/r/place going full-on French Revolution now

Ertebolle@kbin.social to Reddit@lemmy.world – 3940 points –

The admins are blatantly censoring the drawing, putting checkerboard squares or circles of random color over that part. Here are some screenshots I took only seconds apart.

No, I'm sure that's a "silent majority" of users who support everything that Reddit The Company does banding together to stamp out the minority of noisy rabble-rousers. /s

Sure, the silent majority of spez's accounts

The guy must be on some serious copium rx with all things going down

I actually saw that happen in real time, did we confirm it was an admin action?

All the pixels came in at the same time

If you spend time watching /r/place you see that pictures mostly form in a natural, progressive way. This is the only place you see hundreds of pixels being changed uniformly all at once. Even bots would be making more gradual changes than this. It's clearly someone who has a brush tool for censoring.

Wasn't an admin caught doing something similar last time place came around?

Wouldn't surprise me, Reddit admins keep acting in the same bad faith ways, but now we have a viable alternative platform

Random pixels? At this time of Reddit? In this part of r/place? Localized entirely on spez's head?

It's the Admins, the new pixels don't have any usernames attached to them.

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That's how it has always been for all places. Admins have the power to erase anything that goes against Reddit's ToS. Depicting spez under the guillotine is against their ToS, but writing "fuck spez" isn't, which is why one gets deleted and the other remains.

It makes sense IMO. It's just like admins having the power to erase swastikas, homophobic or transphobic content, blatant product advertisements and so on. Nothing wrong with it, IMO.

They didnt depict him being decapitated, but his Snoo (i believe those are called Snoos) being decapitated. I think those are two entirely different things, especially given the french revolution theme around it.

Admins are being pussies imo. (After making a very bad decision in returning /r/place) They are of course fully within their right to, and that's why reddit sucks.

Writing "spez" on the face of the alien was probably a mistake if they didn't want to get censored.

True, but I don't think the message comes across the same without it.

I think there's too much focus on spez and not enough on Reddit. He is making some bad decisions for sure, but in the end the problem with Reddit is much greater than whoever happens to be the CEO.

It's easy to direct hate towards an individual, but I think it might not be particularly fruitful.

The problem with reddit is, in my opinion, inherent to the way it's designed. I think that similar to a monarchy, the previous system needs to be forgotten and improved upon. (Not to say that the aftermath of the French Revolution was a great improvement) Whether its spez or anyone else, you cannot make Reddit a healthy platform and go public.

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I don't know, I'm seeing a pretty large and blatant product advert on there for Boner Kebab right now.

Reddit is pro-advertisers now, so not an issue!

It’s just like admins having the power to erase swastikas

Do you think they'll do this one day? Didn't Canada spend the entire time trying to un-swastika their flag last time, or am I misremembering?

Canada spent the whole time trying to draw the maple leaf. At one point their whole flag got banana'd.

sad Canadian noise

Isn’t that just the sound maple syrup makes when hitting the forest floor instead of a bucket? I kid, I fucking love maple anything

Licking maple trees, trust me, not the same maple flavor. 100% needs to be concentrated in some form, theeen it’s delicious.

I wonder if humans enjoy the taste of maple because of syrup, and if any other tree, should it produce more sugar/enough sap, would be equally yummy… other than like.. coniferous.. 🤮

Hmm google says walnut, birch, box elder and sycamore, but lower sugar content so more sap meeded.. I wonder what walnut syrup would taste like… brb planting a walnut.

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That's some bullshit right there. Thanks for capturing it.

I didn't know you could up/downvote on imgur. I wonder where all the downvotes came from...

lol yes there's a whole underground imgur social network full of users unaware that imgur was originally just an image hosting website for reddit. By default the images I uploaded were private but I decided to click the button to make them a public post just out of curiousity of what imgur's opinion on the matter might be. Turns out it's not interesting for them.

It was hilariously bizarre when it was discovered that a population of mole people had been living inside reddit's image host for some period of time. Especially since they were were getting up in arms about how much reddit content was crowding up the site.

