59 Post – 205 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am a hobbyist artist, but I do like to do commissions when I can! I'll probably mostly post my art on here, but I'll probably end up engaging with a lot more.

Well, really the only way to do that is to try and fix the underlying problem, which is largely the ignorance and or malice of men IRL. That's a societal issue though, and one that can't be fixed by Lemmy on Lemmy.

The best method online is just good moderation and not to let their (harmful actors) disingenuous "but mah free speeeccchh" arguments work.

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What I will always find funny is that pirated and cracked games run better than the actual ones with Denovo.

It's even for the same reason too. Children are easy to manipulate, and easier to exploit. They can be paid less, for longer time, and with less shits given for their wellbeing. Because, by nature, child labor is exploitative and inefficient.

Nowadays, it's being used as a bludgeon to prevent wages from increasing naturally, and even to reduce it artificially.

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Libertarians in the modern US are republicans that figured out saying that gets them no favors. At least that's what it seems like to me.

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Key features include subscription fees, only-online capacity, baked in popup ads in every folder and directory, is slower than windows 7, and also streams your webcam to anyone who pays them enough.


Isn't this why mad cow disease was ever a real problem in the first place?

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Exactly. Any regular person would be in prison for decades if not forever, a dozen times over, in the time it took for them to get even this far. After they're done, they should also look at all the people that obstructed this long too. They're complicit at the very least.

In my humble opinion, just as "no taxation without representation" is a thing the gov should abide by; "no representation without taxation" is probably good too. If these company's want to vote, have them pay 50% of all the money they every make to taxes.

Actually, not even then. If they want to vote, even if they paid 99% of their profits towards taxes to vote it would be a bad idea.

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Centrist = Far Right MAGA = So far right they're fascist Libertarian = Far right but in denial (most of the time) Democrat = Center Right

They made up TDS because of how reactive they themselves are to the "culture war" nonsense that they're shovel fed every day 25/7. If they can get so worked up about sexy M&Ms and Nascar banning the confederate flag, they have no position to criticize others for pointing out the blatantly terrible stuff their cult leader says and does.

In other words, its effectively the same thing as their insistence that the election was stolen from them. They are so self absorbed and obsessive that they can't imagine its possible without the other side cheating. Considering just about every actual case of voter fraud found was Republicans, it's just more projection.

Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


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That's why they should be taught. If there is hate for a foul past, that's a good thing.

Which explains why education funds are pretty much always gutted by certain groups in the US.

How about a feature where it actually shows me things I asked for? That'd be great.

He has such an outrageous amount of wealth that he'll never be poor. Not even if all his assets are nationalized. He's probably squirreled away money in as many holes as possible. He will probably never see any proper justice for any of his actions.

Small Pox as well. It's been around at least 1600 years, and was probably around long before then. Flus have been around as long as humanity. The modern HIV is probably only a few hundred years old, but also unrelated to vaccines, especially since there still isn't one for it.

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Not to mention the voter suppression.

It's good that you won't. Being able to understand this is probably a cognitohazard.

The petrol and coal lobbies are why.

Culture wars are a direct result of conservatism, so it makes sense to target the tap root, not the leaves.

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Tiktok doesn't cost thousands of dollars?

HBO has changed their branding like 5 times in the last few years I swear.

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Private ISPs could do it better if they weren't largely all monopolies. The US average internet speed is a fraction of most other developed countries mostly because of them.

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Not by definition, but the right wing turds have co-opted it like they have so many other things.

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Why would I want to kill them with kindness when they'd much sooner kill me with a knotted rope and a sycamore?

Good luck. DRM in the hands of corporations will pretty much always be used for evil.

Oompa loompa doopity doo

I'll take "things that literally everyone saw coming" for $1000 Alex.

It's because it's not actually about any other characteristic than being a woman. One saying I've heard is that "women have to work twice as hard as a man and for half the benefit."

I've heard added on for Black women, though I imagine it applies to many groups too to some degree, "A black woman has to work ten times as hard for a tenth the benefit."

My guess is that they started noticing it more than before. Sort of like how autism rates skyrocketed once it became something people actually checked.

I dunno, maybe actually affordable housing?

I think that there was just too much negative association between Facebook's tomfuckery for the last 20 years and the Metaverse. There was no way to divorce the two. Young people didn't want to use it because Facebook is cringe, and old people didn't know how, or couldn't give two shits to learn how, to use it.

That and the Metaverse is using tech that was dated in the early 2000s. There were multiplayer online browser games that I played on as a kid that had better quality than the Metaverse. VRchat is 8 years old and is better in basically every way, and it's VRCHAT.

Long story short, they screwed it from the start by being the ones that made it. It might have worked if it weren't for the company making it.

Edit: Does anyone remember the fashion show they tried to put on in the Metaverse, where they sold crappy dresses for the game for like hundreds of dollars or something? Metaverse was designed to be a blatant and lazy cash grab, and that's why it turned into such an unmitigated cash sink.

The nazis also targeted transfolk as well. The repugnants aren't going to stop at trans people or liberals. They're going to go after everyone eventually, even each other.

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That's the rub isn't it. You're not supposed to ever get out of debt. As long as you are in debt, someone's earning interest on it. And that debt can even follow your family long after you are gone.

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Does the distinction even matter in this context? Neither is good and neither should be permitted.

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It does sound like it could be defamation again, which they'd probably lose again to in court. They knowingly misquoted information.

The one thing that unites the oligarchs, abusing the poors

An estimated 50% of those are women (who tend to benefit the most from easy contraception). Additionally, these individuals are often poorer, and, as a result, disproportionately of minority populations. Not only is it a fair number of people, but also the people that need the help the most.

I do agree that they are pretty awful. I feel very little sympathy for the rich getting themselves killed doing stupid rich people stuff, but celebrating their death is still in poor taste.

Celebrate their deaths like you would the death of your skin cells. Forget about it.

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Yep. The people that argue for conversion therapy are generally not the kind of people that are convinced by actual proof. Sadly.

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Considering what the boomers and Gen x have put the millennials through, I'm not surprised they're susceptible to romance scams.