33 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

“normal to pause and wonder if people are what they say they are.”

I do the same thing when someone tells me they are Christian, it’s easier to simply step back and see what their actions really say about who they are.

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Cosmic level irony right here. Killed, terrorized and deposed in the name of power just to end up having to play the same game with the same rules.

Fuck it let’s take it to the next level. This says way more about the balance of power on a world scale than the failures of these morons. This planet runs on economic subjugation, from every single individual and to any group that becomes powerful enough to upset the status quo, you will grease the wheel or you have no better use than to be fed into the meat grinder.

Every day I inch closer to nihilism, today feels like a giant leap forward.

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Technique to build familiarity. Obviously doesn’t work on everyone but for those it does it’s quite effective

Literally anyone that’s trying to sell you something whether it’s a product, service or ideology is likely to use it if it may increase their chance of success.

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Entertainment industry as a whole is about to relearn some painful lessons about customer satisfaction. Every day there’s a new reason to hoist the black flag on predatory capitalism.

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You are right they have no duty to protect the public, their job is to maintain the status quo and defend capitalist interests. Two guesses into which category searching for this book in a middle school falls under.

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The motion says that if approved, private donations would be used for the restoration of the school names and not by “the school system or government tax funds, though the SCPS will oversee disbursements relating to restoration costs,” according to [Thursday’s meeting agenda.]

This is all you need to know. Just need a little lubricant and the racist wheel keeps on turning.

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Not a bug, a feature.

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The Russians will throw someone out the window or poison them in a very obvious way, the Americans will put two in their head and have it ruled a suicide.

Like refusing to do a beauty pageant for petty reasons then trying to close it down because there’s no attention in your self-aggrandized martyrdom.

People get upset if you part your hair wrong. Forgetting a name hasn’t gotten me killed yet but stranger things have happened.

I can remember someone’s name after one meeting but when I can’t it makes me feel awkward. I feel less awkward when 9 times out of 10 they forgot meeting me the first time.

If you are able to go with someone else there is safety in numbers. Not just from the general public but from your own mind. Buying a swimsuit can easily overwhelm your sense of self worth so having someone who is championing for you is invaluable.

As for style, whatever you feel cute in. Nothing looks better than confidence in what you’re wearing.

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First they come for your lawn, then they take your jobs and before you know it they’re turning your boys into girls to destroy the white whatever the small minded bigot in question thinks is the superior race.


The sad irony is I’m being sarcastic but this is the core belief for way too many people out there.

edit: on further reflection of my choice of words I concluded that this is not a white vs black or brown problem, as nationalism and religious nationalism specifically, are not exclusive to delusions of race supremacy in the western world.

How seriously do you think black-face was considered? Do you think it was the optics or logistics that stymied that thought?

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Corporatocracy, the new monarchy. That’s what we live in, everything else is just a facade

Clearly Suicide Squad has fallen short of consumer expectations.

If a disaster occurred during tourist season aid would pour in, of course no one cares about the actual residents in the absence of wealthy foreigners

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Not just women but anyone who has suffered any sort of abuse can act very similarly and for the same reasons. On such a large scale it would seem to implicate that would be the case. I offer a different opinion.


People like the things they see themselves in others. If, as we are starting to learn about this group of supporters is that it’s all projection. This person is literally telegraphing who they are and what they feel about things, these supporters are eating it up because that’s who they are as well. What could be ascribed to the reaction of the abused I would counter it is because that’s who these supporters simply are are.

These people will line up behind a meat grinder so long as they get a turn at the crank and everyone else be fed in.

What a future to live in. Don’t suppose people could get a living wage? Right on, just make pervy AI powered robots instead that’ll fix the problems.

I can see how what you and I described may seem different but it’s in reducing the concept I described to absurdity that derives what you’re talking about. Because it’s true, people use familiarity as an attempt to undermine another. I try to emphasize the good in life but it’s important to recognize that it’s not all roses and rainbows, it’s shit and dirt too.

