1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Scalise is a piece of shit, but Jordan is bigger, more dangerous piece of shit. He has been an enabler and encourager of all of the worst behavior we're seeing now and over the past few years. I truly hope this fails.

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I highly, highly recommend the Oliver Stone documentary Nuclear Now from earlier this year. Completely changed my perspective. I had no idea that the oil industry was behind so much of the fear mongering around nuclear.

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Sad to hear. Enjoyed him as a guest in the early days of This Week in Tech. Brilliant mind.

I think you're a little confused about what's being said here.

Wow, I did not realize this piece of shit was still alive. Unlike some of the others, I think he actually believes the bullshit he spews, and I think that might be worse.

USA! USA! USA! /s 😞

Seems like excellent news, they can be stronger with a louder, combined voice.

Give Kobo a look, Amazon isn't the only name in the game. Kobo lets you connect directly to your library and check out books on the device, I absolutely love mine after having a couple Kindles.

You can install the app but it'll tell you it's not available for this account yet if you're still in the waitlist.

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Loving Thunder! Have tried all the others.

He wouldn't, the board fires a CEO.

I second this! That being said, I've been successful in recruiting almost my entire friend group over the last few years. All of the people I talk to daily or regularly are on it. Once people use it they realize how superior it is to anything else we've been using and end up staying.

Oh, thanks, I needed an update!

Didn't you hear, she's actually the one in charge, and he's just a puppet who can't think? That's why she posts photos that have his face out of frame, not because it's funny. /s

I think you're confusing us finding you insufferable with us being offended. Your weird little fantasies are cringey and boring, not offensive.

As a queer person with friends whose literal well-being is in danger if Trump gets another term, but who are safe under Democrats, fuck you. Your privilege is how you can act this way. Refusing to vote for the "lesser of two evils" is a nice way to say you don't give a fuck about marginalized people.

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Second this. Josh and Chuck have been teaching me so much for so long, I can't imagine not having this one.

The person in question self described as transgender. It wasn't a guess.

SMITE, No Man's Sky

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Weird, guess reality has been missed by you. Lots of protections put in place over the last few years, lots of attacks during the Trump administration. Stop making excuses for your apathy.

Thanks for further making my point for me. I'm sure your principles will keep my trans friends safe.

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And you think the President, any of them control that?

My god, the privilege you must have to be so fucking blasé about the wellbeing of others who will suffer under another Trump administration. If you were in danger under a Trump administration but not in danger under a Biden administration, you would not be talking this way. It's privilege that prevents you from seeing that.