If you could go back and tell your childhood self something about their future that would improve their childhood, what would it be?

AstralWeekends@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 120 points –

Save your sister, she is not okay. You are not an inferior person, there is nothing inherently wrong with you. You are not responsible for everything. Your boundaries matter. Your feelings matter. You will be okay.

She invited you over at 2am cuz she wanted the D you fucking idiot

You fight much bigger problems that others around you. Your way of thinking is definitely not normal, seek diagnosis and help. Life is not supposed to be this complicated mentally.

"You're trans lul, and don't worry about coming out your mom is nice and dad doesn't give a fuck" Honestly would probably make my childhood harder but would make my mid/late teens onward a lot less confusing and painful.

Hit the gym and stay consistent about it. Not only will you feel better about yourself you'll also be able to manage the physical pain you will have a lot better.

You're experiencing abuse and it's not normal. You also don't have to put up with your family because they're your family.

Whatever comes of it—whether you get hurt, or whether you get suspended—you just need to lay your bullies out.

They won’t ignore you. They won’t go away, no matter how hard you work to be unnoticeable. It’s trying to do that—to be invisible so that they’ll leave you alone—that will change the course of your life for the worse. You won’t be a high achiever, you won’t go to a good school, you’ll just coast, forever suffering the damage they did, and regretting that you didn’t do anything about it.

The only thing they’ll understand is the kind of violence that says you’re not worth fucking with. Don’t worry what Mom will think. Don’t worry about the pain of a punch or two. Don’t worry about your “permanent record”. All that will be temporary in the grand scheme of things.

I am sorry to hear that. It is not your fault. It is the fault of the bullies who did it and it is the fault of the adults that did not protect you. You were just a child. You cannot be expected to solve something so difficult as bullying all by yourself. Many adults cannot even do that. Apparently, the adults in your environment could not solve it, so how could you be expected to do it?

Regretting it does not help. Regretting it just prolongs the pain. It just keeps the idea alive that it is somehow your own fault and that you had control. You did not have control. However, you do have control now.

If you still feel invisible, do something about it. You do not need to still keep suffering the damage. That is something you actually can do something about now.

You’re trans and mom’s headaches aren’t normal she needs to get them checked out

Buy bitcoin and dump all of it at 65k

Ah yeah, just withdraw all the liquidity that is most certainly there...

You have just demonstrated more faith in neolib pretendy dollaridos than I have or will never have.

I can't think of anything I'd tell myself, but I do know what I'd tell my parents: use condoms.

This one seems very sad. I hope you are okay.

I'm stuck on a planet whose civilization is rapidly turning into a feudalist dystopia. We'll all be lucky to have roofs over our heads in 10 years. Also, it'll be impossible to survive without air conditioning. So no, I am not okay.

I think that is the most negative scenario of what could happen. I mean, you hear and see the effects of climate change more and more around you. I am also extremely worried about it. But I have still some hope that we find ways to at least keep it liveable. I do see some progress. It is not fast enough, but I hope that it will go faster once the effects become more obvious and more people actually feel the pressure. I do not think we can complete avoid climate change anymore, but we still might be able to mitigate the most horrible effects. That is what I see in the scientific papers on it, at least.

The only sure way we will not make it, is by giving up.

Maybe, but that still leaves the feudalist dystopia and mass homelessness.

True. I mean these issues are all related. But for that it is the same, I think. There is a chance to make it better, unless you give up. I rather try and fail than never try. Of course succeeding is even better.

I think one of the main issues is that people believe that we need to live like this. That there is no other option than this capatalistic nightmare. And that these businesses and money is so powerful that we can do nothing about it. People believing that makes them not act. It keeps the status quo. I think if we can change this, we have already won half the battle.

Change it how, exactly? Everything is going to hell because the rich are intentionally forcing it to go to hell, and most people are blissfully oblivious and blame brown/gay/trans/poor people for their problems.

There are many ways to make changes. Most of them are small, but they add up. You can do a lot in your daily life and by picking jobs that contribute (if you have the opportunity). For example, I try to buy stuff second-hand as much as possible. I do not use the big commercial social media, unless it is for work. I have a background in IT and I am focusing on designing systems to support a circular economy, amongst others. I try to be open to discussion with others about this stuff to better understand their issues.

I know there is a lot of power on the other side. But we are not powerless. If people are forcing things k go to hell, do not let them. If people are oblivious, try to inform them. If people are discouraged, be kind and try to provide a more hopeful perspective.

And this is not going to work all the time and you are going to fail a lot of the time. But you might sometimes succeed as well. And, it makes me much happier if I can say that I tried and did not just sit and watch everything going to shit. And I genuinely believe that there are chances to make things better. We just have to try and figure out how until it works.

You'll regret buying Heroes of Might and Magic 3, but you'll soon appreciate its greatness. Also, hold off buying a game called Skyrim until the Anniversary Edition releases.

You're not difficult or lazy, you're autistic and you have ADHD.