Strike 2 and 3, those are beyond your control. Don’t even bother engaging trolls even to diffuse them, they’re only interested in popping off. 1, 4 and 6 seem decent. Also remember to just keep in keeping on, some folk just want to cause mayhem and discord.

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Is Jazz in the room with us?

The pictures are sobering. Knowing that you will likely die ugly but proceeding due course is a look that masks can’t hide.

The beans were great. As incoherent as they got it felt like someone was trying to post content so they got my upvotes. It can get pretty dead around here and I was glad for the change of pace. For a while there was nothing but AI prompt Sailor Moon art that was pretty entertaining too

I mildly rolled my ankle getting off the toilet Wednesday morning and I’m just now putting my full weight on it (old people problems amirite?). You sound like an immediate hospital visit bro.

Unrelated your s/o could stand to have more patience for you, unless you being a jackass resulted in your injury. Otherwise it might be time to evaluate your relationship. How someone treats you while your sick, injured or incapacitated in any other form, gives great insight into the quality of your bond.

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If it works for you I won’t dissuade. But hiding away from shit don’t do nothing about the smell.

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Take my advice with a grain of salt, I have a very polarizing style or so I’ve been told but fuck the haters.

If you are able to get two, something you feel cute in and something you feel conservative/comfortable in. There’s no shame in getting to where you are going and feeling over exposed and having the option to change into something with a little more shielding so to speak is a life saver. Conversely you might not have been feeling that confident when you left but once you arrive you get that surge and you have the option of feeling cuter, options are never a bad a thing. A cover up is amazing, either a waist down or shoulders down are great to have.

Plan on getting your hair wet if you’re going in the water, unless you get a swimming cap but they aren’t very flattering. As for how to manage it, the tightest bun you know and like. Tightest at the top of your head (the crown) and looser as your work your way to the base (the nape). There’s great tutorials on YouTube but I’m on a very stringent boycott so someone else will have input on that.

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The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can touch the poison of hatred without being harmed.

-Badass Lion Turtle

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

The worst part is how prevalent this is across every industry imaginable. Anything remotely advantageous to humanity is and will continue to be second to profit.

Rough. Here’s to wishing you a speedy recovery and joy in your life.

Couldn’t agree more, currently rotating between Unity, Syndicate, Origins and Odyssey and the difference between the first two and the last two is massive. By the time you reach Odyssey it truly stopped feeling like an AC game. Still really like Origins though, vaguely felt true to the spirit of the rest of the series while introducing really nuanced and interesting changes.

My biggest complaint for all of them is how mtx is interwoven with in-game progression. Played them all on PS4 and they felt like a real slog to get through. Now on PC where I indulged and unlocked those features for free they feel accurately balanced. That’s the real problem with Ubi’s games. At some point features are hacked out to be monetized and squeeze out some extra dollars.

Not to mention how predatory the helix credit system is/was, haven’t played Valhalla nor Mirage.

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Hot. Also depends on the body shape, it’s like a welcome sign down to a good time if he’s cut nice. A happy trail (hair that leads from the bellybutton to navel pubic region.) on a dad bod also fits the aesthetic.

Correction provided by

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If any among you have an interest in documentary style films I highly suggest The Act of Killing.

It is not a pleasant viewing experience, it is however good art and should be experienced anyway.

I have maybe 20% total awareness of what’s going on at any one time.

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Mm-mm bears and otters. Delish.

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They did, it creates lucrative and profitable enterprises which is why they keep doing it. Oh wait did you mean this as a bad thing? lol

Lot of words just to say that once the advertisers move in on a centralized platform its value is shot. A huge part of the reason I abandoned the last platform I was using and sought a federated alternative.

Not saying this won’t be incredibly lucrative once the tax dollars start rolling in but punishment can only make so much money. Give someone a thousand years exciting experience in 8 hours and people will gladly sell their remaining 16 for it.

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On the off chance that doesn’t happen it’s probably much easier to start now and ask for forgiveness later. It for sure will be cheaper to start thinning out the pool of potential litigants now than it will be further on.

You joke but I would totally come back to CoD if they went 3rd person. Haven’t played since 2011 MW3