Wonder what life's like in there these days.

I was one of those mole people for a while before I made the jump to Reddit, and it was equally bizarre to me as an Imgur user that other Imgur users would get mad about all the Reddit content there. Like… that’s the whole POINT of this place isn’t it??

Mole people! Yeah, at some point the disconnect between the two populations resulted in losing track of history. I just remember browsing the drama and chuckling at the sheer indignation towards Redditors treating Imgur as their personal image hosting site. Redditors got to feel superior after discovering that Imgur existed to serve them, and Imgurians(?) got to experience the horror of learning that the world was not what they thought it was.

There was a surprising amount of confusion on both sides.

Huh I always wondered why the images I uploaded to imgur were always downvoted for some reason. Now it makes a lot more sense, because I was just using it as an image host for Reddit threads.

Should I feel bad about it?

Nah, that was it's purpose. It's like the pantry getting mad that you keep putting flour in it. That said there was more of a divergence once Reddit started hosting media directly and Imgur essentially gained its independence, so maybe they're more aggressively anti-hosting content these days.

I guess you could always mark everything private so it only shows up by following the link, but I was already out of touch a decade ago when it came to the Imgur community, so I'm basically just a random bystander at this point.

Again, this is why the correct protest should have been to make everything Black or White.

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I refuse to help Reddit artificially juice their active users metrics by signing back in to contribute, but this is pretty funny

Yeah, I find protesting Reddit by using Reddit to be incredibly stupid. Just leave and don't touch it at all, if their user metrics and site traffic are so low, then they're just gonna lose their advertisers, which is probably one of their main sources of income.

Honorable mention to the people giving shooting star awards (you know, the EXPENSIVE one) to all of the comments on /r/place. Sure did show them there didn't you!

Some people were premium subscribers for years. They probably just used their accumulated coins since they're being taken away soon.

You have to use the mobile app too. This is purely a stunt to get app adoption.

Don't participate. It's a literal trap. Fuck spez by using Lemmy, friends.

I love seeing this, but they hold all the cards... They will censor all of this.

I won’t lie to you Lemmings. Everyone who has stood their ground, everyone who has fought an admin has been banned.

Thankfully they are making it super easy for me to resist placing pixels this year. Doesn't work on old.reddit, only works on new reddit or their official mobile app. No way in hell I'm downloading that piece of crap app and I don't feel like swapping back and forth between old and new site designs.

I still am on reddit in order to keep posting "fuck spez" and to help people to switch

These people cannot control themselves. They're protesting a company by making them money.

If you have an adblocker and/or other privacy browser plugins how do they make any money from you? If anything, you've wasted some bandwidth and server cycles, so you cost them money.

I suppose an argument could be made that by adding to it you've created some tiny bit of content someone without adblockers might be enticed to see.

They make them money because:

  • they use reddit
  • spez gets some nice usage stats to show off
  • as a direct consequence, advertisers keep paying to put their ads
  • also as a direct consequence, investors' confidence in reddit continues to recover; there's a real possibility that, when it IPOs, it will actually go for a decent price

Now, if enough people go commit ad-block, and advertisers somehow become wise to that fact... then maybe it will hurt reddit's bottom line (at which point spez will start trying to emulate youtube's anti-ad stuff).

But as it stands, especially if most of reddit's usage is through reddit's mobile app... I'm not really sure how you can block ads there.

Those are fair points. Regarding adblock in the official app, you can use ReVanced to patch an .apk similar to how you block ads in YouTube.

You can't go to place on a mobile browser. It pops up a message that you have to use the app or a desktop browser.

I was able to get there via mobile browser. Reddit has said that they've been testing disabling mobile reddit for some people but not all.

(at which point spez will start trying to emulate youtube’s anti-ad stuff).

I'm curious. What's Youtube's anti-ad stuff? I don't remember the last time I saw an ad on Youtube.

