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Joined 1 years ago

Also, me eating a fig.

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Medicine. The house brands and generics are the exact same, tested the same, made the same.

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A write off is a colloquialism that refers to reducing your effective taxed income. A more realistic example would be, let’s say you make $250k, but you’re self employed and spent $50k on business expenses like a car and office space. Then you can write off that $50k and only pay taxes like you made $200k.

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Christ do I feel old now. CDs and DVDs are read only, so you won’t do anything to them by ripping them. It’s just a copy of the data onto your drive and then probably a compression step of some sort. Nowadays it probably takes less than five minutes for the whole thing. I remember taking at least half an hour on a 2x drive, and then mp3 compression taking another hour or so.

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Barns are red because supernovas produce significant amounts of iron.

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Fun fact: Texas gave that strip of land to Oklahoma so they could keep slaves.

Actually, that’s not really a very fun fact.

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By almost every measure, the world is better than it has ever been. Violence, poverty, starvation are all at or near record lows worldwide. Average lifespans are way up. We are just way, way more aware of what is going on in the world, and bad news drives more clicks than good news.

There are some cracks, no doubt. For example climate change is showing its ugly head, inequality is rising in the US and some other developed countries, and lifespans are taking a slight dip in parts of the US. But, compared to almost anywhere at any time during history, this is a golden age.

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For the most part, they’ve just put a thin wrapper on ChatGTP or some other big AI API.

Public Service Announcement: The Right to Free Speech means the government can't arrest you for what you say. It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit, or host you while you share it. The 1st Amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences. If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show canceled, or get banned from an Internet community, your free speech rights aren't being violated. It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole, And they're showing you the door.

Relatedly, the people who are the most upset about censorship when no one listens to them never remember the other right that goes along with free speech: Freedom of Association. That means that you can mutually choose to listen, platform support OR NOT with whomever you wish.

Also, back then there was still a lot of disagreement about how the US would work. Was it going to operate be a single, unified country or would it be more like an EU style organization with a unified defense? IE Federalists vs Anti-Federalists? The electoral college was a compromise to let each state run its own elections and only franchise who they wanted. It’s important to remember that the US was not founded as a universal suffrage nation, and has only slowly and after much painful internal struggle expanded civil rights.

Edit: Be sure to turn the volume and bass up all the way before clicking play.

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Dating apps are deeply, deeply enshitified because the economic incentive for them is the exact opposite of what monogamous users want. Specifically, the apps want you to keep subscribing, plus buy the super platinum plus extra added packs, but never really find someone and date them, because then you stop paying. Old school pre-sellout OKCupid had a great analysis of this in their blog, which was taken down the day they sold out.

This is why the few sites/apps that cater to non-monogamous or event based communities are still reasonably decent, e.g FetLife, Bloom and Feeld, though Feeld is partially down the enshitification pathway.

I'd be really interested in seeing what a fediverse dating app would be like, something that didn't have the financial incentive to enshitify, and maybe had a match/search system like old-school OKC.

EDIT: missing word.

I’m one of them. For a lot of reasons my partner and I want to move, but we have a 3% mortgage. Even though we have a large amount of equity, we still can’t afford to buy now. I’m looking a getting a loan from my parents, which is ridiculous considering our situation but almost 8% interest rates mean our payment would just about double from what we have now.

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Literally unusable. 🤣

Portland and Minneapolis? So like, a protest/campout in one or two square blocks while everyone else goes about their normal business?

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Since I work in Bay Area tech I’ve met a bunch of people who do, like Guido van Rossum and Sergey Brin. But I only really know one, an astronomer I used to work with.

Forty years too late, but I guess better than never.

Firefly Rome (the last season got cut, and 3&4 got smashed into one season) Sense8 (though the wrap up movie was great) Gargoyles

I love physical media because it’s just much easier to use. If I want to play some album in my car I put the cd in and press play. No fumbling around with search or menus, just put a disc in a slot and done. If I want a friend to listen, read or watch something I hand them a small object and they have it. No need to text them the title so they can search for it later and then forget it.

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Uh, you very much can take an image of an SD card, the same as with any other block device.

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They are people who have fallen for and/or are grifting for a deeply unhinged conspiracy theory that national laws don’t apply to them if they do some certain set of pseudo legal things. What exactly those things are, as well as what laws don’t apply to them,vary widely, but are usually centered around driver’s licenses and car registration, tax evasion and not paying child support.

Past that it’s hard to explain what their beliefs are because it is so vague and ever changing.

Also, me eating a fig.

I've been on the internet too long, because I assumed you meant it was a furry site.

Theoretical max for Wi-Fi in the 60GHz spectrum in 7G/s. Theoretical max for Li-Fi is 228G/s. Of course, no one is hitting those maxes now but in general Li-Fi is about 10x faster in the real world, or at least is you have the right prototype equipment.

Physics reason- LiFi uses shorter wavelengths so can switch faster.

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Frank is such an idiot. Why did we ever let them onto this team?

Honestly, that's not that bad? If we were to turn off every data center if would barely impact world energy use and electricity is getting cleaner every day. Of course we should push to get better faster, but this doesn't seem like a big source of low hanging fruit.

It's below 60%? That's a travesty!

That’s going to be a function of your SD card reader and the quality of the card itself. If you’re really concerned, copy it to your HDD, then read again and verify. And then when writing, do a verify step as well.

There was an interesting physics paper recently that suggested that time travel was possible, but you wouldn’t be able to travel to before when the machine was built. Of course, it also would require an impossibly huge amount on energy, but that’s a problem for the engineers.

Yeah, and unfortunately I'm related to them. The maternal side of my family has pretty much split in two and aren't talking to the other half nowadays because of shit like this.

Once upon a time the entire internet was an irrelevant nerd clubhouse. Those were good days.

Here’s the first two scenarios that come to mind, if/when the price becomes reasonable.

  1. In a typical cube farm, you could string up a very small number of these in the drop ceiling and have Ethernet level speeds without having to run cables to every single desk. It should be a much easier install.

  2. At home, I could run an drop for these through my attic to the one or two rooms where I use a lot of bandwidth, eg my home office and living room. Again, an easier install than running Ethernet through the ceiling, down the walls and to every piece of equipment in those rooms.

For most people I’m not sure if it would be worth it, but I could certainly see it in those niches.

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My partner and I both love Jupiter Ascending!

An island named Noman.

It's not you, it's the apps. They're set up that way to get you to pay for them.

I don’t know what you consider medium sized, but is.

That was the path I took, but I remember a few college friends and several professors had a Zip drive, as did many of the computers in the lab. By the time I had the money and the need for something like that, 1Gb flash drives were cheaper.

Man, now I’m nostalgic for my 3DS. I sold it when I got a Switch, which is a nice system but the 3DS had so many fun little things about it like Streetpass.

I say yes both to SS2 and Thief 1&2. SS2 has several way for approaching most problems, a great story, lots of lore and a lot of character customization. It does lack story choice, but I feel thats ok for the setting.

Thief 1&2 are a bit more of a stretch, but if you like playing Deus Ex as a stealthy character, it will scratch that side of things. There isn't any character customization or story choices, but each level can be approached lots of different ways and they are all very atmospheric, with conspiracies and great story telling.

50 First Dates was lovely.