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They will still get the degree

Edit: CBS, ABC and the rest of mainstream media have turned into clickbait

Edit2: the article has been updated, the Harvard corporate board over ruled faculty. Students will not receive degrees at this time because demanding BDS

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I’ll only believe it when he’s in jail. Which there is a possibility of now. Has anyone noticed he is scowling in every picture the past few months? He thinks since his mug shot he is Al Capone or something. It seems in almost every picture I can remember he’s smiling ear to ear, like a pig in shit. He’s a snake oil conman not a gangster

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Yet they still haven’t searched all his properties. Justice is a joke

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The 1% refusal to hold Trump accountable is causing the damage

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Did you hear how much was spent on the Iraq war? Maybe the 2008 debt crises? Maybe the PPP loan forgiveness? Surely you’ve heard of one that dwarfed those in comparison. Obvious troll is obvious

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It remains unclear how the fire started or what condition the father is in. According to police, an investigation remains under way and the father is not in custody.


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“Rule” being beat to death like a dead horse

I hope the EU retaliates in an incredible show of force

These people should be much more tightly regulated

Why hasn’t he been identified and arrested for assault yet?

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When he came to be indicted in Miami, he was expecting fans and supporters everywhere. Nobody cared enough to show up except street vendors. Speaks volumes to me.

It’s all about the Petrodollar and America retaining the worlds reserve currency

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He should resign immediately

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They should bomb Putins mansions

I’ve spoke with many people in south Florida about the abortion ban, none (zero) of them knew.

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When you don’t normalize it, it really is mind blowing. Bush should be in Prison

If the 1% start to unalive the changes would be rapid

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The wealthy instigate the entire culture war and manufacture the propaganda behind it. The wealthy even plan to leave the country for us to kill each other.

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Cough Boeing Cough

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How is this not the dirty socialism they’re always going off about?

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He even openly mocks his own supporters

It won’t be a joke if he gets elected. Nobody will be laughing.

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At this point it’s The Heritage Foundation who would win and run the presidency, Trump is just a bobble head conman running scams on his supporters

It is curious as to why the name of the company and CEOs are left out of the title on virtually every article on this scandal.

Furthermore I would imagine the supply would self correct now the excess purchased are removed from the equation

Anita Hill had a few things to say about Clarence and nastiness

Maybe I’m being overly cautious but the way the economies of the UK and Canada are incrementally becoming privatized, especially healthcare, is particularly disturbing. The populace must riot before it’s too late

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IMHO if you’re being financially compensated in any way you are a mercenary.

There will be no local violence. His supporters are riding rascals through Walmart, the few that could participate will turn and run when shit gets real, just like 1/6

When BiBi goes down I hope it is severe.

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Barr visited him immediately prior to his alleged suicide. Epstein probably had plastic surgery and is living in Europe now. Who got his Billions? I don’t recall a victim compensation fund or an investigation into his clients. One of the largest cover ups in our time is brushed over.

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He should make himself unalive then come back to life to prove it


Source ?

This guy massacres

Hulu is owned by cable companies, they didn’t learn everyone hates advertising

Israeli rule will soon come to an end. They have become so brazen with their actions they have lost the support of the international community.


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Who wants to remake the government in Christian terms? Where are these pious people?How do their demands line up with Christianity?. A minority of the population empowered by gerrymandering does not get to dictate deeply unpopular policy that will be adopted in a country of 300 million.

I understand there are Christians out there, never have I heard them say they didn’t feel represented. I’ve never seen any pious ones either. Just who is frothing at the mouth ready to “take over”? Otherwise it’s a coup by the 1%

Wait a second, you’re telling me police have one of those evil socialist unions?

It’s the 1% getting what they paid for.

Dereliction of duty & loss of pension

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I would be willing to bet people are angry with the state of economic policy in the US. No justice, everything overpriced. People take out that anger on the closest member lower on their societal hierarchy.

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