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Joined 1 years ago

Which was recently proven true too. She was basically cancelled for being a good human and trying to call out some shitty things.

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Not everything being about profit

Not being 1000% about data mining

No god damn pop up’s. Every fucking site I go to takes like minimum of 6 clicks to get rid of useless windows

Ads All.The.Time. At this point, if your ad even remotely annoys me, I will go out of my way NOT to use your product.

Real people. So much online interaction is with bots now.

Being able to believe more things. It used to be pretty apparent when you were looking at a computer modified image. With all the deepfakes, bots, AI, etc I assume absolutely nothing is real or accurate info.

Info. Like useful info. Secondary, niche communities you could relate to.

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Or stop using straws all together. Cups/lids can be made differently, so they are more like a sippy cup. You don’t NEED straws. Humans are totally capable of drinking directly from a cup, even without a special lid.

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Absolutely nothing. I don’t think even money could do it for me at this point. Aside from all the obvious reasons to hate commuting and then sitting for 8 hours doing maybe 2 hours of work, I have never been healthier.

I have chronic migraines. Well, I used to(?). I haven’t had a single bad migraine in years. Yeah, I’ve still had a couple in the last few years, but they didn’t put functioning at a complete standstill. I wasn’t stuck in bed, hoping for death. The lack of artificial light is a big deal. The not having to stress myself out by commuting, then being stuck there is also another

On top of that, I eat 1000% better, easier. I can exercise instead of commuting. There’s literally no benefit to working in an office for me, but it has a metric fuckton of drawbacks.

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It did a lot of things already. Their valuation was halved (maybe not that bad, but it’s wasn’t good) after it was already not that great.

It made the “important” people take a step back and question whether they should spend their advertising dollars on Reddit. At least a handful of the bigger advertising companies paused their ads on Reddit.

It put a bug in investors ears. The last thing you want, from a newly acquired asset, is shit tons of bad press and drama, along with a public devaluation.

Google publicly commenting on Reddit protests screwing up search results got into the minds of people that may have never even paid attention.

During the blackouts user time spent on Reddit decreased, and overall traffic decreased slightly. The first matters more. If less people are engaging with the site, for less time each use, that’s less ads they will see. I haven’t seen too many stats about usage a month later.

The user side is what will take time to see what happens. As content quality goes down, some people will be less interested. Then again, look at the rest of social media. Most people don’t really seem to care much about actual content, so maybe I’m wrong on that one.

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I just wish the “blue states” could stop funding the “red states” utter stupidity. It’s just more privatize gains and socialize losses for the rich.

Edit: fixed an autocorrect word to clarify what I was saying

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It doesn’t look like they will. It looks like you have until September to use or lose. Also, it looks like if you bought premium, you’re just losing that “feature” with no replacement value for your money

It also looks like they are going to implement some kind of “contriburor” payment scheme.

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Yup. You can take nearly a modern “bad thing” and trace it back to Reagan policy.

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I already know the answer, but how does this not completely disqualify him from being a cop?

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There are algorithms working in the background on Reddit to keep you there. Same with pretty much all “social media”. They aren’t on Lemmy. The point of Reddit is to keep you there, and shove as many ads down your throat as possible. Ads don’t exist here, and no one (as far as i can tell) is making money from you being here.

Yeah, there is less content, but that’s not really the biggest reason.

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Wonder how that’s going to work with this

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Don't be mean, or shitty about it, but be absolute. "This relationship is no longer working for me, and I cannot continue to see you anymore." Not, "IDK maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore." Whatever variation of how you say it that works for you in fine, but no wishy-washiness.

Cut all contact after. It's very rare for people to be able to be friends with an EX. And it's even harder in the immediate time after the breakup (that's how you end up back together) I say this as someone who is friends with multiple EXs. Those friendships took time, and space, immediately after the breakup.

There are a large number of Americans that think:

  1. Anything touching them there makes them gay - still not sure how your hand and TP is any different
  2. It will hurt - yeah...... IDK
  3. It's gross, or it doesn't get you clean - uh.....wiping some paper on it does? how?!?!!?
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Also a woman who doesn’t like long nails. They creep me out, especially when they start to curl.

The one who use their finger tips, make a very distinct clicking noise too.

It usually takes about 6 months to a year for the mask to start slipping, and then full blown asshole/abuse happens much more rapidly. In my experience.

I’ve dated plenty of shitty human beings, some were physically abusive, some emotionally/mentally and the super fun ones were both. Not making excuses for my decisions, but I was young, had never seen what a healthy relationship looked like, and had only seen shitty humans/abusive people as “loved ones” before.

Edit: abusive/assholes CAN be VERY charming. They figure out how to get what they want, and then once they think they have you “locked” they start showing you who they really are. Hell, they usually show you small glimpses pretty early on, but at least for me, they also make you believe that you’re crazy/wrong for the spidey sense tingling.

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Can we do this for all the Jan 6 insurrectionists? They all got slaps on the wrists, and should be rotting for lifetimes.

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It’s almost like sub prime loans are a bad idea for everyone.

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Not that I needed any more, but I’ll take reason I’ll never own a GM for $5000 Alex.

I’m not a burden, I’m a person.

Oh man. I FEEL this one. Personally still working on it, but it’s getting a little easier.

