1 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

To me, this article seems to be arguing that Trump will probably end up in the General election, but will lose by a wide margin because he has become more extreme and has pending legal action against him. I would say this sounds pretty similar to what many argued in 2016, though circumstances are admittedly very different now. What hasn't changed is my lack of faith in a large percentage of the American population who either don't vote or vote in hatred.

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Nah, that's gross behavior no matter who is doing it.

I think to some extent this is starting to work. I googled a software question the other day and found a lemmy answer within the first couple of results! Definitely better than a couple months ago where even searching for "lemmy" didn't bring up lemmy among the top few.

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Thinking of it a bit differently, have you considered you might not be sensitive enough? There's some real benefits to living with a healthy dose of sensitivity; for one, it is part of a healthy response to situations that could be physically harmful to you. Best of luck out there :)

Even worse is when your luggage gets switched with someone else's by mistake - Stranger's Things.

Made me write SQL updates that had to be run by someone in a different state with pretty much no knowledge of SQL.

A+, just got to figure out how to work this into conversation without getting HR involved now.

  • The night I had to put down my cat (he was the best boy).
  • Dealing with the aftermath of a family member's suicide.
  • The day my twin first moved far away from me.
  • The death of my grandmother.
  • The time I was hospitalized against my will for a mental health issue.
  • The first panic attack I experienced and the subsequent fallout.

All said, I have lived a pretty lucky life and am a successful person (by my account). But even so, life is full of this type of stuff for pretty much everyone. Fun question, OP!

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Just started adding subscriptions to kbin magazines and I think it's starting to sink in that there is actually a decent-sized community growing here with a LOT more potential. The FediVerse being decentralized makes things feel a bit empty at first as it is now, but once you start hooking up to other platforms' content it immediately feels twice as big. The trick over time will be cross-platform development efforts that make things look and feel more seamless.

I have really good reflexes for catching things that are falling. I don't even have to think about it - if something is falling near me that's catchable, my hand will just reach out and catch it 9/10 times. Seems I can override it for dangerous things like kitchen knives. Most of the time, nobody ever sees it happen, so it's also a hidden talent, lol.

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Chaotic neutral over here...

You are super cool, thanks for your story.

I like it when a chorus gets built up more on each repetition, either with the addition of more instrumental parts, new harmonies or background vocals, or a beat change that brings up the intensity.

Similarly, I like when that same effect happens within 2 halves of a chorus. Example of one I heard recently is the chorus of the song "Breathing" by ELLEGARDEN. The 2nd half adds a higher vocal harmony + a picked lead guitar line that open up the sound a bit and just give it a nice little emotional boost.

Real misunderstanding of the type of guzzling being raised for discussion there.

Read some posts here today as well about mods who got removed and replaced so some subs could be reopened. Just word of mouth, but wouldn't put it past the admin team. Read a news article today about some effects being felt by advertisers, so could be a mitigation effort in some part.

I just started seeing silver bokoblins seemingly everywhere today and I can't help but feel knocked down a peg. Link just wants to take the easy road for once, jeez.

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Seems reasonable to exercise caution. Plus, unless you have the means, it'd be a tough spot to deal with resource scaling without knowing what the volume of new traffic will look like.

You don't already want the latest iTube?

I do because I live in an area where the water is hard as fuck, and will leave a ring of minerals in my pot if I do not wash it. So regardless of any other factors, I do.

Helped me quit cigarettes at least.

Games where at least a significant portion of it is low-key/relaxing. Thinking Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, Spiritfarer.

A fun game in the spirit of wordle, but can be way hard:

If your soup or sauce sparks a little bit next time, you'll know, lol.

I hope those are soap bubbles.

"Opportunity" = $$$

Just moved to Indiana, can confirm.

I'm significantly overweight and agree with this.

That's a great point, I don't know much at all about SEO, but I do know how much Google tailors everything to your profile.

Really well-done article, thanks for posting.

The Fruit of the Loom logo DID feature a cornucopia at some point in time (or space).

Just had my first experience losing an offer to house flippers who waived inspections, yayyyyy!

I propose that human greed leads to the corruption of both capitalist and communist systems in actual practice. The difference is that in capitalism, greed is publically encouraged and publically rewarded, while in communism, greed is publically discouraged and privately rewarded. Inequality is present in both practices ostensibly (with few historical exceptions). Whatever economic systems are implemented by humanity, some people are winners and some are losers.

The question of what system is best cannot be settled by only historical anecdotes. Historical record is too biased towards its own context, though we can look at patterns that have emerged through recorded history to try and achieve a more objective understanding; we have to examine a system as it exists right now. We must accept that no system will be exempt from human greed and focus our efforts on policies that fight against it wherever possible. This is not an enlightened centrist position; this is the position of someone who wants to maximize the number of societal winner and minimize the number of losers.

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To add to this, in this case there is even some rationale for being closed source - given the critical nature of the code, less visibility means availability to examine it for exploit opportunities. But that's just one side of it, right? Open source might mean more opportunities to find and fix possible exploits as well.

Yeah, that's one of my favorites too! Got any good examples you like? One of my favs is "Ivory" by Polyphia. It hits right towards the end of the song and always gets me good.

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I think it's too early to tell how it will affect the IPO - with valuation already cut drastically by Fidelity earlier and very much ongoing contention from the community (just took a look at r/pics and r/interestingasfuck, wow), they aren't really going to be entering in the position they could have without these recent poor decisions.

Speaking of pet topics, my pet goldfish is really the best goldfish ever. He just slips his way into any conversation at all, much like this one.

Rolled a nat 20 on that one for sure.

I feel hurt.