Youtube has been talking a lot recently about implementing a 3 strike system against adblock users

I'll go without youtube before i watch their shitty ads. Unobtrusive ads, fine. Contextual ads instead of invasive behavioral ads, maybe. But the current system is trash and they can fuck off.

The theory is that their July traffic numbers are probably down so they're boosting them with /r/place traffic so that the drop due to 3rd party apps doesn't look as bad to investors. Reddit probably sees the increased server costs as an investment to boost their IPO valuation.

Aren’t there third parties that track website visits?

I was curious but couldn’t find any stats for Reddit over the past couple weeks. Google trends was slightly up… but that isn’t really users. (My search also made Google trends go up by 1)

by adding to it you've created some tiny bit of content

It's sort of hard to visualize the split between collective and individual. If a prolific user decides to stop using reddit, reddit maybe becomes 0.001% worse. It doesn't sound like a lot on its own, but when millions do it.. it becomes significant.

A little becomes a lot. If a significant chunk of reddit just decided to stop using the site, reddit would lose a lot of money.

Remember when reddit traffic was down like 3% a couple weeks ago? Let's say traffic to reddit and the money reddit gets from advertisers are strongly correlated. So if traffic drops 50%, they get 50% less money from ads.

It's probably not exactly the same, especially during a short time span like a week, but just for the sake of discussion.

With an annual revenue of $350 million in 2021, they avered $29 million a month and $7 million a week. What's 3% of $7 million? About $210k

$210k is not much for a company like reddit, but it's a significant amount of money. Now imagine we increase the traffic drop by a factor of 3 and increase the length of time down up to a month. We're talking $1.6 million.

That hurts. And it could start a downwards spiral. Prolific users leave and there's less content so there's less reason for users to come back. Which causes less content and so on

Unfortunately, I think the majority of redditors have probably moved on from the whole API affair. We still see "fuck spez" like for example in the /r/place but unless reddit creates another scandal in the near future they should be able to recover from this.

We simply don't have the numbers to hurt reddit so I say go ahead and use /r/place without guilt if you want to

If you are using an account in their service, they still have at least some data about you, which they can sell to third-parties under some conditions (unless they changed that part of their privacy policy). It's probably not a lot, but it adds up I guess.

The people you want to get off reddit are (shock) on reddit. While it makes reddit money in the short term, it spreads the word to people that aren't aware. Short term gain for hopefully long term loss.

This is also why I don't mind the John Oliver stuff. It's interesting for now, but it will get boring. I just hope it doesn't get stupid like what happened on r/aww

I'm a bit out of the loop, what happened on r/aww?

They decided to go John Oliver only too, except people are now posting normal content and just putting a small John Oliver somewhere in the original picture.

Does some individuals love circlejerking so much they'd GIVE AWAY money for it? Why yes they would.

It's also being griefed using obvious bots. Every 30 seconds or so the entire blade gets blocked out by a perfect checkerboard pattern done all at once. Or a perfect square will get whited out. Either spez is directing it or some reddit fanboy is defending his honor with a bot army

That's the moderators of place doing that.

I consider r/place mods and spez to be the same group. I really just mean that it could be either an official action by reddit-affiliated person or could be bots run by someone who just dickrides spez, just trying to disclaim that obvious manipulation doesn't necessarily mean it's reddit's doing.

The placed pixels don't have a username associated with them. The bot drawings are done with obviously fake accounts, but each pixel still has an account.

I'm willing to bet the moderators of r/place aren't doing it/are glad it's taking this direction and/or the former mods of r/place were removed by cum-guzzling bootlicking admins who are now forcefully whitewashing reddit users' contributions.

and the admins nuked it.

Of course they did. It was a death threats against an individual. The protestors needs to drop spez as a scapegoat and pick a target that is smarter.

I don't think that's a death threat at all. Guillotines are a metaphor for the working class forcibly taking power away from the ruling elite.

It is a guillotine with a reddit head in it and the name spez written on it. Just depicting a guillotine is not a death threats but depicting a person in it that exist in the real world is absolutely a death threats against that person. If that is not a death threat there is no such thing as a death threats on the internet and moderation is dead.

