More of a uniform than a costume. to Lemmy – 1218 points –

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Such a nightmare, my wife is taking our kids to a concert at the zoo today. So horrible! They will be taking a bus (pUbLiC tRaNsPoRtAtIoN), horrifying!

The problem with american cities is the terrible public transportation. That's most of why I hate them.

How is public transportation in towns with 15,000 people?

Interestingly, my old hometown of about 20,000 people just added frequent bus service. They have all day buses to drive from one end of the town to the other, every 10 minutes. It's pretty amazing. And people are actually riding it!

Nonexistent, but its easy to drive here even with everyone on the roads, the same doesn't apply to a city. I definitely could have made my point more clear, so that's my bad.

Sounds like you’re scared of traffic not cities.

You should be scared of traffic btw. It's made of barely conscious people driving heavy machinery that only works because... Well, it turns out consciousness isn't actually that important.

Regardless, car accidents are by far the leading cause of early death and permanent injury.

Fun Fact: if you were to drive a mile to a convenience store to buy a lottery ticket, you would be more likely to die on the way than to win the jackpot.

To be fair, there's many things with a higher chance than winning a lottery.

Buying a ticket barely increases your chances of winning.

And the public transportation is better in your 15k town? Your criticism is BS. Could it be better? Yes, our governments (federal/state/local) has failed the working class for decades upon decades. That's not unique to cities and at least there is incentive to build transportation along with dense urban planning, you legit can't do that in small town America.

My bad I should've elaborated more. The problem is that the lack of good public transportation puts more people on the roads that shouldn't be there. This is a problem in a small town too, but its much less noticeable because of the smaller population in general.