
2 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Look upon my works ye mighty and despair

Cause we're small but mighty

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The Haynes manual for your car. Even if you're not a mechanic they are so detailed they will walk you through fixing almost anything, they're made for the laymen. I'm a diesel mechanic and even i own one for my cars.

When friends buy a new car i buy them a Haynes manual.

They don't do them for ever single car in the world and the coverage isn't as great on later model stuff but if you own s car 5 years or more old they're great.

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Its ok guys, come winter no one will be worrying about it again.

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I enjoy how he says also you can't video tape others and the video ends

Im Australian aboriginal and it was the Nazis.

The world didnt come together to stop the British.

I love the steam chat, as someone who doesn't use discord very often at all. Having the chat is an easy to too flick a message off to someone while i play

that's my s21 from swiping down twice at the bottom of the screen, you can't tell me that's to far up

That's my S21 and can get there by swiping down twice anywhere on the screen.

I don't think that's too far up at all

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Has to be him haha

Yeah i had no interest in buying this because it's just not my kind of game.

But seeing this makes me what to buy it

This is great, well done.

I wish there was a way we could support more.

Obviously leaving reddit has its benefits to the cause, however I'm worried if they bow down and leave everything as it was reddit will try something else in a few months. Make changes in the back end to stop it happening again preventing black outs then try their move again.

Especially if everyone goes back first.

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In the good parts of the world you don't need to afford health care.

In the bad parts of the world you do.

I lost the game

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I literally have paid a toilet subscription for the past 10 years.

Its the fee on my water bill called waste removal.

Power is a subscription model, you want to have power at your house you pay a quarterly connection fee on top of what you use.

I'm pretty sure its something to do with the mounting during sexy times.

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Thank god for that, great point though. Glad im a whole man

Ah i see you fell for my double jeopardy trap card

Planned obsolescence should really be illegal. No matter what form it takes

Yeah it's good and bad, Reddit gets a lot of traffic through Google. Google gets a lot of results through Reddit that arnt always right though

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For years now, and people are still amazed to watch me to it.

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They had normal hands, but if you have ever looked at ai generated images of people the hands are always wrong. Often horridly wrong, so AI can't make hands

Baulders Gate 3 is prettt mouse heavy. Dont need to use the keyboard much at all. You can also set the screen to scroll with the mouse.

Not to mention its the biggest game out now

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That i get to travel Australia to all these remote places.

And i get to go on container ships sometimes and always get lost

My best stud finder is my wife. She found me.

Man I'm no expert but that's some halo level bullshit.

Race in in a warthog drop everyone off infront of the base for the flag and then just drive off

An xcreet

I really enjoy Yahtzees videos, but it is weird be fixated entirely on the rpg sex. But that is what makes his reviews great, they're different.

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That's true and they manage to have better information.

I love qualifiers and how detailed they can get.

Yeah unfortunately with today's attention span no protest really works

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Black short haird women, captioned bigger badder bossier, I'm not sure if they're taking the piss or genuinely think that's the best way to go.

Fucking oath mate, somewhere at home i still have an old winnieblues pack without brian on it.

Thank you for this information

Welcome to my shit hole part of the world. Darwin Australia.

Haha there's some shade

Yeah that's true, and unfortunately most everything is controlled by someone with an agenda

I enjoy watching this guys videos, but these write ups are good too.

Chat gpt is getting out of hand haha

Ha jokes on you blokes im in Saturday

Sadly with another 12 hour shift

If that's really from the show I'm amazed. That seems super self aware, <laughs nervously>

Im a mechanic and own all ofnthese apart from the obd scanner, but my personal land cruiser produces flash codes along with my motorbikes.

But this is certainly a great list

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