It seems like these two come as a pair quite often. Is there a reason for that?

My personal theory is that neurodivergents unconsciously group / couple with each other. Happened with me and my partner. Genes that couple are more likely to co-exist. Either that or there's some shared evolutionary origin of the genes that make up both conditions.

  • See a psy doc when you’re a teenager. Your teachers asking “Is everything ok? Is something wrong?” out of the blue are red flags that you need help.
  • When in doubt, forgive others

Don't listen to your parents; for all of the advice out there in the world that says that your parents know what's best for you and want that for your future, that does not apply here. Also it's okay to be gay and agender, so go slay and get a sweet boyfriend.

That is some very good advice to yourself!

You're AuDHD, and I believe everything that's happening to you at home. It's real and you're not lying or making it up. You don't deserve this. You're a good person and your family wasn't prepared or willing to meet your needs. You are NOT a burden or an unlovable, broken failure of a child. You are BEAUTIFUL.

Keep writing & fiercely loving your stories - NEVER give up on them, or anything else that brings you joy; your interests & passions & the woman you love (and that love is NOT wrong) are your family now.

"Those teachers and your fellow students? They're not actually that stupid and you're not crazy. Confront your parents about those standardized tests the school had you take; they're hiding the results from you. You could do so much more if only they'd let you skip some grades, but they don't want you to grow up too fast and think you'll socialize better if you don't skip. You'll be bored and never learn how to actually learn hard subjects if you don't get away from these imbeciles quick. Oh, and you'll develop a condescending tone which drives away every potential friend you could have had if you don't do this. Also, you're trans."

You have ADHD, fight until you get diagnosed ASAP.

Also, dad is a fucking bully, a liar and a manipulator. Don't trust him.

Your parents are mentally ill. And you will be too. Ask them.

You have generalized anxiety disorder. Learn to handle it. Also, it is very normal and most people are unaware of their psychological issues.

It's not that hard to lose weight. You don't have to eat only lettuce. You just have to eat less.

Not even that, just gotta eat the right things! I can eat a ton of veggies and fill myself up.

Veggies are great too. I remember when I first started using a calorie counting app, I was blown away at how quickly the weight came off of me, even though I was getting fairly minimal exercise. I went the entirety of my teenage years being fat as hell, basing my idea of weight-loss on having observed my brother years before, running laps around the property, eating salads and other foods I disliked, and sitting in the laundry room with sweats on as though it were a sauna. This deterred me from ever really trying, and unfortunately he was usually the one giving me weight-loss advice.

Didn't find out until my twenties that I could still have the foods I liked, as long as I closely controlled the portion size and/or earned a larger deficit by walking throughout the day. I'm still a rollercoaster of self-control, but I at least remain on the lighter side these days.

All kinds of Sugar and Starches are alcohol for your body. Keep up with that japanese course. Invest in Crypto hard just like you wanted to but thought it was expensive and risky at the time. Keep crypto, no sell, until a super rich publicly well known guy suddenly invests, then leave crypto days later asap.

"You will have a psychotherapy and regret it hard not doing it earlier. School psychologist is not enough. Find a psychotherapist now"

College is not for you. I know you are looking forward to it but it will ruin your mental health, land you in massive debt, and lead to a suicide attempt. You won't finish anyway. Join a union and don't work for a place that makes aluminum molds. Do lots of ab workouts and you could avoid a couple of hernias

When dad gives you advice, do the exact opposite. He's not stupid, the world has just changed so much since he was a kid.

It's okay to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on. Don't let your fear of criticism stop you from trying new things.

Improve the child hood. Not much really.

Help someone else’s childhood. Yeah I’d alert the family to the problem with their dad before the abuse.

There aren't too many things I regret. I'd tell myself to keep my mouth shut in a couple places, don't start drinking coke, maybe buy and sell some bitcoin. But for the most part, there was a lot of good with the bad, and reward from hardship.

You don't have a learning disability and you don't belong in the special classes. Don't trust anyone that says it will be fixed the next year and go to a different high school when they say the classes you want are filled.

Actually a really difficult question as very much about the childhood depends on adults (parents, teachers, ...) around you.

Maybe this one: "The whole bullying situation will not change until you leave school. Convince your parents to let you change schools."

Stay away from sugar, and only eat whole foods, this will make your life tremendously better (at least it did for me), even if you just start today.

Enjoy life to the fullest as a kid. Adulthood freaking sucks.

Mormonism isn't true, but she's worth it. (not the girl you think I'm talking about, she dumps you while you're on your mission.)

Don't get back together with her and don't fucking stay with her into college. She'll just break up with you, again, at Disney... again.

Don't sweat the petty things.



And don't pet the sweaty things.

Actually do what you want to do. Don't try to please everyone else with your life choices, you're the one who has to live with them.

Start taking your education seriously because it becomes hell afterwards. Forget about being a mechanical engineer and instead focus on software. Start working as a full stack engineer and transition towards ai afterwards