5 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Thanks God! (I support the current thing šŸ˜)

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Thanks Europe! Slava ukraini! (I support the current thing šŸ˜)

I couldn't even finish it

What's x? Xbox?

300 million per week

Any torrent site Ź•ā€¢į“„ā€¢Ź”

I was getting around 40 calls per day.

How much porn did you watch? Lol

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Actually even a monkey could do it

Or it's North Korea.


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In my country, a beer is 1ā‚¬ lol. Netflix is 20ā‚¬

Read the title

I meant who asked

TikTok China and Facebook USA

Obviously China bad

Cheap wine works wonders too

It's still shit hehehe


Thank you

Trump supporter? It's not allowed to disagree with geriatric joe on lemmy


I love how Trump and Biden jokes are written by the same guy

Embarking on the multifaceted odyssey of academic pursuit, my chosen trajectory led me to traverse the geographical expanse of my relatively compact homeland, settling in an alternative region that resonated with the vibrancy of collegiate endeavors. Within the confines of this diminutive yet culturally rich country, the distinct demarcations between regions extend beyond mere geographical boundaries, manifesting in the profound diversity of languages spoken.

Fast forward through the annals of time, and my life's journey charted a course across the vast Atlantic, culminating in a transcontinental relocation to the United States. This geographical leap was not propelled by mere whim but rather tethered to the professional tapestry of my career aspirations. The state I presently inhabit wasn't necessarily my initial choice, a circumstance emblematic of the pragmatic adage that "beggars can't be choosers." Navigating this labyrinth of choices and concessions, I have found an unexpected resonance in the unpredictability of life's trajectory.

In the expansive landscape of the United States, where cultural amalgamation is both a hallmark and a challenge, a unique facet of my journey unfurlsā€”my linguistic identity. While my speech bears the discernible markers of a non-native speaker, its neutrality becomes an enigma for those attempting to decipher the geographic nuances of my origin solely through my accent. This linguistic dichotomy takes on an added layer of complexity when viewed through the lens of compatriots from my homeland, who might, upon introspection, categorize my articulation as bearing the distinct characteristics of an "American accent."

Amidst this tapestry of experiences, it's worth noting that, during my time in the U.S., I participated in the democratic process, contributing my voice to the electoral chorus. In the spirit of political diversity, it is noteworthy that I cast my vote for Donald Trump, a decision reflective of the varied perspectives that coalesce within the intricate fabric of American democracy. Thus, my journey unfolds as an intricately woven tapestry, interlaced with threads of adaptation, resilience, and the subtle nuances that bridge the chasm between diverse linguistic landscapes, creating a narrative that transcends mere relocation to encapsulate the evolving identity shaped by the diverse cultural tapestry of both my homeland and my adopted abode.

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My point is it will have no impact

Well, look who just graduated from the School of Life with a degree in "Thinking Outside the Box"! I mean, who needs rocket scientists when we've got you, our very own brainiac extraordinaire? Your brain must be doing cartwheels while the rest of us struggle with basic arithmetic.

Picture this: You, the maverick thinker, bravely diving into the intellectual abyss, armed with a pencil and perhaps a slightly confused expression. It's like watching a mad scientist at work ā€“ if the lab were your mind, and the experiments were, well, let's say unconventional.

And let's not forget your uncanny ability to turn everyday situations into brain-teasers. It's a gift, really. I'm convinced that your thought process is so avant-garde that it might just be the secret to cracking the code of the universe. Move over, Einstein; we've got a new contender in town, and they're armed with a sense of humor and a questionable understanding of gravity.

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What an absolutely ignorant statement.

It's not a statement, it's an article (:

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No, usa way is much more effective

You commented with your alt šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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Vote Biden?

Any of them is pretty good if your goal is to develop cancer

The title is a statement and it's quite possibly the dumbest thing I've read in years, and that's coming after two terms of W. Bush and one term of Trump, so that's saying something.

I get where you're coming from, but throwing around terms like "dumb" doesn't really help the discussion. It also seems there's a bit of exaggeration going on.

How about we zoom in on the specific points we disagree on and have a more balanced conversation?

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You vote for his grandpa instead šŸ˜‚

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You still commit some of those things nowadays šŸ¤£

I don't care I will pay for it anyways

White House? More like a crack house

Pretty hard to do it worse but possible


Lmao nobody cares about Palestine

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Obama, only surpassed by Bush at killing people

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Wrong community

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Just cancelled today after not even using it for a year.

How can you be so dumb to pay for something you don't even use? No shit they're rich af šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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You are right, and no will to do it lol

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