The funny thing is that it’s objectively not a higher end car. It’s just a cheap Corolla with a big computer in it. Tesla’s build quality is also complete shit, as easily seen in the panel fitment (or anything fitment).

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Oh he’ll say something. He’ll say “I plead the fifth” if he even shows up.

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So, they’re hypocrites. Yeah. Seems on brand. It’s either a person and has rights or it’s not. I wish someone would/could bring criminal charges against the supervisors for murder.

Why, for inexplicable reason it doesn’t bar him from being president. Hell, I don’t think an inevitable conviction would do it either. He’s raking in the money, why would he stop?

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I have to itemize every invoice, for ever customer. Sometimes 100+ items long, and it’s rarely the same, customer to customer. I’m pretty sure they can figure out how to do it too.

Because ive been sucked into the Apple universe (except my laptop. I just can’t).

Plus, and honestly more importantly, you take it out of the box and it just works.

Oh, and I can’t stand/understand googles UI no matter how hard I try. It’s just not I that I’ve to me.

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And I quote “I’m going to do you a favor. You’re just too smart. I’m letting you go.” This was like the 3rd day.

I needed a job, any job, so I took a position below my experience level at the time. I wasn’t very happy about it. Like I said, I needed the job.

This. And don’t forget all the complaints. Food bowl empty, box not completely empty, blanket not folded just right, chair occupied by human and not cat, too hot, too cold, food need food, play with me.

I would tend to agree, and in the case of places that are strictly amusements parks, I totally agree. However, there are very good organizations out there, that are helping animals that can’t live in the wild, because of injury, being some assholes “pet” until it became too much to deal with, or saving species from asshole humans killing them to near extinction levels. Unfortunately, that means those animals have to live in captivity. It’s not just a simple ban all captive animals thing.

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Don’t forget the border wall with Mexico. Hey, at least that cunt DeSantis took over trying to start shit with Mexico 🙄

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I think you might be misinterpreting the statement, or I’m misinterpreting what you’re saying.

saying her life had “limited value” and the city should “just write a check”.

They are saying she isn’t worth thinking about to just cut a check to the family and tell them to fuck off. I’m paraphrasing, obviously. That tracks pretty well really.

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You largely have intuit/turbotax/quickbooks/mailchimp/whatever other name they use for that process. Or at least the paying for it part

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More importantly, they dropped the ball when they didn’t convict him in either impeachment. That would have barred him from office.

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I’m guessing they thought the article were referring to the very tourist slang name for San Francisco.

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Your siblings and cousins suck. Don’t listen to them.

I’ve been in your position, and had people, at certain points in my life, who changed my life without really doing anything, or realizing it.

We all take bits and pieces of who, and what we interact with in the world. Those bits may be amazingly beautiful, or they may be world shattering. Your bio parents probably were more of the latter, but your ex’s mom might have been someone that set your life in a completely different, and better path, with a word, or a hug, or a shoulder.

I can only speak for myself, but having someone show an ounce of compassion, or empathy can be everything to someone who grew up with a shitty family (whatever that looks like).

That’s where the term “chosen family” comes from.

Iirc she was put into a catholic asylum type place when she was a teenager, and treated terribly. Presumably it’s where she saw up close and personal what the church was really doing.

It’s been a long time, but in the 80s, I recall the Catholic Church being known to be exactly what we know it’s to be now, but not in the same way. It wasn’t as widely accepted. As much as I despise this statement, it was also a VERY different time.

They don’t prescribe it here in America either.

Hell, I’ve had multiple doctors tell me to stop using it, when I say it’s the ONLY thing that has ever made me mostly migraine free. They usually pretend to say it out of concern over long term effects. It always reads as “hey I know you had daily, chronic migraines, that no prescription drug even touched, but, yeah, you need to stop doing the only thing that has ever worked. How are we going to sell you more drugs, with horrible side effects, that don’t help?”

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Pi by Darren Aronofsky

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Honestly, I’m in agreement with OP. Yes it’s going to be/is a “famous” photo, but I join subs like this to NOT see all the depressing political/end of world/consumerism crap. There are plenty of other places for cheerosupremes mugshot. I personally scrolled past at least 20 of them on other like every other sub.

Read my second sentence. I literally couldn’t have spoon fed it to you any more.

Not the same by my husband used to start to tell me something bad, without any other info. As he’d be telling me whatever it was, I’d be tallying the cost in my head. When you’re listening to a story, and stressing the fuck out about the tens of thousands, or more it was going to cost to fix it, it’s terrible and an emotional roller coaster you don’t need. Eventually, after explaining multiple times, what he was doing to me, it finally clicked. So now he’ll tell me things like “so, I broke the blah blah, but I was able to fix it for $10 and some bloody knuckles.” Then he tells his story, and I’m able to actually listen and participate in then conversation.

He also used to tell me stuff like “oh btw we need to talk about xxx” and then try to get off the phone. Xxx was always something that could be really bad or just funny story. I broke him of that habit too. Now it’s more like “everything’s fine, just need to talk about xxx” this one’s like someone telling you “we need to talk” and then leaving you hanging for a day or two imo.

Only thing I call tell you is to talk to him. Explain in great detail exactly how stressful it is to you. He SHOULD be willing to change his action to stop hurting you. If he’s not, base your choices off that.

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