6 Post – 350 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I love how everybody is so busy about mining your behavior for ad tracking data and then like 2/3 of the ads I actually see are utterly irrelevant gut doctor / toenail fungus / 17 Most Embarrassing Topless Celebrity Moments crap.

(I think the reality is that they're mining that data to identify a small number of people susceptible to high-value scams - like getting addicted to an F2P mobile game and spending $1000s on it - and the rest of us just get generic infill)

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Honestly, if the combination of AI porn + good AR + haptic fleshlights gets us to a point where horny single men with limited real-world romantic prospects can have fulfilling sex lives without having to bug any actual living women to attain them, I think the world will be a better place.

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Great, seeing a picture of a trans man has made me aware of the existence of trans people, and therefore, according to GOP logic, it's only a matter of time before I become trans myself and have to fucking go bra shopping.

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This is good advice; I suspect they're outside of the FBI's jurisdiction, but they could also be random idiots, in which case they're random idiots who are about to become registered sex offenders.

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I don't think proselytizing is necessary anymore; we've got enough folks on here now to get a sustainable community going, other people gradually finding their way over here over the next year or two (much as it happened with digg) is much better than a crazy server-destroying / spam-proliferating rush.

Reddit was perfectly enjoyable a decade ago with 10% as many users, we don't need very many of them to be able to offer a worthy reddit replacement to anybody who seeks one. (plus I suspect within 6 months or so we'll have way better apps than reddit does)

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"We are everywhere" -> "literally dozens of us"

Any time a loser wants to feel like less of a loser they need only look at this loser and realize that they are, comparatively speaking, not a loser at all

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She ran for office on an anti-gerrymandering platform, and the voters elected her (by a huge margin!) in large part because of that; if there's any case she should not recuse herself from, it's this one.

(obviously it'd be better if we didn't have to resolve political questions like this through supreme court elections, but if the legislature creates a situation where it's impossible to vote them out directly, voters are left with little alternative but to fix the system through elected justices)

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Along with everything else wrong with this: your icon is literally your brand, and you want your branding to be flawless + everywhere.

This would be like Nike putting an ugly pixelated version of their logo on cheaper sneakers to encourage you to buy more expensive ones; whatever pocket change they made from upgraders would be dwarfed by the damage it would do to their trademark.

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Hardly any mention of this from Apple or their associated media, despite the fact that an AAA game launching a Mac port on day 1 is virtually unheard-of in 2023.

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I think at this point we can pretty much assume that anybody who makes public speeches about sexual perversion is, themself, a pervert.

Batman oppresses crime and everybody thinks he’s cool, I don’t see why oppressing fascists should be any different

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So we're currently at the 'apology that actually makes things worse' phase, which means just a few more days until 'unconditional surrender but even so nobody will ever trust you again'

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If Trump suffers a stroke and ends up in a wheelchair and/or partially paralyzed himself, I think this comment gives everyone permission to feel happy about that.

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It may have been more like:

Unity: "We love money and hate our customers, who can we hire to realize that vision?"

EA CEO: "Finally, a job that understands me"

Hope everyone enjoyed the coldest summer of the rest of their lives.

Todd Howard doesn't do what Todd Howard does for Todd Howard. Todd Howard does what Todd Howard does because Todd Howard is... Todd Howard.

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Worth noting that this was not a great leap - the judge didn't rule anything particularly interesting about trans rights, he simply said that freedom of association means you can't go to court to force a private organization to exclude someone.

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They can't even start accepting complaints under this new law until next July, then it's a complicated process with two different panels of former prosecutors/judges, a number of whom are appointed by the not-particuarly-pro-Trump governor. It'll definitely be used to punish prosecutors for not prosecuting drug/abortion/etc crimes the way they want them to, but it's going to be too slow + indifferent + late to affect Willis.

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A great way to tell that a business is making way too much money is when they can afford to hire monkey cages full of lawyers to fling every terrible legal argument they can think of at you in the hope that one of them somehow sticks.

