Fellow millennials, how do you prevent your child from yearning for the mines?

variants@possumpat.io to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 330 points –

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OP doesn't specify, but I read the gripe as it's a branded truck that's basically an advertisement you pay to give to your kid. And it's geared towards kids exactly to expose them at a young age and make a positive association that will pay off when they grow up.

I like UPS more as a company than FedEx or Amazon because it supposedly has a decent union and actually pays their employees. But the toy itself is still an ad, and I personally don't view it any more highly than I view similar Amazon truck toys that pander to children. If it were some generic delivery truck I doubt anyone would even notice.

When I was a kid, Dad would bring home these little foam airplanes that the FedEx office in his building handed out as swag for people who used their services. I loved those things, and I'd be lying if that childhood positive association with FedEx didn't have some small effect on my preferences as an adult -- but it was free.. I think that's a bit less insidious than paying for the privilege of giving my kid merch pushing a particular brand association on them.

I dunno, I had a Alpha Beta tractor trailer toy and I loved that damned truck.