'Every voter should be made aware': Governor sounds alarm on new Trump threat

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 330 points –
'Every voter should be made aware': Governor sounds alarm on new Trump threat

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This isn't the instance I was thinking of, but apparently trump broke the law, according to the GAO when his administration withheld aid to Ukraine. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/16/politics/gao-report-administration-violated-law-withholding-aid/index.html

Can some clever historian recall for us the time, if there was one, when trump withheld aid from a US state? I'm a terrible historian, personally.

He withheld aid from the president of Puerto Rico. Which... Was him.

TY! SMH! Can we please not have trump in any position of power, ever again?

New probe confirms Trump officials blocked Puerto Rico from receiving hurricane aid (Hurricane Maria, 2017)


That was such a wild time with a new scandal or two every morning. I don't blame anyone for forgetting.

I hope to God I don't ever have to explain to my son or daughter how Trump got elected a second time.

Literally every morning from 2016-2020 waking up and wondering what fresh new hell #45 was stirring up. Never again.

So? It was an official act and kings are above the law in the US.