be honest, I have not weened myself 100% off Reddit just yet. However, I notice with each passing day since Reddit sabotaged third party apps that I am opening and scrolling through Memmy first and more often than I am doing with Narwhal. So while I have not left Reddit behind just yet, leaving it behind is getting easier by the day as more people start coming over to Lemmy and is becoming more active.

It’s like Reddit, but from 10-12 years ago. And I dig it.

Exactly! I have a 15 year old Reddit account. Lemmy feels like old Reddit when it was new and fresh. I ain't going anywhere!!

Yeah, actually people and communities look less toxic but I guess that would soon change.

Ay! Hope for the best and maybe it won’t!

Personally I prefer how on Reddit you can get really specific communities. Like for tsundere sharks, or bread stapled to trees.

Give it some time, user count is still tiny compared to Reddit so obviously niche content will be less common at first. But it's growing rapidly, I've not even been here a week and every day it feels more alive.

Definitely has a level of "aliveness" that already makes this a usable Reddit replacement.

I've been on Lemmy for only a few weeks, and I am already seeing pretty growth on niche communities. The TTRPG community specifically was pretty much dead here a couple of weeks ago. But now there are lots and lots more people! The communities are active, there is constantly new content, and actual upvotes. Nice to see! I am looking forward to watching this place grow.

Definitely has potential. Needs to reach critical mass.

Eh, this is mostly fine - worst part of reddit is starting to comment on a post only to realize that 4000 people already did so and nobody will ever see your comment.

oh that wasn't usually my problem

my problem was writing a well thought out comment, proof reading it, then realized it probably wouldn't matter to OP or anyone else so I'd delete and move on

Going to be hard to reach critical mass when the same butthurt jannies ban you for no reason and admins defederate from other instances for wrongthink

It would be much better without the constant references to Reddit

error loading comment

Yo is that the Hasselhoff??

Lemmy is one chill af mofo 🤙

Lemmy is superior to Reddit in every way.

I use all the tools I can. Reddit has a great community in a lot of subreddits that are extremely helpful. So are many standalone forums for the topics I enjoy. Lemmy is just another option for great content. I prefer Lemmy to Reddit as a platform, but the content - I really don't care where it's hosted as long as it's free (free as in freedom of information, not just cost).

Reddit's gone to shit, but I'll still hit those SysAdmin and other subs for information. Too valuable not to.

It has a few weird glitches that happen every couple of days, and I haven't been able to find a way to 100% stop non-English languages from showing up. Every other day my feed will get filled up with posts in Dutch or German or something, I'll go through block communities and try to keep them out (I just can't read what they say, so I don't care to see it). I tried changing my language in the settings, but that doesn't seem to have stopped it. That and random problems with being logged in seem to affect Memmy on iOS. Otherwise, I'm liking it so far.

Hopefully the momentum continues and the community builds. I was worried about finding a barren wasteland after leaving Reddit, but it seems to be doing well so far.

It's really nice . I'd really love to get the members from r/daria over to my c/daria because i literally don't have anyone else to talk about the show Daria.

If you have an iPhone I suggest you try memmy application, it’s great !

Can confirm it's actually, at least, 800% better. Just getting rid of the bots is great

I've only noticed two bots: one that reposts Reddit content (which I have blocked) and another that corrects community links to make them instance-agnostic (I appreciate that bot).

I also see the youtube -> piped video link converter bot popping up sometimes

Oh yeah, forgot about that one because I never use it. Probably a good bot though.

I like kbin better, but yes, the threadiverse feels a lot more cosy and positive! There are a few niche communities I miss, but I'm sure they'll take off in time.

I like kbin, but it's missing a few QoL features like collapsing comments and viewing "context" of a reply. To expand on the latter, when someone replies to a comment on both Reddit and Lemmy you can click a "context" link to view your original comment and all child comments. Currently it doesn't seem as easy to view your comment and all replies to it on kbin.

You're right about missing context - that's definitely something I'd like to see added!

Youre also right about collapsing comments, although I have a script that adds that feature. The number of great userscripts for kbin already is pretty crazy!

I'm having a bit a trouble with the transfer from rif to kbin. I don't know how to subscribe to communities.. Have a front page

Head over to Voyager (wefwef) and login to your main account, go to settings > migrate subreddits. That's the best way I've found so far

I preferred the usability, searchability and content of reddit.

Hopefully lemmy eventually catches up

Using a 3rd party app of course, hated the native reddit website/app

For now. I've already noticed a massive increase of chuds, especially after we defedersted exploding heads.

But they also get shown the door so easily. People here are wizened to trolling, it doesn't even faze us.

Hell yeah. Feels so much more kind here.

I'm participating more, and I'm getting lurkers joining communities I've made and upvoting at least. Soon we'll have a thriving social site.

I still use both. To be honest, I never understood what the whole freakout blackout thing was about and didn't really pay it much attention. Big deal, apps no longer work. Who gives a shit. I never used apps anyway, correction I used Alien Blue like 10 years ago. Reddit is still 100% functional using the website. So in my opinion the whole gloom and doom, sky is falling manbaby temper tantrum was a complete overreaction.