1 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

World's biggest Monster Hunter fan

Proposed long term nuclear waste storage facility. Lots of big spikes tell possible future civilizations that this place is dangerous. The "this is not a place of honour" comes from a proposed message to be kept within the facility for any future archaeologists.

further reading

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speaking as someone who is a homestuck fan you're 100% right

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Fuck did we all go down the exact same pipeline? I just installed Linux last week and I haven't booted up windows since.

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According to a quick internet search clicker training is a dog training method in which whenever a dog does something right you click with a noisemaker to indicate the exact moment the dog performed a preferable action before rewarding them. How this applies to fighting games I don't fully know but I would assume that the doggirls are undergoing clicker training when training in fighting games, thus making them stronger than the average player.

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jacob geller

dan olson


YOU are the fool because I am harvesting this thread for game recommendations and you have fallen right into my trap! Muahaha!

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When I learned that frozen meat had ice physics and I could glue a pile of the stuff to the bottom of a plank with a fan on it to make an all-terrain sled I knew it was the greatest mechanic ever added to a video game

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There is a framed picture of Kim Kitsuragi in my parent's house, maybe I should actually play it...

Outer Wilds is a game you can beat in 20 minutes, but you spend 15 hours figuring out how to actually do that. Along the way you unravel a lovely story of curiosity and discovery and loss, while trying to solve one of the greatest mysteries in the universe. It's a beautiful game and a true once-in-a-lifetime experience in the most literal sense, since you can only experience it once. Like the other person said, if this sounds appealing to you, give it a try! You will absolutely know whether the game is for you well within the refund period.

Crosscode is one of my favourite games of all time. It's an immensely charming action RPG heavily inspired by the 2D Zelda games. It has some absolutely insane combat and surprisingly challenging puzzles. The story is also very good and really touching at times. The devs spent 7 years making this game and I feel like it never got anywhere near the attention it deserved.

It's just $20 on steam AND it has a free demo, so there's no reason not to check it out!

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I guess that's one way to announce your polycule

I used to just make myself in games, but then someone suggested "make a character you think looks good since you're staring at them the whole game" so I did, and then I ended up giving them a personality after playing that game for several hundred hours. Now they're just my oc I always play as. It sucks though because my character uses a "boy" hairstyle so any game that gender locks hair (stupid) can't properly make her.

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(they don't know where glue comes from)

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These are games where a major portion of the gameplay involves learning about the game. In Heaven's Vault and Chants of Sennaar this manifests as learning languages. In Return of the Obra Dinn this is figuring out what happened on the ship. In Tunic and The Outer Wilds this is based around knowledge checks, or mechanics that are present from the start of the game but you only learn how to exploit them much later.

I knew it was gonna be Jan Misali... The goto channel when you want to know the exact origins and history of the letter W.

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Creeper World is sort of like this. Basically the enemy is a self replicating liquid that destroys everything it touches and you have to fight it off and secure each map. It was originally a flash game so go with those expectations but it's pretty fun regardless. I recommend CW3 as the best one.

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Me when the walls seem always in one direction a fraction longer than the eye could endure, and in another direction a fraction less than the barest possible tolerable length

depressed ❤

I know the first game wasn't everyone's cup of tea but I loved it to bits! Seeing the little snippet of actual gameplay when the bridge was destroyed makes me think this will be just the first game but better, which is my favourite type of sequel, and I can't wait! With MH Wilds and this 2025 is looking stacked already!

do it do it do it do it do it it's so good

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Here's one that most of you have probably not heard of. Monster Hunter Frontier.

MHF was a Monster Hunter MMO that ran from 2007 to 2019 and was exclusive to Asia. Recently, a dedicated team of community members have managed to revive it with community servers.

It is brutally difficult, only partially translated, and has some genuinely awful controls, BUT

It's only around 6GB and completely free.

If for some reason you want to try it I highly recommend joining the rain server, as it is the most populated and stable one. They also have a setup guide for how to install on their discord server I recommend you use.

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Unity did a handful of good. They were a great game engine for many amazing games. They're still evil. Microsoft is still evil. Large corporations are evil. I'm not going to side with either of them.

