6 Post – 235 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So the national terrorist threat level rose because a guy burned a fairy tale book.

Yeah I think that accurately sums up why he burnt it to begin with.

Religion shouldn't have this much power.

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Honestly debating these people is completely pointless and should be seen as such. They're not going to argue in good faith and they will just continue to create statements that are inarguable due to confounded bullshit. Word salad after preposterous nonsense.

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We need to abolish right to work laws. Or at least restructure them. I shouldn't be able to be fired for literally any reason they can come up with. Even fast food jobs should have contracts with certain clauses to protect the workers. You sign it when you start and you can't be let go until it expires or you break it.

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Fuck this is actually funny

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Y-yogurt.. It's yogurt..

Surrounded by a golden aura ☑️

Constantly changing form ☑️

Blinds you if you look right at it ☑️

Radiates warmth ☑️

The sun is an angel confirmed

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The most common type of theft is wage theft

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I-is this real..?

Someone unironically drew this..?

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People who defend corporations as if they're actually people

People who defend the notion that corporations are people.

Yes but it's also perfectly legal for cops to just make shit up to arrest you

Ah yes it's making Russia so much money which is why their economy is in perfect condition and the ruble is worth more than ever!

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He's not wrong. Look at the amendment that banned alcohol. It was repealed through another amendment.

The Constitution is meant to be updated and changed with modern times. What he's meaning to say is that despite Republicans (who don't even understand the fucking document) believing the Constitution is set in stone, it's actually meant to be changed regularly.

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Mass exodus. Mass famine. Water shortages. Resource wars. Lost technology.

Typical apocalypse stuff.

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No one's bringing up the most plausible answer here.

It makes them look less guilty.

Who looks more guilty, the guy mean mugging the camera or the one proudly smiling?

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Idk if you know this but most thoughts aren't original. It just takes the right person with the idea to make it happen.

That's why we call it "late stage" capitalism.

Yeah because it's not an issue you can have a middle ground on. You either support a woman's freedom to choose or you don't. Any middle ground would just be supporting the woman's right to choose.

Two things, one is a quote from my father and one is from George Carlin.

"If you don't get angry while driving you're probably the problem"

"Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac"

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I train in swordfighting. It's good exercise and trains hand eye coordination as well as good balance.

The funniest part is it's actually helped me a lot in my day to day because I know how to move my body

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People who eat at restaurants/fast food and act like it's okay to treat the employees like shit.

Like bro idgaf about your bad day. I've already dealt with 300 other people's bad days and you really don't want to deal with mine.

Yeah I knew it wasn't the right wording I just couldn't remember exactly what it was called.

But that's exactly what I was bringing up. I'm supposed to work a 2 week notice but they can fire me instantly because I didn't smile at the manager when walking into work.

Bro imagine having the balls to give someone shit about taste while drinking your own piss

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The sad part is this is exactly how customers act

I mean they're also one of the main meme communities atm. Most of the other ones don't have near as much traffic

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Red is good blue is bad.

It's a penguin walking into a situation thinking everything's cool then dipping out when they realize it's not

Hey now don't blame weed for his brain rot content

If there's one fucking thing this country should be subsidizing it's fucking education

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I never thought about it like this but it's so right 😭😭

I mean you could say the same about anything really. Govt is just a collective agreed upon system. Individual countries are just arbitrary lines drawn that only persist because we gave those lines meaning.

Everything about civilization only has importance because we give it all importance.

That's how I feel about right wing platforms for a moment I'm like "I should stay updated on both sides" and then am instantly reminded why I avoid them

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This is how I feel about mobile games. Even the good mobile games will have some epically animated scene that shows all out war between a bunch of magical badasses with explosions and all kinds of epic shit.

Then the gameplay is some low effort turn based game where the characters barely move and the attack effects are pathetic light shows.

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I'm my experience it'll just hang up

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See this is my biggest gripe on people complaining about Trump.

During brexit my feed was full of Boris memes and news. It was really fucking weird watching two different countries get fucked by a fat old man with fake blonde hair

Extreme incompetence is news worthy.

Except we already have more houses than there are homeless people. The problem is the empty houses have ridiculous price tags due to corporate landlords and landlords refusing the sell and only rent (also at ridiculous prices)

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Big fat rip but thank you for the answer

My famous borscht brings all the stalins to the yard

I love when people try to pull the empathy card.

There are people on this planet who do not deserve empathy nor the benefit of the doubt. Corrupt politicians are some of those people.

And please for the love of fuck make a difference between NSFW sexual and NSFW gore

As per the games own physics it's A.

Speedy thing goes in. Speedy thing comes out. It doesn't matter if the portals are moving even in the game. The only thing that matters is the momentum of the object moving through the portals.

All y'all physics nerds can take your degrees and shove em cause it's video game logic not real life.

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