Comment Navigation to – 17 points –

I used Joey for years for Reddit and it has an incredibly useful navigation feature that would allow you to use arrows to jump through every top level comment.

This app would benefit so much from this feature.

Trying to upload an image but receive an error.


It's already a feature

Bottom 2 arrows when in the comment section

I am on 0.48 and it's not there. And the 0.49 beta isn't showing this in the release notes at all.

Hey, I'm using 0.49 and to enable this feature, I think you must check the 'show parent comment navigation buttons' box, under the look and feel settings menu.

I just wish they'd fix the text editor deleting the space before a word as you backspace from the end, merging words together.

Pretty sure they said that was a bug with the aosp keyboard

And yet it only happens with Jerboa and not other apps that the AOSP keyboard types in.

I'd read that it was to do with the specific rich text editor that Jerboa uses, and that it was a known problem with anything that uses that RTE.

Jerboa uses Jetpack Compose as toolkit instead traditional Views system that most apps use. The problem lays at core of a textfield component. It affects every app that uses this toolkit. And we can't fix because it would need to be fixed at very low level, we don't have access to nor domain knowledge about.

So, am I right that it's basically Google devs' bug to fix?

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