Bernie Sanders Calls for ‘NO MORE’ U.S. Funding For Netanyahu’s ‘Illegal, Immoral, Brutal, and Grossly Disproportionate War’ in Gaza to politics – 1284 points –
Bernie Sanders Calls for ‘NO MORE’ U.S. Funding For Netanyahu’s ‘Illegal, Immoral, Brutal, and Grossly Disproportionate War’ in Gaza

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Agreed. What does that change? I’m still voting for Biden.

There aren’t any perfect choices in life, all choices of consequence have downsides. Sometimes it’s choosing harm reduction. The man has a solid record of progress with climate legislation, pardoning marijuana possession charges, limiting insulin prices and more.

Could he do better? Hell yeah. But I’m an adult in a democracy and I understand that a vote is a tool, not a moral stance. I can apply that tool in the most effective way by voting for a lesser evil.

I also have other tools at my disposal, like money. So I give my money to groups like FairVote that supports Ranked Choice Voting so that, long after the 2024 election, we can vote for candidates instead of against them.

But I’m not boycotting the system we have unless someone can convince me that Trump will see a lack of voter turnout as a lack of mandate to implement his anti-Democratic, thuggish, racist, sexist plans.

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