why isn't the use of the bidet more widespread?

nitefox@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 465 points –

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There are a large number of Americans that think:

  1. Anything touching them there makes them gay - still not sure how your hand and TP is any different
  2. It will hurt - yeah...... IDK
  3. It's gross, or it doesn't get you clean - uh.....wiping some paper on it does? how?!?!!?

Some american men refuse to touch their own penis while washing, due to a fear of it making them gay. Iโ€™d tell them they need therapy, but theyโ€™d tell me that therapy is for the weak.

Iโ€™m pretty sure those are the same types that start anti pedophilia groups to then be charged with and convicted of pedophilia. Or the anti gay/drag people who end up being gay AF. Or the ones that try to ban porn, only to have 10tb of porn on their computers when they get fired/breakup/get arrested. But I know what you mean.

I know someone who thinks it just sprays shit over everything

I know a lot of people think the same thing. I've even seen people say so on here/reddit, on other bidet posts.

Because unfortunately, even stupid people know how to use the Internet.

I only have anecdotes, but as an American, it's #1. It was my initial off the cuff thought. Buttholes are verboten here. Full stop.

Right? It's really weird though because a lot of those same people talk about eating ass, a LOT.

Its really the first one tho.

Striaght american men will fight you before they will let water spray on their dirty asses.

There are valid concerns with regard to bidet use. They do result in aerosolized particulates in greater number than results from wiping, which means you are literally breathing more feces.

Is it enough to be problematic? Probably not, but that may also depend on how aggressively/frequently you use them.

See also:

  • Ali, Wajid, et al. "Comparing bioaerosol emission after flushing in squat and bidet toilets: Quantitative microbial risk assessment for defecation and hand washing postures." Building and Environment 221 (2022): 109284.
  • Abney, S. E., et al. "Toilet hygieneโ€”review and research needs." Journal of Applied Microbiology 131.6 (2021): 2705-2714.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but shit is literally aerosolized any time you flush the toilet. And itโ€™s not contained the bathroom. And it doesnโ€™t matter if the toilet seat is up or down.

Mythbusters did an episode on exactly that. It is worse than youโ€™d think. I canโ€™t find the actual episode right now, but someone wrote an article about it/the findings.

The other brushes were placed elsewhere in the home, including the kitchen and even an office on the other end of the building, and all of the other ones were rinsed daily but not used for brushing. At the end of the month-long experiment, the toothbrushes were analyzed by a microbiologist, and they found that every toothbrush had a microscopic amount of fecal matter on them, regardless of the distance from the bathroom. source

Bidet or not doesnโ€™t matter. Shit is literally all over EVERYTHING. ALL the time.

Oh, and if we really wanna get fun about it, those hand dryer thingsโ€ฆ..LOL dude. Sooooo much shit going EVERYWHERE.

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As an American who's unsure.

I don't like the thought of water spraying into my ass

I started using them in my adult life so maybe I can give some insight

it feels a little uncomfortable the first time. Not because it's necessarily uncomfortable, but more because it's a foreign feeling.

You get used to it after the 2nd or 3rd time though. Once you use a bidet it's hard to go back to TP

It doesnโ€™t spray INTO your ass. I mean, I guess it could, but youโ€™d have to REALLY try to make it happen.

You just need good sphincter control! Itโ€™s quite refreshing.

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