A death threat is something like saying "I'm gonna murder spez". It expresses an intention. An illustration suggesting that someone could be killed does not express any intention to actually kill someone. Furthermore the image could be interpreted in other ways, like saying the user account "spez" should be eliminated, or that that spez is the kind of person who would have been killed had he been around in the French revolutionary period. No reasonable person could believe the people posting those pixels are actually making plans to cut off Steve Huffman's head with a guillotine.

I'm much more concerned about rhetoric that, for example, equates LGBT+ people with groomers, because that shit demonstrably does get people killed, and I've been told numerous times that rhetoric like that doesn't violate any rules. If moderation is dead, that's what killed it.

No reasonable person could believe the people posting those pixels are actually making plans to cut off Steve Huffman’s head with a guillotine.

I agree, but the world is provably full of many unreasonable people.

Well, fuck em, and fuck spez. People can be unreasonable as they see fit, but I still maintain: Off with his 'ead! Metaphorically, of course

An illustration suggesting that someone could be killed does not express any intention to actually kill someone.

Wow. Brain just turns to literal soup as soon as the hate is directed towards someone you don't like.

So many folks taking that too literally as if it means something IRL. It doesn't, it means people want Reddit to cut Spez out as CEO. If they meant physical harm to the man, they might have said his real name.

If this was done against you or someone you liked, you would not make those arguments. If they replaced spez with a rainbow flag you would immediately identify it as a hate crime and a call to violence, because it fucking is. You can argue that spez isnt harmed by these kinds death threats and should just allow them on r/place but at least be honest with your fucking opinions.

It's pixels on a screen. It's a username on a mascot, not a photo with a real human name.

Can you tell the difference between a social media identity vs. an actual human?

Yes we all know who it actually refers to in real life, but the fact that it represents cutting the head off of Snoo is a metaphor meaning people would like to cut Steve out of being Reddit CEO.

Like I said to start with though, in the long run it's just pixels on a screen. Don't let it get you upset.

Words are just letters arranged in order but if I start writing racial slurs or telling people to kill themselves then I would get banned from pretty much any functional social platform.

It's Snoo. Snoo isn't even real, it's a mascot. It means about as much as popping the head off of a Barbie doll.

The pixels as drawn also represent neither thing you just stated, unless there's some weird incident in history I'm unaware of where someone somehow cut their own head off..

given the many recent decisions by reddit, if there is people smarter than spez they are not vocal to it on the outside.

But i seriously doubt that spez is listening, when people tell him what a bad idea is.

Smarter target as in the protestors needs to be smarter when picking a symbol. Any action that targets spez as an individual will get removed as personal harassment.

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Lurker on Reddit, first comment on Lemmy. Let us hope this will become the better alternative 🙏

Welcome :) we should all expect some teething problems as lemmy is growing so rapidly. Looking good so far though

Discussions are generally civil and engaging. Content is obviously going to be sparse for a bit but find the communities of your interest and start posting!

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I still remember how much fun the 2022 r/Place was. Now it feels kinda sad to watch the current one

Especially since it happened right after they killed apps from the third party

I don't understand why they'd do another round of place at a time like this. Like wtf did they think would happen?

If you read the r/place guidelines you must use the mobile app to participate. Hence everyone who is jumping in, even to mock spez, are stupidly doing exactly what reddit wants. Adopt their app. This is purely to get people to join their shit app

It works fine in a desktop web browser. No app required.

Hm I just read this post and figured they'd be telling the truth.

r/place is only available on our mobile apps (iOS and Android) and new Reddit. The new r/place features we are introducing this year are only on our mobile apps and moderators can opt out of these if they want to.

Seems I missed the new reddit part but it's just as bad as the app.

Probably to drive user interaction back up.


They don't care what the users make. They care that user interaction numbers are back up.

Spez is the scapegoat. The ownership of Reddit knows what they're doing and spez is simply the idiot willing to (poorly) do what he's told.

