Biden abortion rally in Virginia interrupted by multiple protesters: ‘Genocide Joe’ to politics – -47 points –
Biden abortion rally in Virginia interrupted by multiple protesters: ‘Genocide Joe’

Foxnews? C'mon man, at least give people a source that can't be impugned. :)

"'Genocide Joe' Yelled at President Biden During Campaign Event in Virginia"

There was no possible way we could make it through an election cycle without the right wing trolls popping out of the woodwork. Just wishful thinking.

They rather like being impugned, part of the whole anti-intellectual thing with Trumpism, where they thrive from being attacked and getting to play the rebel.

It's going to get worse, it's only January... Wait until the Megapost for the Republican Convention. :)

TiL everyone opposed to genocide is republican

No, just that repubs are perfectly happy to take any form of attack that comes to hand, and online, will gleefully pretend to be something they're not for the lulz.

pretend to be something they're not

Iike democrats pretending to be working for the marginalized?

At least we try, instead of pushing to burn the whole system down, hurting everyone in proportion to their lack of power and leaving the system open for power to re-entrench without a system of checks and balances to prevent extremism.

This narrative of both sides being the same since they both feature some corruption is so tiring, when one very clearly tries where the other does not.

Some idealists like to argue for the guillotine, but seem to forget that the private jet and offshore bank account is an absolute hard counter to the guillotine.