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Joined 2 months ago

I think it's safe to say no one loves Iroh as much as he deserves.

Whichever editor let them post "100 thousand" should be spanked one 100 times with the severed hand of whatever asshole wrote it in the first place.

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I'm pretty sure Temu is Chinese.

Why is Medium conflating trolls and shills?

People who are paid propagandists are shills, not trolls.

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I've just started doing practical interviews. I basically get really young people with little overall experience and I just want to know if they can do common technical tasks.

So one question is to literally have them explain how to tighten a bolt. One person failed.

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The prequels were better

Well, actually...

"Can think for herself".

Dude really wants to do the "Where you do want to go eat?" "I dunno, where do you want to go eat?" vicious cycle?

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OP doesn't specify, but I read the gripe as it's a branded truck that's basically an advertisement you pay to give to your kid. And it's geared towards kids exactly to expose them at a young age and make a positive association that will pay off when they grow up.

I like UPS more as a company than FedEx or Amazon because it supposedly has a decent union and actually pays their employees. But the toy itself is still an ad, and I personally don't view it any more highly than I view similar Amazon truck toys that pander to children. If it were some generic delivery truck I doubt anyone would even notice.

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Even if they did damage anything their message is that anyone getting mad about damaging works of art or heritage sites through direct action should be just as mad about people destroying the actual entire planet indirectly and calling for their immediate imprisonment too.

As annoying as I find them and as much as I want to preserve these things, they're exactly right that paintings and rocks mean fuckall if we ruin our only home.

There is a vast resource of nearly all of humanity's collective knowledge that you can tap to learn why a govt doing something doesn't mean it's not capitalism.

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The cost would not increase. That is not how supply and demand works.

It is extremely unlikely this has not been explained to you before.

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More from the same author:

Starvation and malnutrition plummet as crop yields increase. Unfortunately a new industry of storing food must be created to ensure the excess is preserved for times of need.

Free time skyrockets as menial labor is offloaded onto AI and machines. Unfortunately a new self-actualization industry must be created for people to learn intellectual and creative skills they didn't have time or money for.

Higher education rates increase as governments help fund students and enact laws to keep for-profit-education from price gouging. Unfortunately untold new industries are created as unnoticed talent is given the opportunity to cultivate it.

TBF it only made anyone mad.

Many screeched omigodtheyreturningmahkidsgay. Many were annoyed at the blatant pretense at support that did zero actual supporting and just hoped to make a buck. The rest didn't notice or care.

I guess pretend support is still better than no support, but I didn't believe they were genuine or courageous a year ago, so it's not surprising for them to confirm it.

Shit. I know like 20 people with fists, elbows, and knees. I'm gonna call the cops on them right now.

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You could tell she was beautiful even with the prosthetics.

Got caught beating it at work, eh?

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Guess I should tase or shoot all the people that walk past my no trespassing signs instead of just walking out and asking them to leave.

Shit. I think they all had elbows too!

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Seminal. Heehee

I disagreed more with Guinness tasting metallic...

"What does error code XYZ mean on my 40 year old limited run old-tech device from a company that stopped existing 39 years ago and never made a manual"


"Is Earth round"

IANAL. Probably not.

Defamation needs to show damages and the judge would need to show that somehow those statements materially damaged them.

Public figures also need to meet higher bars for defamation.

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Your chances of beating a wolf are low enough that you'd probably be better off with the quick death the other two would provide.

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Provides perfect example of love not defeating fascism.

Misreads it as the exact opposite...

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Your response is to cite an article proving my point and not understand that?

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"She is often said to argue that "all heterosexual sex is rape", based on the line from the book that says, "Violation is a synonym for intercourse." However, Dworkin has denied this interpretation, stating, "What I think is that sex must not put women in a subordinate position. It must be reciprocal and not an act of aggression from a man looking only to satisfy himself. That's my point."[1]"

Second paragraph on wikipedia...

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I didn't bother reading because three paragraphs in it was clear you failed to recognize the fascists were the one committing extreme violence leading to death...

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No. It says when they raised their prices according to something other than supply and demand people stopped buying from them.

Because prices are controlled by supply and demand. Not costs.

The fact that they also don't understand that doesn't mean you do.

Yeah. It would be really convenient to calculate if the hotels just stood around in one spot for years so the taxes didn't change every time someone got a room, but with them constantly on the move who could predict anything?

I did actually make the mistake of asking just "which way do you turn a screw" once and the person had the sense to ask "to tighten or loosen it?"

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You're a highly ineffective troll...

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The complaint the photographer is making is that it's an actual photograph where a small portion is made or changed with AI.

They list expanding the edges of the image to change the aspect ratio, and removing flaws or unwanted objects etc.

Removing flaws and objects at least is a task that predates modern computers - people changed the actual negatives - and tools to do it have improved so much a computer can basically do it all for you.

I think people should just say how they modified the image - AI or not - since airbrushed skin, artificial slimming, and such have been common complaints before AI manipulation, and AI just makes those same problematic things easier.

Yeah but if they don't show which is which I ask them to show too.

Almost everyone gets screw turning right, it just weeds out a few people who say the right things in emails.

Key point about trolling. Don't do wall of text screeds...

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I'd rather have PocketNinja.

Seriously it would make my year to read one of those nonsense posts only to scroll up and see who duped me.

Are they networked? Mine are somehow connected and the one that beeps doesn't always seem to be the one that detected the issue.

You don't need the comma when you write it this way. The comma in June 12, 2024, is there exactly because it's the wrong order.

It's basically "I wrote the date. Oops, forgot the year!"

Computers order it correctly in that format because that's the correct format. In the same way a computer will order any other correctly formatted numbers in the correct order - and incorrectly formatted numbers in the incorrect order - it shouldn't be surprising that they order correctly formatted dates in the correct order.

Ignoring whatever semantic arguments about socialism and communism, it's easier to just point out that statement isn't true.

Employee-owned businesses are socialist - in the actual definition of socialism where capital is owned by the workers. They work fine, maybe even better than capitalist businesses.

Fire departments are socialist - in a slightly different definition where a non-capital resource is owned by a community. They definitely work better than the capitalist versions that used to exist.

The problem with saying anything communist always fails is that they only call it communism when it fails. When it succeeds they just call it something else.

Downplaying the nonsense that you tried to make more palatable by putting it next to actual issues and hoping you could use it to misdirect when you got called out, while also pointing out your completely untrue claims betray that you got justly called out for some IRL bad behavior and want to blame feminists for creating a social norm where that behavior is no longer tolerated.

That is awesome.

Can I also not hold my breath for a spider-tank game?

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