2 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's the same with discord.

Too many communities use discord (or matrix) instead of a real, searchable forum with topics and threads.

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Although I mostly agree with you, this is not true:

The "worst" they do is stop you from using windows update

The worst they do is practically force you to buy a windows license with most laptops and even some pre-built tower PCs.

Yes there are some vendors/manufacturers who don't force you or ask, if you want an Ubuntu/Mint/Pop_!OS or smth. but most just don't give a shit.

Yeah that's right! Games like stardew valley, factorio, Terraria, Binding of Isaac, Hades and others could really learn from those brave heroes and finally remove the Battle pass and all the other payed content!

Edit: /s... Duh!

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And Poland is just standing there... Menacingly!

Q: Why didn't you write this in $NEW_LANGUAGE instead of crufty C++? A: I probably should have! $NEW_LANGUAGE is deservedly attracting a lot of attention for its combination of safety, readable syntax, and support for modern programming paradigms. I've been trying out $NEW_LANGUAGE and want to write more code in it. But for this I chose C++ because it's supported on all platforms, lots of people know how to use it, and it still supports high-level abstractions (unlike C.)


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source is a bash shell built-in command that executes the content of the file passed as argument, in the current shell.

~/.bash_history contains all the commands you ever executed in bash (the default shell in most Linux systems)

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Forums and Wikis vs. Discord

Yes I know, they shouldn't serve the same purpose, but oftentimes nowadays people communities use discord when they should use a forum or a wiki.

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Well chrome should, yes. But they don't.
Then some JavaScript framework developers think "well this non-standard feature is neat, let's use that everywhere" and then companies who use their framework (or a framwork dependent on it) can't support all browsers.

It's a multilayered problem (as always) with lots of individually decisions that make sense, but don't work out in the end (as always).

Yeah, I doubt the "live for free in the metaverse" part. If there even will be a real usable metaverse, it won't be free.

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Sorry, but this guide is all over the place.

You mention Arch before other distros and never even explain what a distros is (e.g. 'a flavor of Linux with a choice of preinstalled software').

Then you say that it's a beginners and not an advanced tutorial, but mention advanced distros.

Also your reasons for the beginner distros are not well written:

  1. Fedora mentions "rightful backlash against the company"
  2. Linux Mint "I haven't used"
  3. Pop OS "shares some issues"

Why take one of them? They all sound difficult or weird. (to a newby reader)

Then the part about Ubuntu and Manjaro which is longer than the 3 distros you recommend. This has major "Linux fanboy bashing other Linux fanboys" vibes.

The rest I really liked, maybe replace "this era" with "its era".


The Ads are too many, disturb the experience a lot and the creators earn more through other means like patreon or merchandise.

And you acting like 2 unskippable 30 second ads before a 2 minute video is just "a few seconds" shows that you don't watch YouTube a lot.

An AI assistant has nothing to do with the kernel and will never be in it.

It's something for user space and can be done already. This is for the distro maintainers to decide.

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Excel is inherently flawed in its design.

The thing is, that excel already has half the means of what would be necessary to really fix this bug. That is a field for each cell where the original text can stay.

An excel sheet is just a bunch of XML files zipped in a specific structure. You can unpack a file and look for yourself.
Each worksheet is it's own file and each cell is subdivided into the value and the formula, that generated this value (or nothing, if there is no formula).
Excel could easily fix this issue by adding another possible cell attribute like "original" or "plain" that, when set, allows you to roll back any conversion.

But no, they go a half assed way as always and screw up even more.

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I was at an evening reception in Germany together with people from the German software community, business owners, government and associations. Beside interesting discussions, I met a couple of people from organizatiojns participating in the GAIA-X initiative to build a European alternative to American cloud providers such as Google, Amazon or Microsoft. Something I usually am not really interested in. These government initiatives often tend to be focused more on bureaucracy and imho don’t produce any hard output. As the evening got longer, I was given some updates on how the initiative progresses. To no one’s surprise the initiative had produced a vast amount of papers and concepts, and conducted numerous meetings. The shocker came when one person said that they’re now ready for the implementation.

“We’ve created all the concepts and ideas and now we’re looking for the Open Source community to build the software for an autonomous European Cloud.”
— Anonymous person involved in the European GAIA-X initiative

I asked her what funding was associated and whether there are any bounties for implementing any of their concepts. She looked at me confused and responded; “No, the Open Source community should implement it now”. I asked her whether she knew how Open Source actually works, if she had ever met any Open Source project teams, had ever written any software herself. You can guess the answer: it’s No. Why am I telling you this? Because this is absolutely the perception many organizations have of Open Source. Someone, somewhere writes software that businesses, NGOs or government can use to build services. And that’s a huge problem now. Open Source and Free Software is not a charity — it involves people with lifes and families to feed

The Commercialized Open Source
The Open Source movement was supposed to be a movement that is the exact opposite of commercial software. At least, if you believe the popular Open Source writing “The Cathedral And The Bazar”. The idealistic approach of Open Source was to make source code openly and freely available. Funding should be through sponsorships and donations to the projects. Open Source is, or maybe was?, about making software freely and openly available to anyone. Today’s Open Source projects fall into very narrow categories and almost all projects seem to go through the exact same path in your lifetime.

  1. The solo project
    Run by a single individual, overloaded by ignorant users and forced to shut the project down due to a lack of time and funding.
  2. The underfunded survivors
    Run by a group of people in their spare-time always trying to keep the project afloat. Chronically underfunded, but powering millions of software products across the globe.
  3. The actually commercial software
    Started small, created a commercial spin-off and has mainly become commercial software with a light version published as Open Source.
  4. The FAANG project
    Started by an individual or a FAANG organization, entire projects funded by FAANG companies, run by FAANG employees and controlled by FAANG.