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Here's a video of her arguing with children about climate change:

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I prefer mockery; to quote Mel Brooks:

If you stand on a soapbox and trade rhetoric with a dictator you never win ... That's what they do so well: they seduce people. But if you ridicule them, bring them down with laughter, they can't win. You show how crazy they are.

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Yeah, Democrats lost a Supreme Court seat because one old lady refused to retire and they lost out on months of judicial confirmations this year because a different old lady refused to retire.

(if the Republicans take the Senate in 2024 I hope it's by a narrow enough margin that they have to worry about 90-year-old Chuck Grassley the same way we've had to worry about Feinstein)

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The Nuremberg Defense probably works better if the person whose orders you claim to have been following is still alive and ranting on Twitter about how they damn well were his orders and he takes credit for the whole thing.

How do they propose to enforce this, when browsers are free and open-source and can easily be downloaded from hosts outside of France?

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Oh no, if they ban me I'd lose all my precious reddit coins

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Might have been better if he took back that promise after Putin arrived.

(also, a jailed Russian president Capoeira'ing his way through a Brazilian prison would be an excellent concept for an action movie)

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This is great + well-deserved, plus it has the side benefit of making some of the world's worst people really, really mad.

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The Stardewification of everything continues - can't wait until Half-Life 3 finally comes out and it turns out that Black Mesa has purchased a dilapidated farm in the countryside that they've taken Gordon Freeman out of stasis to restore for them.

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The downside of throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks is that you end up having to clean up a whole lot of shit of the floor.

Reminiscent of Woodstock 99:

The number of portable toilets installed proved insufficient for the number of attendees. The toilets and showers soon became unusable and overflowing, and male guests resorted to urinating on the side of the toilets or behind vendor stalls. Excrement from the toilets flowed into the mud pits and camping areas, mixing with water from the broken pipes. Many attendees began jumping into the mud pits and water troughs to stay cool in the heat, unaware of the contamination; this led to many cases of trench mouth and trench foot. The Oneida County Health Department analyzed the free drinking water, finding it to be contaminated with E. coli and other bacteria.

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I don’t want to pay once and own it forever, I want to pay once and then in a few years when it’s gotten buggy or incompatible or whatever I pay you some more money for an upgrade. If I use it a lot maybe I pay you more often, if I use it rarely maybe I pay less often, if I’ve got a lot of bills this month maybe I put it off a few months.

That’s really it - I’ll happily give you more money occasionally if I keep using it, but the burden of stretching that revenue so that you can make your payroll every 2 weeks ought to fall on you, not on me, and if you sit on your ass and barely make any changes for a year I shouldn’t be stuck paying you the same monthly fee while you do that.

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I'm assuming that the majority of members are fine with this, otherwise they'd simply change their bylaws to exclude trans women (and probably get away with doing so for the same legal reason). These 6 members were probably the losers of some internal battle who went to court to try to get their way anyway and failed.

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This shit absolutely makes life worse for Chinese-Americans and the PRC absolutely doesn't give a fuck about that.

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Republicans: "Ha ha ha, now the tables have turned! Vengeance is ours!"

Democrats: "Cool, whatever"

I feel bad that she spent her final few years Weekend At Bernie's-ing for her staff instead of getting to retire + relax a bit.

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An under-appreciated point here is that with McCarthy gone, the math for somebody else to become Speaker is that much harder, and the odds of that person needing to rely on Democratic votes - and to make major, major concessions to get them - commensurately higher; in other words, just because McCarthy wouldn't make a deal with Democrats to remain Speaker, it doesn't mean that somebody else won't eventually make one to become Speaker.

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xkcd still has the best approach to this; four random common words

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Is this really necessary? Aren't most smokers, y'know, aware of the dangers of smoking by now? At some point I wonder if the warnings will get annoying enough that people will start to actively defy them out of spite instead of just passively ignoring them.

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Yeah, their timing on this is pretty stupid - whatever headlines they're hoping to generate with this impeachment business are going to be drowned out by the shutdown anyway.

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a) Good for them

b) How long before NVIDIA throws up their hands at the whole thing and does their own Linux distro + pushes all their cloud AI customers to use it? (it doesn't seem like they're ever going to be shamed / coerced into actually open-sourcing their driver)

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