Is he really an idiot? He's making plenty of money, and demonstrating that even the people who hate his company the most cannot stop putting money in it's pockets.

It's a tiny fraction, damn near a rounding error, of people involved compared to Reddit user base though.

They do everything to up the engagement by any means necessary, so they can say that there were no big impact on traffic after blackouts. And it works. It doesn't matter that people go there out of hatred, they still end up as traffic

Just leave, ffs. It's annoying that in the end of the day people still remain in droves. The only hope is that reddit drives itself into being unusable.

I feel like saying "Just leave" to the protesters is akin to telling people protesting Trump as president: "Just leave for Canada. You working and living in USA is just making more tax money for Trump."

Leaving Reddit or leaving a country or not comparable

For some poor addicted sods, leaving the app might be harder.

We’re never going to reach the addicted, but there are likely plenty of people who would jump ship if they just knew a little more about lemmy.

I've made the switch to Lemmy and it wasn't easy. Now that I understand the way the federated thing works I get it but, honestly I was confused.

The only thing that I miss is search. I don't know if it's my app or what but there's no way, I can find, to search through posts on Lemmy.

That will get fixed soon, I'm sure. This thing is new.

If that's your criteria for staying, I don't think search was ever fixed in Reddit, though! 😂 Measure with the same ruler!

No, my criteria for staying is that it works on an app that isn't Reddit

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This is more like protesting Walmart while shopping there daily. Reddit directly benefits from the continued traffic.

i dont know how eager the advertisers are about advertising next to a canvas where the nicest message is fuck the CEO of that place. Twitter is struggling to get advertisers on board with how much of a fuckup Musk is as a CEO. Spez says that Musk is his idol and advertisers dont want a right wing cesspool filled with threats of violence and hatred to have their products right next to. And that is easier to enforce with a relatively small side like reddit, as opposed to facebook or instagram.

I think there is a difference between uprooting your entire life to move to a foreign country, and deleting an app

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The only hope for what? Is the end goal that Reddit dies or that lemmy gains in popularity?

Sort of, really people want to have a non hostile relationship with websites, reddit is a comical example of corprate instincts being misaligned with that desire

Spez will be seen as the animal that learned bad behavors and went savage

Edit: And how people wont put up with it

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Redditors on their way to do everything except stop using reddit.

maybe it's not so bad, many of the reddit issues were caused by it's rotting culture of ragebait loving and bandwagoning, as much as the lemmyverse benefit from trafic, going back to news influenced hate trains and obviously ill white women screaming at a camera on all pages is far from desirable, imhu of course

Reddit is using it as a honeypot to attract the upset users, so that they can swing the banhammer.

Oh no, if they ban me I'd lose all my precious reddit coins

I don’t know if you saw, but they’re removing this functionality anyway. So all your coins will be absorbed or deleted or whatever after September 31st iirc

I did see that, was trying to make a bad joke :-)

I was honestly wondering what I should do with what I had leftover, I’m glad they gave me a reason to not care

I've been giving out gold to "fuck spez" posts but I've still got like 10,000 left. (accumulated from various free giveaways over the years, e.g. after they bought AlienBlue)

I'd love to trade you gold for gold (or slightly more efficiently, plat for plat).

Reddit is doing Place to demonstrate continued engagement despite protests. People should stay logged out. But if they’re going in, people should hit them where it hurts:

“Reddit ads support Child Porn”

“Short Reddit Stock”

“Reddit Fakes Views”

c/places when?

There are websites that do what place does but better. Maybe we should just partner with one and have our own.

With obligatory blackjack and hookers.

Time lapse this year is going to be hilarious.

By hilarious, I'm sure you meant "highly edited".

I'm sure there are people grabbing constant captures so they can put out an unedited version.

I'd be shocked if they followed through with it. Reviving r/place out of the blue is a naked grab at engagement numbers.

Anyone else remember when they had the last CEO institute a ton of egregious shit and then instead of running it back, they replaced her with spez and everyone then forgot about it?

