4 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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Thank god we live in a capitalist society, so we can InOvAtE. Right guys! Guys?

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Such a nightmare, my wife is taking our kids to a concert at the zoo today. So horrible! They will be taking a bus (pUbLiC tRaNsPoRtAtIoN), horrifying!

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I can do you one better mate. What if we just talk about doing it so they stop mass transit infrastructure.

I have been peaking over at reddit periodically, morbid curiosity really. Schadenfreude.

The number of apathetic users who thinks that protesting has accomplished nothing is unsurprising, logically, but is viscerally a gut punch. The fate of social media and the internet at large is important as its a stepping stone (often times overvalued but important none the less) to addressing bigger societal issues. The fact that so many people don't care about an issue as it doesn't effect them directly and they have no curiosity or empathy on how/why it's impacting other, bluntly fucking sucks. It makes the bigger issues seem even more unsolvable.

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Just want to point out that they only showed up in support of the current labor movement after immense pressure was put on them after failing to support the historic Amazon JFK8 union drive. AOC and politicians like her still have to pushed, sometimes hard, to do the right thing.

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What am I missing?

MAGA brain rot.

It really sucks that it's become so commonplace for union leadership to hold closed door negotiations. Union members should be present and reporting back to fellow members on just what is on the table for the union as a collective to be on board with or fired up against.

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Examples of tankie tendencies of the DSA amd so forth? Lol this is hilarious because all the DSA does is tail democrats and cover for them.

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It's been explained already, if you don't understand or believe it that's fine.

There are other issues beyond EEE however. If Meta can federate with an instance, it can collect all the available data within that instance. Cambridge Analitica would love that. Also meta blurs the line between content and advertising and that type of advertising is not healthy to federate with.

He needs to address the fact that all the green energy stimulus going to EVs has gone to non-union plants and rectify the situation immediately. That has been a huge blow to UAW.

Rank and file stand on a picket line because withholding their labor is their political power. Biden has power to put forth policy to improve working people's lives, standing on a picket line without action is just a photo op.

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Game looks really good. I was hyped to play Super Mario RPG with my kids but might put that off to play this instead.

And the public transportation is better in your 15k town? Your criticism is BS. Could it be better? Yes, our governments (federal/state/local) has failed the working class for decades upon decades. That's not unique to cities and at least there is incentive to build transportation along with dense urban planning, you legit can't do that in small town America.

No one was beheading babies. Please edit your post and stop spreading disinformation. This shit is exactly what Isreal wants to justify their apartheid state.

Biden said during his meeting with leaders of the Jewish community at the White House: “I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children.”

The Washington Post quoted a White House spokesman as saying that neither President Biden nor any US official has independently seen any photos or verified reports on this. The spokesman added that Biden’s statements regarding the alleged atrocities were based on allegations by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman and Israeli media reports.

Hamas, however, has confirmed in a statement that the Palestinian resistance does not target children and called on the Western media to be accurate in its reporting.

And I've never felt better.

To elaborate user sign up on these instances are the easiest and fastest. They could ban a user from our server only to have that person spin up a new account and keep harassing them.

They felt this was their only solution to that problem given their current tool set.

Niche community boards existed before Reddit, they will exist after Reddit.

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People are free to do what they want. It's this self assured BS they use to justify doing drugs in the desert that the majority of the criticism comes from.

Had a close friend who became a burner. She compared her fund raising for a party to my wife's political organizing. I can't even wrap my head around how self delusional it is.

Are you claiming tech bros are a marginalized part of society?!

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I thought this would be obvious, bearded with poor vision checking in.

Your not asking the right question though, something that might now be obvious from profile pics. How many of the users are never-nude? 🤔

You're being extremely captious from a statement that has a large chance of being made by someone who likely learned English as a secondary language...

I just want the communities I post in to grow. Just trying to do my part to keep people engaged and encourage others to do the same.

Beehaw is defederating incorrectly. The best thing to do is to abandon them (considering the size of, that’s what’s likely to happen). It should not be common practice to retaliate with more defederation.

Could you expand your thinking here? What is defederating correctly mean to you? What does abandoning them look like vs retaliating with defederation?

You don't take criticism very well. You doing ok?

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So because the genocide the US did was in the past it doesn't count?

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Post more my dude. Start the conversations you want to see.

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Americans are highly propagadized to hate communism.

My wife is a political organizer, no matter what type of person she engages with people agree with Socialist/Communist policy. However if you start the conversation openly on what ideology that policy is based in people shut down or worse get angry/violent with you. It's absolutely wild.

I just block the bots, I want to see what real people care enough to post.

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Never really had that issue. Are you referring to you sub feed or all? If the issue is all maybe start blocking the duplicates that you deem unworthy of your time.

The lack or rudimentary algorithms lemmy has compared to corporate social media is both good and bad. Less dopamine/doom scrolling but you also have to curate the feed a bit to make it work for you.

Yes it was a bit of work to find niche subjects in the old days but it was all out there if you really cared. Having communities too accessible to casuals is both a blessing and a curse. Constant conversation is a great time killer but the quality of those conversations really suffers.

It is really a fine line between the two and I think federated social media could actually pull it off. Reddit has been shit for a long time and the API fallout, even though it had no direct impact on the way I used Reddit, was just the last straw. No point trying to save a dieing animal, sometimes the most difficult decision is for the best.

Short term it's going to increase traffic, which also increases awareness of the issue at hand. Long term it will become stale and reduce traffic. Both are good things for the mods to do and it forces spez to eat his words should he choose to retaliate further. This was a choice the community voted on.

The public broadcasting model.

Shout out to

We have a government that spends billions of dollars on the military industrial complex with what amounts to no opposition politically. Having spent that money we then go on to justify the weapons being deployed around the world.

If Isreal is a genocidal country, how is America not for enabling Isreal? There is no distinction in my mind. It's the same capitalist interests at play.

Sorry man I just fundamentally disagree and feel like you are ignoring/undervaluing the role grassroots organizing plays. This is pure political pressure, not a reevaluation of policy.

I say this specifically because as soon as you give a politician the benefit of doubt and remove that political pressure they stop "learning from their mistakes".

NHL and NBA fans were throwing absolute tantrums that "their" subs we closed during the finals.

Upvotes/downvotes are still a useful engagement metric, for instance what should appear in user feeds. Converting that engagement into long term karma encourages reposts and bad actors though so throw it out the window.

Hey friendo, your post was short and there wasn't a ton of room to read between the lines. Most people that shorthand the issues of corporate sterilized inclusivity, imo the actual issue with the writing, into the word "woke" (don't forget the quotes!) don't have a very nuanced or original take.

If you have a more detailed or nuanced opinion you're likely to get less blow back.

Totally the point of decentralization. It just seems like a poor use case.

Imagine Lemmy 2-3 years from now, the community has grown and corporations are trying to figure out how to get in. They spin up a server and attempt to spread viral marketing. Decentralization means we don't have to engage with that bs.

Democrats placating political energy instead of fostering it is what led to Trump in the first place. More of the same does nothing to diminish that threat.