Betty White In HD

@Betty White In
4 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hail Satan.

People of color yes, colored people, generally no. Small differences in words and language can change the meaning quite a bit. Here are some other examples:

Japanese = OK. Jap = frowned upon at dinner.

Homosexual = sure, have a blast. Homo = probably not ok to use in most cases.

Jewish = fine. Fucking Jew = has a bit of a hostile connotation.

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NAACP literally stands for

Was he responding to a question, or talking about or was the conversation in any way about the NAACP and is it normal to casually use the term "colored people" to talk about black people today in America? The answer is no.

This guy is a well paid supposed professional and a public servant and speaker and it doesn't take a particularly bright light bulb to know that there are some phrases or terms that might be inappropriate in some situations. We don't really say "colored people" in most situations when referring to black people and you can have your own thoughts about it and that's fine, but that doesn't change how society views the term at this time. This isn't some arcane, nuwoke librul knowledge, it's been this way for a little while. You also probably shouldn't just throw the term "negro" around wantonly if you somehow still didn't get the memo.

There are actual real issues to get angry about.

Sure, but what you're saying is akin to people saying that you can't take issue with anything because there are kids being blown up somewhere in the world right now. This isn't a battle, this is some dimwitted dipshit exposing himself as a dipwitted dimshit and that's OK. We can try to address big and small issues and while I do agree that the media often does sensationalize things, this is also not nothing considering how more emboldened and open racists are becoming and how many people are showing their true colors these days.

Is this a huge deal and should this guy resign solely based on this? Probably not. Is this maybe indicative of his true thoughts and his outdated way of looking at the world? Probably yes.

I don't get the point of that entire instance; it's all clothed celebs and pseudo celebs. Shit's mild.

I can't jerk off to this‽

edit: I see, there's more stuff once you register, I'm a dummy.

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The same group of people that get upset if you say Indian or Native American instead of Indigenous People.

You mean like indigenous people?

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One time, you do it ONE TIME!

Let her. Conservatives would never let a woman be President.

Well that one actually was equally stupid and hilarious. It's really not the same as American native people not wanting to be called Indians. Because you know....they're not from fucking India.

Oh I'm an idiot. Just signed up and I can see some stuff. Still fairly benign stuff, haven't even seen a single woman get CThreeP0'd.

If it makes you feel any better, there definite was and likely still is plenty of "guerilla marketing" on Leddit. I know because I did it and got clients and money out of it without giving Leddit a single ad dollar and using an ad blocker lol.

There are different ways to go about it and there are people that are way better at it than I, but any time you saw a "wow look at this neat gadget" or "wow look at this fun looking bar code in the shape of a Theodore Roosevelt", there was a half decent chance that it was posted by somebody with financial interest in that product without disclosing it.

Not to even mention account karma farming and selling, there was plenty of that as well. Again, I would know.

Cunts for Confederacy has a better ring to it.

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Oof, yeah I think I'm better off blocking it.

Definitely for the best. Cheers and stay sane everyone.

So disregard them as it does not affect your life in any way. Who cares?

Look the US has a ton of issues and there are people actively trying to make it worse, but there are reasons why people are or are trying to immigrate here in droves. It's, on average, pretty alright and I don't and have never felt like a prisoner inside a prison. If that's how you feel here, I'm sorry.

But I get it AMERICA BAD and let's continue the Leddit trend of taking every single opportunity to shit on everything at all times.

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No, we have a lot of Germans, Canadians, French, Ukrainians, Australians, Brits, etc here. People from all over. I'm also an immigrant and a naturalized US citizen from a "first world" country. Now why would that be? Hmmm....

Anyway happy 4th, gonna go blow up my fingers and eat like a dozen hot dogs with the fellas. Don't stay online too long, it's not good for the melon.

Yeah you're definitely not a dipshit or anything. Have fun with that one joke you just learned.

Russian speaker here, seems like a typo or translation error. Can't think of why this would happen, but I don't think cum plays any part in this.

Interesting etymology though, the Italian scaramuccia (joker/jester/clown) seems pretty plausible.

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You're right, I'm a dum-dum. It's still all fairly soft-core.

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Depends on the type of solder you have, some melt fine at 350, some need a little bit extra, I think lead free melt at higher temps. Play around with the solder you have, it's pretty cheap and you can clean it off.

Isn't it weird that you care?

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That's one of my go-to comfy shows. Still so good and it's heartwarming to know that JD and Turk's actors have a very similar relationship in real life.

Fair enough. Thank you.

Account owners can mark their individual accounts as bots in the account settings. There's also a setting to not show posts by bots. You should see a B after their username in the post and it's also shown in their account.

It's a pretty cool and unique feature as long as people are honest and transparent about their bots.

It just sucks to be poor in the US.