Tunic absolutely does have tons of knowledge based progression. You can skip through massive chunks of the game simply because you have knowledge the game withheld from you. As you collect manual pages throughout the game you learn new mechanics that have always been there from the start, you simply didn't know how to access them. A big example of this is accessing the hub, which is a massive game changing discovery halfway through the game that you can access in the first 60 seconds.

Thank goodness, sync was the app that worked the best for me! Awesome to see more apps coming out already

I only purchase full price games under one of 2 conditions. Either it's a series that I deeply love and know for certain will always put out quality games (Zelda, Mario, Monster Hunter) or it's a game that is extremely well reviewed and doesn't go on sale (factorio, other Nintendo games)

As for whether I believe a game I've purchased was worth it, I don't equate hours invested to price worthiness, but rather my overall enjoyment. I've put too many hours into games I regret ever buying (Ark) and played some games that were far too short but I would've paid double for (Outer Wilds). Rather, I believe it's how much the game affects you when you come out of it. Ark was a frustrating, grindy experience, but Outer Wilds literally changed who I am as a person. When I play something like Sonic Frontiers I come out in awe, and giddy with how much excitement that game gave me, but when I play something like Elder Scrolls Online, I don't dislike it but I don't feel anything special. Frontiers was absolutely a worthy purchase but ESO was not, because one really affected me and the other, even though I wouldn't call it a bad game, just didn't really do anything to me.

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"Your RX(s) starting with "ALLERGY" are ready to be picked up at KROGER PHARMACY. Text STOP to opt out."

It was so unique! I found myself getting extremely excited whenever I would see that glowing page because it was always a treat to see what new knowledge they would give me next!

Actually one of my favourite games of all time. Please please please check it out if you haven't already

I played it and bounced off long before I got medicated, I should really go back to it now that I have acquired the ability to think!

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You aren't wrong but it's just people having fun recommending games they think are cool and I'm never going to turn that down

In the first moments of the game they give you a full summary of the plot of the first game. If you want to play the first game for the story I recommend you hold out on this one until afterwards.

The Talos Principle 2 dropped an expansion out of nowhere. It hasn't even been a year since the game released! The puzzles so far are really creative and cool, and of course it wouldn't be The Talos Principle without a healthy dose of philosophizing about the human condition!

I've been a pc gamer all my life but controller has always easily been the superior choice. For first person shooters and strategy games I'll go KBM sure, but for every other kind of game I'll go controller when I can get away with it. It's significantly more comfortable for me and I'm much more familiar with it.

Counterpoint: most people do not understand the wiring in their home

I did try it and what I played was really fun but once I left the first zone, after 5 minutes the entire game would slow to an unplayable crawl :(

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an entire active spinoff comic

That's just a homestuck fandom thing. There's tons of them, known as fanventures. MSPFA is a site for hosting them if you want to see some more. Some have even gotten pretty popular, like Cool And New Webcomic.

I'll throw my hat into this ring with Monster Hunter Rise. I often spend my time browsing monster hunter content and almost every time Rise gets brought up it's just to talk about how much worse it is than World. I'll say it now, yes I also prefer World to Rise, but holy fuck do I still love Rise.

To start with, let's compare the two. Monster Hunter is developed by 2 teams who take turns making games. World was developed by the mainline team who are known for more grounded and polished games. Rise was developed by the portable team who are known for flashier and more experimental games. Most players started the Monster Hunter series with World (it's Capcom's #1 best selling game of all time after all) and so going from the high detail immersive World to the action packed fast paced Rise was extremely jarring. A massive portion of the hate just comes from the fact that it was different.

Also, as you can probably guess from the name, the portable team makes games for portable systems, such as the Switch, which immediately gives them less power to work with system-wise. Couple this with the fact that Rise was developed during the pandemic, and Rise was really dealt a rough hand. Graphically it's a massive downgrade from World, and it even ended up releasing without an ending or any non-scripted elder dragon fights.

In spite of all this, even though Rise lacks a ton of the personality and charm of World, it's still an absolute blast to play! The combat is stellar, and while it may not have the weight World had, its fluidity and high adrenaline action makes it some of the best in the series. The sunbreak expansion especially really improved the game in every single way, fixing a ton of the issues people had with the base game. I feel that most players already moved on after base Rise and so didn't get to experience that improvement unfortunately.

TL;DR play Monster Hunter Rise. It's really good. Just don't go in expecting the same experience as World.

why does he remove one more period each line