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Joined 1 years ago

Literally having a criminal prosecutor run against a convicted criminal is kind of beautiful.

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Well now I'm gonna think even harder that you're scamming, and I never even heard of you before.

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It started because some germans pizza day got cancelled, but I think the real motivation is a subtle dunk on some earlier meme rotation from americans about corporations trying to placate employees with pizza.

In a nutshell, americans: we don't want pizza, we want unions and worker's rights! Germans: we already have unions and worker's rights, we want pizza!

What is cluster B?

What about Claustro-, Arachno-, Haemo-, etc.phobes? Or Cyclists or Scientists?

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I think he gives off Netflix True Crime creepy uncle energy


Don't have much to say, gonna miss Baconreader, but whatever, reddit had become stale anyway, gonna give lemmy and squabbles a go now


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I read the whole series and somehow missed this, I did chalk up a lot of things to "must be a chinese cultural thing", like the whole idea of all nations actually working together or globally banning "escapism" and just suspended my disbelief, so maybe I glossed over that bit as well. Is there a good article that dives into this?

E: Found this article, that goes into it as well as other issues, well worth a read

Commas don't belong in numbers, not as a thousands separator and definitely not as a decimal point.

Also ISO8601 and that dark theme should be the default

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Thanks, Harris.

Don't feed the troll

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Why did this read like a Trump speech...

Just wait until you find a pack of lemons that size...

Is this the answer to the mystery of the state of public bathrooms?

Sigh... zip

I must've played a ton of trash games that I purged from my memory, but one notable one that comes to mind is Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. The game was super highly anticipated and hyped and I was a massive C&C fan before, only to be completely disappointed by this massive turd that they shat on this genre defining franchise. The revolutionary "physics" did nothing to the game play, the main story was maybe a total of 4 hours and it was just buggy as fuck with the AI pathfinding being incredibly bad and somehow worse than the predecessors or the main other RTSs of the time.

It says "Flughafen Zürich" (Zürich Airport) right there in the back...

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Only an oxymoron can stop a pleonasm

Oh get a room

Well, not anymore if he's convicted

There's a word for if you mean exactly two: two.

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That is a false equivalence

Good thing my comments on reddit are either nonsense or complete garbage. Except this one time when I actually made a funny joke...

Don't let an Italian catch you calling a Bialetti coffee an espresso.

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Absolutely, with their arabic numerals and all! It should read "Seven out of X"!

This hurts.

Even in an empty room

Don't do it bro, there's so much food you haven't tried yet.

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A comma here could also be parsed as a vector, an apostrophe has never been used in numbers as anything other than a thousand separator. Well, except as the transpose command in Matlab... or to indicate a character vector... fuck. Just use scientific notation or spell it out for large numbers.

Women are you doing a clearance thing to me first thing in your position to be done in a few weeks to ensure the work is carried away and the offer will not work out.


What's the opposite of shorting and can you do that to a short?

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Just nibble a bit on the corners

Lockqueer Martini is a great drag queen name


Don't threaten him with a good time