For someone that does not have a reddit account and joined lemmy from hearing about the api crap on mastodon and linux podcasts. Reddit sounds like a dumpster fire worse that twitter.

If I'm being honest, it's no where near as bad as Twitter. But still a dumpster fire

The only reason twitter is worse is because elon got there first. You can just reorder the timeline. They're both heading the same way

Am I the only one who thinks place is lame? It’s just another Reddit circle jerk and everyone is falling for it hook line and sinker. Shit like this reminds me why the human population is mentally deficient and why politicians have such an easy time controlling us.

I finally kinda see it, but hate the tone it was said with "heres a game to keep you distracted"

holy hell

There's a very old saying that I think was attributed to a Roman leader which went something like "Games and bread", humans have been easy to swat for a very long time.

Bread and circuses

English is closer to the original expression. In German, we say "Brot und Spiele" (lit. bread and games), hence the poster wrote it that way.

Shall we fiddle now, or fiddle later? Either way, there shall be fiddling!

Juvenal, a poet in ancient Rome. He wrote a whole series of books with satirical social commentary. A spiritual predecessor of George Carlin, so to speak.

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Honestly, I don't blame reddit for censoring this. This is cringey, and also just wrong. It SHOULD just be the Snoo under the blade, with spez pulling the cord.

Nah. It should be spez. It’s a metaphor for what’s coming and it’s going to be the billionaires of the world that are going to experience it.

It’s a metaphor for what’s coming

optimistically. I dunno if we actually have it in us.

Sure we do. People aren’t hungry enough right now but that day is soon coming. People won’t revolt when every thing is comfortable. Comfort is quickly dwindling.

Discomfort pushes people away, comfort and compassion pulls them close.

Theres a greater purpose to this all than wrecking reddit, its building a new, better home. One resistant to rot. You can in anger run away, but you need somwhere to run to (else twitter complaints happen). To those who need a home base on the internet, lemmy is there.

Edit: the "running away" is half symbolic of any action that distances you from a place

Edit: ive posted a better comment below this one

I disagree. Discomfort angers people. Once you take everything away from them their only recourse is fighting. They won’t just sit there and starve to death when they know who is responsible.

Today people are waking up. They are starting to notice how fucked up the world is and that billionaires are responsible.

You might be conditioned to roll over and take it but young people are not. Violent revolution is coming and it won’t be pretty. Soon there will be no other option. There will be tons of people willing and ready to burn everything to the ground.

The narrative will change completely once food shortages start happening. It won’t be long before the crop failures are here. Buckle the fuck up.

Let me be clear. yes, you are correct. (it was late at night and i was on copium) The problem is in an angered state, people need (actively seek out) an explanation. There are con men that love starving people because they are vunrable. The only just thing to do is help build that explanation together, without being like the con men nor letting their scams and lies into the group.

Edit: Twitter was conned into thinking there was no better place to go. Despite the fact mastodon exists. I hope we didnt and dont make the same mistakes

Twitter even censored news about french protest too.

Who the fuck that thought "hey, we just made millions extremely mad, let's give them r/place now so they can tell us what they really feel"? 😂

They want the engagement numbers. They're hoping those angry people log back in.

Can someone ELI5 this r/place thing? Despite my 10+ years on Reddit I have managed to not understand wtf is happening right now with this.

r/place is a site wide event where any user can place a pixel on the big canvas every 5 minutes or so. Communities will often coordinate efforts so their users can make art to represent their community. It looks like a lot of people have come together to make this Spez guillotine, which is fun.

Oh wow, I don’t know what I was expecting the answer to be, but that wasn’t it. That’s kind of neat, and also i am not surprised they are censoring things given the current state of Reddit. Bummer though. Why in the world would they bring it back at this point. What did they think would happen. This has been a wild ride.

Reddit is in a bad place right now (pun not intended) with engagement and content quality falling. To increase engagement and show the future shareholders that Reddit still "got it", Spez decides to bring back this popular event, which normally happens every 4 years (AFAIK, the next time it's supposed to happen is in 2024).

