1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One of the reasons this election is so critical is the Supreme Court. If Trump wins, Alito and Thomas likely step down and two new, younger, likely even more conservatives get appointed, leaving Trump with 5 appointees who will fuck us for decades.

We have to keep that from happening. We need Biden to hold the fort if nothing else. Hopefully, it will become quite evident that this court is corrupt AF, and there will be real momentum for reforms and/or impeachment of Alito and/or Thomas. We'll need Dem senators to actually start pushing for this and probably start pushing for increasing the Senate with DC, Puerto Rico, and Samoa statehood.

But people gotta suck it up and support Biden, while at the same time getting involved at the state level.

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It's still so wild to me that after all these years of seeing Trump lie, cheat, bully, grift, and bloviate that anyone looks at him and says, yes this is the man I want to lead our country.

Just listening to him rant for like five minutes should be enough for anyone to realize that he's an incompetent asshole wholly unworthy of respect, much less public office. And yet, here we are with like 40% of the country saying he's their guy.

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Here's a wild thought, maybe the best security comes from being a good neighbor and cooperating with people around you.

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Given that abortion and legal weed will both be on the ballot in Florida this cycle, turnout could a lot different this time around.

It is a little mystifying that they continue to be so bad at maps across so many games.

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She's not going to beat him in the primary, however there's a not insignificant chance that Trump flames out (disqualification or conviction) and she'll be the only candidate left with some delegates and she'll default her way into the nomination.

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I would add a progressively higher tax rate for each property beyond 2-3.

The wild thing is that it was two very conservative Federalist lawyers who wrote the initial article (based on originalism) putting out the theory that Trump should be disqualified.

Further, the amendment specifically lays out Congress's role: they can, with 2/3rds vote, remove the imposed disqualification disability.

Ezra Klein had a great podcast on this awhile back.

I'm over 200 hours in and still mostly enjoying Starfield. There are a lot of things that could be better and the limitations of the game engine are pretty evident. I feel like the game will continue to evolve with expansions and mods but that's not good enough for people who expected everything day 1.

The repetition of points of interest is definitely a bummer. It also doesn't make sense that no matter where you land on any planet there is always a handful of structures and people nearby. Or that another ship always seems to land near you shortly after touching down.

It's also annoying how 300 years in the future, people seem to have completely forgotten about night vision and your only option for illumination is the built in flashlight.

I think that's maybe the most frustrating thing: it's easy to see how the game could've been cooler in so many ways, but due to the engine or development constraints shortcuts were taken that result in subpar play.

Agriculture uses up the most water in the Southwest - particularly in AZ and California. So, yes curtailing water use from thirsty crops is a big issue. Furthermore, these companies are drawing ground water from increasingly deep wells which is unsustainable and leads to shallower neighboring wells drying up.

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Arizona is very efficient with water usage for the most part - especially in terms of residential and industrial usage. The big problem and water suck is agriculture in the region.

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AFIK, all the subsides for EVa in the US already require them to be made and produced domestically.

Go for a walk, longer is better but even 20 minutes will help.

Eat fermented foods and plenty of fiber to keep your gut micro biome happy. There's increasing evidence that your gut health impacts your mental health.

We need more Democrats in the Senate. To get that we need better representation in States or more senators. Folks have to start working at the local and state level to start affecting change, because in the current system it's really hard to make that happen from the top down.

We should totally be going for a judicial reform, both of the district, federal circuit, and supreme Court levels. Republicans have what they have today because they've had a 40 to 50-year strategy led by the Federalist society to put conservative judges and positions of power up and down the ladder. And Democrats are about 30 years behind.

Unless it's an online multiplayer game, let me pause whenever! Playing Starfield now and it's so annoying that you can't pause during dialogue or ship fight by hitting ESC.

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There are so many things these days which co-opt and diminish our ability to pay attention and focus, it wouldn't be all that surprising if it's also affecting memory.

The book Stolen Focus goes into these issues, but diet, air pollution, smart phones, social media, and instant gratification tired to consumerism all diminish our ability to focus.

The lack of in-person community in modern American life has a profound and far reaching impact that I think many people fail to appreciate.

There was an interview with E Jean Carroll and her attorney and they claimed Trump had to pay it out pocket for the first defamation fine because no bond company would work with him. That was only for like $5 million.

The impact of the death of community in modern society (at least in America) can not be understated. I wish we had comparable institutions to churches that could provide community without the religion.


Now if only they can get the NIMBYs in Nevada to support yucca mountain so we have a safe place to store the waste.

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Traffic enforcement and red light cameras. I used to be very opposed to them, but I've since come to appreciate the absurdity of America's car central culture.

Additionally, traffic stops by police disproportionately effect minorities and lead to escalations and other issues, while taking away enforcement capacity from more important things.

I still don't think the cameras should necessarily be run by private, for profit entities. Nor would I really want cameras that ticket you if you go 1 mph over. But in general I'm much less opposed to the idea than I used to be.

I always found The Life Aquatic to be very cathartic.

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The problem is that free range and grass fed methods take up more space and and produce more greenhouses gasses, even if they are more ethical.

There actually is a pretty unprecedented number of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers entering and trying to enter the country which has put a strain on border communities over the past couple of years.

I mean he's kinda right, but he just doesn't realize he's on the side threatening America.

I don't think our industrialized food and unwalkable cities are mutually exclusive when it comes to obesity.

There are a lot of great Democrats out there, but there are plenty of bad ones too. I don't think we'll see real change until most of the boomers are dead and gone.

There's also the issue that with Republicans losing their damn minds, big money and corporations have been shifting their support to Dems.

I've been playing Palia. It's a chill MMO focused on resource gathering, NPC quests, and crafting.

Trump already lost the civil case, the judge found him guilty of fraud. Everything in the case now is just about damages and penalties.

In all seriousness, he could someday move to an employee and customer ownership model and give or sell shares of steam to uses. Would be an awesome fuck you to all the big corporations trying to dominate the games industry.

Both my kids (4 and 7) use fire tablets and we have the subscription with it to get them access to lots of free apps.

I put memory cards in both, as what they come with is insufficient. The older versions we had were a little janky, but we haven't really had any issues with the current ones.

The parental controls could be better but work okay. In the kids version of the interface you don't really see ads, just app recommendations. Some of the apps still have gated content, but it hasn't really been an issue.

I think with more state level work, Dems could start flipping more Senate seats. AZ and Georgia are recent examples. But it needs to be a 50 state strategy, and too often people just see a red state and throw up their hands as if there's no way that can change.

Correct, that is the full process. Even if the Senate is unlikely to convict, that doesn't mean the house shouldn't Impeach. It elevates the issue, brings attention to it, can dig up more information, and at least shows that some measure of accountability is being sought.

No, no - this is the forever chemicals in your blood. The plastic in your balls will be a whole other thing!

No, but if he the president does have absolute immunity Biden could just have seal team 6 kill Trump and some of the justices.

Not that he would, but imagined the surprised Pikachu face on the GOP if Biden called their bullshit.

This would be my first comment. I mostly lurked on Reddit, probably here too. For me, I more appreciate the aggregated content and don't really want to take the time to engage in discussion as I try to minimize my overall screen time.


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Maybe a better way to say it is obvious enough for people not paying close attention to have no doubt about the corruption, and as a result Court reform becomes a mainstream issue that moderate Dems get behind.

Thanks for the recommendation. I was wondering what else to try as I sure as hell don't want to use YouTube and it doesn't seem like you can have a separate podcast playlist in Spotify.