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Joined 12 months ago

This is the most disturbing "boring dystopia" thing yet.

He's not fascist, he just says fascist things and encourages his followers to act in fascist ways.

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I'll piggyback and say that it feels similar. The biggest difference is not having huge default subs shaping the experience. Lemmy also feels more sparse in the comments, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

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Eh, it's tech news.

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This may be the greatest thumbnail of all time. Nay, is.

I'm very hopeful for the future of Lemmy. We stand at a turning point for Internet culture right now. It's time to turn away from the curated big boys and return to the open liberty that the old days were all about. I think Lemmy can be the vessel and it seems to be a touch more active every day.

What really disturbs me is how the recent tech shenanigans have been a long time coming; seems the internet we have come to know for the last 15 years only existed thanks to the ridiculous interest rates post 2008.

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I would like to know more

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I really hope Bernie Sanders runs out of fucks to give at some point before he retires.

Insurance companies are the scum of the earth. I'm sure Big Daddy Gov will put them in their place. /s

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Tell that to dumbass IT "managers" that think a process monitor is a hacking tool.

This is the worst take on this topic I have ever seen.

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I've been thinking this is exactly the way to go.

The slightest hint of financial superiority. Snobbery, if you will.

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Windows is actually right back where it used to be, to be honest. Getting pretty tired of the whole "ecosystem" tech philosophy.

Absolutely. I get the doom, but there's no way I'm just rolling over on SS, ever.

NC has perhaps the most stark contrast between rural and urban population of any southern state, and I'm not just talking about major urban areas. You can go from MAGA county to the hippiest shit in the blink of an eye. I think the state would be solidly blue if not for gerrymandering.

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Jimmy, you got nuthin' but rocks 'tween yer ears if you think you can go cowboyin' with no cows.

Your not gonna get a lot of love, but I hear you. Jesus is the enemy of modern Christianity.

The worst part is if the company fucks you, too bad so sad. But if you fuck them? Welcome to prison.

So very, very close to grasping their error...

I've been using computers for well over 30 years. Teams is an unintuitive pile of shit.

I really fucking hate the assholes that do shit like this. I know they've always existed, but it seems like every single issue they come up with was resolved decades ago. America is backsliding HARD and I have no intention of going down with it.

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One massive, throbbing, pixelated John Oliver.

They hate freedom and liberty even more.

Basically all the crap on a recipe page before the actual recipe... Except there is no recipe.

I've removed my modded Sync from my home screen and replaced it with Voyager for Lemmy until Sync for Lemmy is ready. This r/place BS is pathetic.

I'm with you. Intolerance of intolerance is a different beast and is absolutely necessary to maintain freedom and liberty. When are people going to figure out that even the smallest capitulation to fascism is an automatic loss?

A new house for my aging parents with no stairs.

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My friend, there are a lot of stupid fucking morons that live in this country.

Establishing strong, functional unions should be priority number one for US citizens.

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Considering how I can watch the thumbs load as I scroll, I've assumed they are full size. I'm interested in this as one of Sync for Reddit's best features was it's data optimization; hopefully the same will be true of the upcoming Lemmy version.

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Only those that lack humility and/or fail to acknowledge privilege.

Am I the only one thrilled that Meg Hunt is the one standing up to this shit?

I wish these dumb cunts would practice what they preach, get back in their fucking place, and let real women live their lives unstained by their blatant idiocy.

One of my favorite sights when I visited Yosemite National Park was the payphone and huge, empty newspaper vending rack that were still present outside one of the lodges. Like walking back in time. People probably thought I was weird as I giggled to myself while taking photos. It's ok, I am!

Terrible take as this admin has lassoed the country and reigned things in. Sure, let's cut the rope.

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I would do my best Iago from Aladdin impression at how big a surprise this is but I just can't.

You came in a bit hot for civil discourse, don't you think? I don't think you are a fascist, but I am no longer willing to tolerate intolerance. These people have every right to practice their religion, but they do not have the right to weild it as a weapon of persecution behind the shield of the law.

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I'd bite if it came with a lifetime guarantee against failure, accidental included. Buds are just too fragile for this kind of price.