1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

The real MVP! TY!!

Mur it's good to get out of the breeze. And wouldn't it be better if it was lower to the south, to enhance solar gain? :-D

"Federal law prohibits campaigns from using the military cemetery for political campaigning or election-related activities."

According to the Army, via the article the case is both closed (as the employee who was attacked has decided to not press charges) and that it is an open (investigation) and so related documents are not available under FOIA.

The trumpers were videoing in an area where that is not permitted, and offered video (not yet released) which exonerated them.

If you or I were to have done what the trumpers did, we'd have been arrested, and probably still be in jail. smh.


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Right, so as US citizens it is imperative that we never put him in a position of power over any other person, ever. That's step one. Step two is to convict him and punish him for all the crimes he has committed.

Don't you mean, "billionaire" celebrity?

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We're draining his power, and we cannot stop. There can be no question that this referendum on him and the culture he fosters is wrong and cannot/ will not be tolerated any longer.

Ah ha ha ha! That's the funniest thing, most wonderful thing I've heard all week. Keep the GOP scrambling, keep them on the defensive. Brilliant!

They are sowing seeds of chaos before the election at every opportunity. A reasonable judge, seeing no remorse can give a longer sentence.

Edit: Sowing! GArr!

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In order to prosecute the case, it must be reopened. In essence Cannon's dismissal of the case must be overruled by a higher court, the 11th, circuit, for this to happen. Then prosecution can proceed. I agree that this whole series of shenanigans, speicifically by Cannon are absolutely ridiculous. And there is a 'legal system' and it must proceed according to specific laws, rules, and procedures.

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I don't think I want to party with those guys. I might fall out a window or something.

#45 Was advised to let COVID19 run it's course, on the assumption it would be more harmful to Dems. Who could have predicted that GOP anti-vaxers / covid19 deniers would take the brunt of it? Anyone with 1/2 a brain. Still playing the same tired, callous, ignorant strategy. "Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner's team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. "The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy," said the expert."

Streaming "woke" Homophobic Chicken right to your home. Nope.

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With rising sea levels, all in due time. My uni did a map of FL at different sea levels. None of that state is very far up out of the ocean.

This isn't the instance I was thinking of, but apparently trump broke the law, according to the GAO when his administration withheld aid to Ukraine.

Can some clever historian recall for us the time, if there was one, when trump withheld aid from a US state? I'm a terrible historian, personally.

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Can we get a banana for scale over here?

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That's otterly ridiculous!

I mean, Big J IS a tortoise. I'm pretty sure he's been working on social justice, but you know, it's going kinda slowly.

TY! SMH! Can we please not have trump in any position of power, ever again?

New probe confirms Trump officials blocked Puerto Rico from receiving hurricane aid (Hurricane Maria, 2017)

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Literally every morning from 2016-2020 waking up and wondering what fresh new hell #45 was stirring up. Never again.

Sure, DeWine, no truth, no evidence. But the real point is who are you going to vote for Governor? Go ahead, tell the world you are going to vote for Kamala Harris. smh

Thanks for this! I escaped Reddit to to, and now landed at I need to reconstruct some of the communities I started on the previous two. And will soon. It's just gotten a bit busy IRL.

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Anybody paying attention to how weird GOP media has been becoming for over a decade has been speculating in this direction. It's good that the DOJ has finally done something. And lol, tenet media has folded.

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Oh Carp! Posting precaffienated.

Mr. Simes, I suppose your could test your hypothesis, by stepping foot on US soil, going, and asking at the nearest FBI office. But that would take a certain courage of your convictions that you clearly lack.

He added, “My suspicion is that instead of trying to get me to come to the United States and to interrogate me or even to arrest me, their real purpose is to make sure that I would not come back.”

We had an entomologist in undergrad who was also Buddhist, so naturally was called a zentomologist.

Best to you ! Brilliant Quote by a brilliant author. Douglas Adams, you were gone too soon. At least we have your corpus. Perhaps it's time to re-read The Guide.

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Nah, it's just normal paranoia. Everyone gets that from time to time.

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Oh my! How's Magic doing?

Super Helpful!

I was checking to see if I recalled correctly that CF-Lay was homophobic. And they are/ were. But the original owner passed away, so who knows now. However now they are being accused of being "woke" by whoever makes that discernment, maybe because of an overt stance claiming to be more inclusive. All the same, I avoid fast food chain restaurants because of my interest in eating well, and living healthy.

Hmm, strings attached? We'll take it, the NFS needs the funds. And hey, any other wealthy donors out there who think Lilly is being a bunch of cheapskates, feel free to show us how much class you have by donating even more to the NPF, by all means.

2002 is what it says on the cassettes. Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time. I was able to go right to the bookshelf where it resides. LoL at the top, Hastings Your Entertainment Superstore.

Save You A Click: Don't Panic The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Series Read By Stephen Moore:'s+Guide+to+the+Galaxy+-+Read+by+Stephen+Moore.mp3

Aaaaahhh, thank you!

And long in to history. Absolutely.

A client, could be 15 - 20 years ago handed me a version of the radio series on cassette tape. I wonder if / where that is now. I remember the quote, and so many quotes from DA's works. When I was in undergrad, there was an HGG game on the university's mainframe. It was all command line interface. I never got past getting the babel fish in my ear, lol.

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The wisdom, in a single grain of rice, my friend.