Basically you get one turn to place one pixel. By working together people and communities can make pictures and memes.

The Void is a bunch that just use black to consume everything.

After a little bit you can take another turn. So on and so forth.

In the past there were almost literal tile wars as communities fought for specific coordinates to color for whatever flag, void, meme or inside joke of the year.

looks like everyone is having a good time on Reddit again

Obligatory reminder that 99% of executions during the French Revolution were of commoners, not the nobility.

Yeah but the borgousise ones were the ones that made it onto all the MySpace pages.

I've removed my modded Sync from my home screen and replaced it with Voyager for Lemmy until Sync for Lemmy is ready. This r/place BS is pathetic.

There are also mods and admins by passing the timers and abusing to place more pixels again

LMAO how do I even access to it? I read that you need the official app? Fuck that.

Bloody hell. They're not holding back their anger, are they?

I think it's part of the "landed gentry" theme Spez started.


When they piss us off enough.

Lol. I honestly don’t know what it will actually take. We had 20 2nd graders get murdered at school, execution style. Watched out politicians do absolutely nothing and nobody gave 2 shits. Americans are too fat, lazy, and stupid to hit the streets and demand change. Exactly like they want us to be.

Can someone please explain to me wtf r/place is? I'm so confused.

On reddit you go to /r/place and can place a pixel on a certain place on this huge canvas of like... idk 5000 * 5000 pixels wide? Its a huge canvas of pixels. So you and your friend or another subreddit can try team up and conquer part of the canvas, lets say the bottom right corner. And then you can all work together and create a little flag or another picture/image like this one. I am not sure on the limit of how many pixels each user can post per minute, or the exact number of pixels, but its roughly something like 5000-10000 pixels wide and high

EDIT: This image you see would be a tiny portion of the entire canvas. You can tell because the resolution of 'Spez' for example is pretty bad, which means its only a few pixels wide. If it was taking up the entire canvas it would be perfect resolution and you wouldnt see janky edges

This is an example of the entire canvas at some point over the past few days. Its probably actually something like 50000x50000 pixels

So it's like crowd sourced graffiti or something? I still don't get it but whatever makes you happy I guess.

It started as an April Fools event. Reddit used to do unique April 1 events. This one was popular. Makes people make accounts so they can have another pixel to place. Makes coalitions. You would see flags between two countries defending each other.

Then they brought it back for 2022 because they're out of ideas. Here's the timelapse, it's pretty interesting: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K5O3UgLG2Jw

I've seen comments that this is just a desperate bid to increase engagement before the IPO. So while it would be funny to put the logo on, it's engagement nonetheless.

I haven't ever participated in it but its just a canvas you can draw stuff on but requires lots of people cooperating together. Could be fun to do with friends I guess, like a common thing is drawing your countries flag with fellow countrymen

It's a subreddit/event that they do every year (or I think it's only once a year?) where every user can place a single, colored pixel on a large digital canvas.

Your pixel can be over-written by another user, and each user can only place one pixel every 5 minutes or so (and there's a lot of bot-use, which is lame)

So different subreddits will band together to try and orchestrate a picture and protect it from being over-written by other users (or bots... if possible)

So alliances between subreddits are formed, fall apart, some backstabbing and deception... all until the event is over and the final canvas is locked-in.

It was actually a pretty cool event. You could maybe join a discord, a pattern and placement would be followed, and you'd just drop a pixel where it needed to be when you could, to help the overall picture. Or go rogue and try and etch a tiny little corner somewhere yourself

I had fun with it last year, but c'est la vie. I ain't going back there for anything. Would be cool if the different instances could somehow do something of the same nature across the fediverse one day. It was the comradery and light-hearted fun that really made it

This is surprisingly sick funk for the end of my day.

Communists write good music. Boots Riley rocks.

Wow that's a bit wow ok that's ahaha yeah that's quite something

Censorship are everywhere, especially big tech platforms