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Joined 12 months ago

Does she get to keep the money? I know it’s evidence, but they still gave it to her. She owns it, right? When the trial is done, why shouldn’t she get it?

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“Get out of the dog house card” isn’t going to work the way either of them think. Pulling that card when you’re in the doghouse is not going to make her fine with whatever upset her. There’s a good chance she’ll say she’s “fine” because she doesn’t want to renege on her chart, but whatever conflict isn’t going to resolve itself because he gave her that card.

Trading sex for chores is gross. I don’t want a BJ or lap-dance from a partner that is only doing it because the sticker chart says she has to.

It’s also insane that things like washing dishes or packing lunches or changing diapers aren’t part of the baseline expectations for a dad. You don’t get an award for doing the bare minimum!

Both of these people are demonstrating the emotional intelligence of a block of cheese.

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He also keeps quoting Nazis and promising retribution to his political enemies, but sure if magnets convince someone not to vote for him I’ll take it.

If only Trump supporters were silent. What kind of silent majority goes around with flags on their trucks blocking traffic and honking horns?

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Without reading the article, I’m betting it’s Judge Cannon.

Edit: yup

ABV works for all types of packages. It could be helpful to know that a can of beer contains 18.6ml of alcohol, sure, but what about a bottle of whiskey or vodka? Is it better to know that it’s 40% alcohol or 300ml? Should a bar publish that a keg has 4.2 liters of alcohol in it?

With ABV you can compare alcohol across volumes.

Depoian’s daughter, Carolyn Bester, who was born in 1981, only discovered that Berger was her biological father when she took at-home DNA tests from and 23andMe this year.

For anyone wondering how he got caught. 42+ years later.

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I never said I was Jewish, I said I was “Jew-ish”


NextStep - eventually became Mac OS X (that’s why all sorts of system calls start with NS)

BeOS. Playing 4 video streams at the same time in 1995 was mind blowing.

OS/2 was WINE before WINE

SixDegrees was a social network before Friendster

Prodigy was an online service (and ISP later) owned by Sears, which had a significant mail-order business. It could have been Amazon.

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The joke is that’s John Cena and he says “you can’t see me”

Ok, as an American web developer how do I test sites in Firefox on iOS?

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I wonder if this winds up with revenge porn no longer being a thing? Like, if someone leaks nudes of me I can just say it’s a deepfake?

Probably a lot of pain for women from mouth breathers before we get there from here .

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I much prefer to have all my framework tools half-implemented with no searchable documentation by a guy who quit 6 months ago .

It’s worth noting that when retail sales go up, as they did in 2022, shrink also tends to rise. The average shrink rate in the 2022 fiscal year was 1.6%, up from 1.4% the year before. The latest figure is in line with shrink rates from 2019 and 2020.

In 2017 shrinkage accounted for $42 Billion, or 1.85%.. First off, that shows how crazy inflation is - $42 Billion was 1.85% then and $113 Billion is 1.6% now.

The other thing is that in 2017, wage theft accounted for $50 Billion in losses from workers. I would like to see how 2022’s wage theft numbers stack up against the shrinkage numbers.

Also a reminder that retail is using shoplifting as a propaganda piece with no actual basis in reality.

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His manifesto is at

He was clearly mentally ill.

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Move fast and break things! They can always iterate and do another party that doesn’t leave attendees blind!

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OP, is everything ok at home?

“They’re saying ‘Let’s go Baron’”

They exist to take the blame. “PwC says we have to close down the plant, those damn bean counters!” - CEO who told PwC she wants to close down the plant

Whelp, time to waste another 4 hours on Universal Paperclips

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Someone explained to me that fiction needs to be believable, but reality has no such constraints

You may want to read up in healthy boundaries. Being the better person doesn’t mean putting up with “bullshit injustice,” it means not sinking to the other person’s level. Acting with dignity and honor instead of malice and vengeance.

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Well, that and there’s a lot more exonerating evidence so the cops can’t just say “this Black drifter did it” as much anymore.

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This recipe turned out great! I didn’t have any psyllium husks so I substituted psilocybin, and I didn’t have a pound of sugar so I substituted a pound of cocaine. The recipe still is great. So great. Like the best recipe anyone has ever made ever. I love you so much, but if you cross me I don’t know what I would do

Probably true, given all the (lovable) asshole cats out there.

This is my hole! It was made for me!

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This is the government’s guide to passports, not a private institution, right?

Agreed. What does that change? I’m still voting for Biden.

There aren’t any perfect choices in life, all choices of consequence have downsides. Sometimes it’s choosing harm reduction. The man has a solid record of progress with climate legislation, pardoning marijuana possession charges, limiting insulin prices and more.

Could he do better? Hell yeah. But I’m an adult in a democracy and I understand that a vote is a tool, not a moral stance. I can apply that tool in the most effective way by voting for a lesser evil.

I also have other tools at my disposal, like money. So I give my money to groups like FairVote that supports Ranked Choice Voting so that, long after the 2024 election, we can vote for candidates instead of against them.

But I’m not boycotting the system we have unless someone can convince me that Trump will see a lack of voter turnout as a lack of mandate to implement his anti-Democratic, thuggish, racist, sexist plans.

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I’m glad she found her way out of the right wing disinformation sphere. A lot of folks have relatives that still haven’t made it out, and would be happy with them coming to their senses now, even if it’s later than it could have been.

Some great options in this thread but I can’t believe nobody has mentioned Blanton’s.

The bottle makes it feel like more of a gift, and the taste is sublime.

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  • No HOA complaining that you didn’t CW a picture with eye contact or food or alcohol or matter
  • More witty people from X
  • No drama about who is defederating with who
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Let people be wrong.

From a health perspective, absolutely.

From a climate perspective? Just tax carbon and give the proceeds back as UBI.

To the extent that health warnings work, it’s because it affects the consumer directly. A climate warning is saying “this burger is going to make life slightly worse for someone halfway around the world.”

It may change consumption slightly but also risks a blowback of denial. People don’t like feeling guilty and are perfectly capable of sticking their head in the sand so they can enjoy a steak.

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No more dependency hell from one package needing 5.3.1 and another service absolutely can only run with 4.2.0

That and knowing that when i remove a container, its not leaving a bunch of cruft behind

The whole point of open-source is to be able to recreate it yourself so you can make changes. This is freeware. Free-as-in-beer, not free-as-in-speech. Hell, with freeware I can use it for commercial purposes, it’s not even as free as that.

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Citizen’s United

I keep thinking about his “there’s no point in invading lands anymore now, we are now a mostly peaceful world” thing as I read about Ukraine and Palestine

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Please tell me you’re not reusing an existing web server to host your site! Employers want to see that you can handle server programming. Obviously this would be hosted on an operating system of your own design, which is handy because you need to design the CPU too. Don’t forget to smelt your own copper for the wiring!

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