Acapulco residents are fending for themselves in absence of aid

Lee to World – 113 points –
Acapulco residents are fending for themselves in absence of aid

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If a disaster occurred during tourist season aid would pour in, of course no one cares about the actual residents in the absence of wealthy foreigners

A lot of planning goes into preparing the aid that places receive after level 5 hurricanes. They're anticipated well in advance and things like the infrastructure to deliver starts getting ready.

While there's probably some truth to what you say, the world got caught with its pants down on this one. From a tropical storm to level 5 hurricane in 12h is unheard of.

No one was ready for this. No preparations.

Many people would have evacuated had they had time as well. So now there's way more people to aid then usual.

Los víveres que nunca llegaron a Turquía.

Los víveres que nunca llegaron a Turquía Parte 2

Here’s local investigative journalist who placed AirTags in donations meant to go to Turkey earlier this year. Even if local officials had been prepared for this natural disaster the results would be the same. If you read the comments there’s testimonial about a previous disaster that caused flooding where the people of Acapulco had to take care of themselves in the same fashion.

You are simply wrong. No amount of planning would have helped these people.

That’s a bit ignorant. They were talking about it on NPR and the biggest issue is that the roads were washed away in the area so it’s really difficult for the army to reach the town with relief supplies.