I mean sure, but also as opposed to where? Where does it not suck to be poor? The vast majority of the world is a) very poor compared to the US and b) life isn't that great when you're poor anywhere.

I get that Europe and especially the Nordic countries get brought up a lot in this argument, but relatively few places in the world actually have decent social safety nets for the poor. Especially when you consider population numbers into account and consider where most people actually live. Most of the world is, to be completely blunt, a fucking nightmare compared to the US, unless you have money.

Look, I'm not blind to our faults, the US has many, so, so many but I was born and lived elsewhere and I've traveled to other countries and talk to and sometimes get to work with people from all over the world. The US, for all its faults, is still way better to the average person than the majority of the world. And I do take a person of a random gender/identity, religion, social and monetary status, etc into account.

Also there’s so much variety of nature for one country, it’s nuts.

That's a great benefit and one that I don't take for granted, but there are so many others. You should come visit if you ever get the chance and it really isn't as dangerous or crime ridden as you may think and there's a lot more to this country than people think.

We absolutely and definitely have a ton of issues and we always have, this was always an odd experiment, but again consider the fact why people from all over come here and consider that so many great, well known people and media and inventions come from here.

Again, I get it, AMERICA BAD and it's fun to shit on fat, stupid Americans with their constant news and shootings that happen to everyone all the time and they don't even know where Luxembourg is and their big cars and you can't even walk anywhere and people are angry about it and everyone's in a constant crisis all the time. But also consider that that's not the reality for most people and maybe some people actually prefer to sit in perfectly climate controlled, tailored to them car where they can blast their own tunes vs being on a bus or a train sometimes.

I don't know, I like it here and it's generally OK.

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Mrs. Maisel is just so delightful and so much fun visually throughout the entire thing. Finished it up a few weeks ago and kind of bummed there won't be more, but it ended where it made sense and that last season almost overstayed its welcome, so it's entirely alright.

Also surprisingly, one of the better uses of HDR in a show that I've seen so far.

And you can make a career out of lying to your dipshit audience for over 20 years while selling sketchy supplements, gold coins and silver and make survivors and relatives of children and teachers murdered in a mass school shooting a fucking nightmare.

Shout out to Knowledge Fight.

See the problem with Moms for Hitler is they may not have an issue with being called that, that isn't enough. They are clearly fine with it.

I get what you are saying but you cannot use that wording as the opposing side would focus on the crassness of your statement.

Good that's the point and that's what they are. They're fucking cunts and I want them to be hurt by that term, that is the point. I'm not gonna smile and be polite to Christofascists, we're past that. We're past negotiating with these chuds and I don't have to take any high ground with these shit munchers. These dog pizz guzzling hate twats want to force their religion down everyone's throats and make it impossible for certain groups to live in this country, the time to smile and be polite is over. How do people not understand this? We've seen where this leads when not dealt with harshly.


no beans

Yeah that ain't chili then. It's capsaicin flavored meat paste.

Texas ruined this country's public education system, don't let them ruin chili too. I'm not gonna stand for it I just won't.

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they’re trying to use exposure to trick you into buying their particular product instead of someone else’s identical product.

That's probably the case for a lot of products, but I don't agree with your generalization that advertising offers nothing to the consumer and is presumably a drain on the economy.

I run a small business and see noticeable returns on advertising dollars spent vs not advertising. I run a services business and advertising makes it easier for clients to find us and makes me more money that I put back into the economy by buying lavish things like food and rent. I hate advertising and wish I didn't have to pay Google or use social media to promote our "brand", but the truth is I do in order to stay competitive.

The advertising I'm buying isn't tricking or spamming anybody, it's targeted to people that are looking for that kind of service in my area and it doesn't misrepresent our work in any way. What it does do is get my foot through the door and increases the likelihood of them reaching out to us over the schmucks down the street that offer a similar service, but are not as good as us in terms of value, customer service and quality of work. There's value in that for the consumer.

Stay in dumb fuck Texas, bud.

What if I told you that I've lived here over 20 years and have been all over the country and never been around a shooting, not even once?

We have a gun problem, 100%, but it's not as prevalent as the news would like you to believe and unlike people that don't live here would like you to believe we're not all constantly getting shot all the time. It happens, it happens a lot and every single time it does it's unacceptable, but it's not really a concern for the vast majority of the people living here.

Anecdotally I've been mugged at knife point in UK.

Sounds like it's time for your meds.

Huh, that seems plausible, but it's usually between other Latin words. I can't think of any where "cum" would be interjected between English words. Are there other examples, is this a thing?

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If you're gonna bring up a musician, anybody worth mentioning in the entire entertainment industry is down here and Bieber was never all that bad.

I get it, you guys are a decade behind and it's still funny to hate on Bieber where you are, but he's definitely not the worst thing to come out of Canada.

Let's hear where you're from.

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All the best Canadians left and moved down to America for a reason.

Boom roasted.

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