If you’re honest, the large part of successful Open Source projects is funded by organizations. Often not in hard cash, but by allowing employees on their payroll to work on the projects. The OSCI or Open Source Contributor Index draws a very clear picture: the majority of support and funding for Open Source comes from big tech. Big American tech.

The argument, often heard in Europe, that Open Source software makes European governments and organizations independent of American suppliers lacks any understanding of how Open Source currently works. Maybe even lacks understanding of how software works at all.

The World Was Never Ready For Open Source
The idea that Open Source software would free the user can be considered a failure. Don’t get me wrong! Open Source is awesome. I contribute, I publish, I participate and I love it. But I am also a programmer and I claim to know what Open Source is since I read “The Cathedral And The Bazaar”. The average person however could not care less about the licensing of the software they use and they become increasingly unaware of what software is at all.

The amount of people being able to understand Node.js, let alone read its source code is tiny. The same goes for Bitcoin. Numerous myths surrounded Bitcoin and the way it worked when it launched. Yet, the Bitcoin source code happily resided in a Github repository — for everyone to read. Only a few really read it — including me. People are simply not interested. The result? Open Source has become a way of collaboration for big tech and moved far away from its original ideals. Linux was invented by Linus Torvalds in Finland. MySQL came out of Sweden. PHP has Danish heritage. The list of European software inventions goes on. Yet, they found their destiny and home in America for a simple reason: the lack of funding in Europe, the lack of interest in Europe and a horrendous amount of bureaucracy in many EU member states that makes building a software business a living nightmare. Not to mention trying to established the organizational foundations for an Open Source project.

The Funding Issues Remain Unresolved
The path to success of an Open Source project is often either becoming a U.S. software company or becoming a part of one. If you have a look at Mastodon, the proclaimed Twitter killer, and its funding situation relying on Patreon donations, the outcome is pretty clear. Even a highly popular project like Mastodon, that even has government users and large-scale installations, can hardly grow a substantial organization. Open Source projects hardly survive without big tech as a donor Most Open Source projects remain chronically underfunded and there’s no change on the horizon. Any project team I came across in my life as a programmer warmly and wholeheartedly welcomed big tech as a donor. You can’t blame them and it’s not surprising at all. The vast majority of private individuals, small and medium-size businesses that use Open Source never donate a single penny while producing cost and consuming time of Open Source projects. People posting issues in the bug trackers demanding swift responses, downloading gigabytes of Open Source software without ever giving back and complain whenever projects don’t go in their favour. I have yet to come across a single popular Open Source project that thrives while being funded by private individuals, small and medium size companies. Open Source has a funding problem.

What Is Needed To Fix Open Source
All the Open Source projects we love were build by individuals or very small teams. These individuals or project teams have made a lot of sacrifices for their Open Source projects. They invested money and a large fraction of their time without ever receiving anything in return. In a world of ever-rising cost of living, increasing taxation, increasing rent, families struggling to make ends meet, there are fewer and fewer people capable and willing to build and maintain Open Source projects. The idea of Open Source that people would build the software they love to share with other people who in return would fund the builders remains an idealogic pipe dream. The idealogic pipe dream of free people through free software never materialized Only if private individuals, small and medium businesses are capable and willing to donate to Open Source in the masses, it’ll change. The last 30 years of Open Source and Free Software have shown that the willingness isn’t there and the capability of individuals to donate is in decline. Further governments have never created any incentives (e.g. tax incentives) for Open Source projects. Society was not ready for Open Source and society is is becoming less and less ready.

Why Is It Not Open Source?
Over the past 25 years of my life as a software engineer, I published both Open Source and commercial software. Only the commercial software has ever made a noticable return. When publishing commercial software, you’ll find a number of people asking why I did not publish my software as Open Source. My response is very simple: “Because you wouldn’t pay for it”. People have become to believe that Open Source is a charity and that anyone is entitled to take from an Open Source project whatever the person wants. The result is that fewer and fewer software is released as Open Source and instead distributed as Cloud-based commercial SaaS. With web- or cloud-based commercial SaaS there’s no piracy and users can hardly circumvent paying the authors for the software. Open Source is in shambles and it’s breaking my heart as a software engineer and die-hard Open Source fan. Do you have a solution to fix Open Source or are you fine with the way it is? Thanks for reading. Jan

In this adconomy?

Yeah, but renting is not purchasing.

(Yes, I am fun at parties.)

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As a software developer who only has business customers, let me tell you the following:
No matter how foolproof your system might seem. It never truly is. There is always some idiot (sometimes with a degree) who just can't understand/use it.

But they could still try and mostly succeed. They just don't want to.

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It had (almost) nothing to do with the cdc. In other countries the same happened.

Source: am german

Yes, right. We could completely erase one third of exploitable vulnerabilities (by your numbers) only by switching to modern languages.

There is no good argument against that. Why wait for C or C++ to try and implement get another weird "solution" for those problems? (That no one uses then anyway)

Discord is like the worst source for knowledge anyones has ever used as such.

I regularly find myself searching for stuff where there is only a small community and when they use discord and you want to look something up, you can straight up look into the sourcecode because it helps just as much. It is really devastating to be in this situation and I would really like for people to just get rid of discord and use a real wiki or forum for this kind of stuff.

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The incognito mode start page literally tells you this. I do not know, how this is news.

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That's social commentary.

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish

1. Embrace:

They implement ActivityPub and connect to all the available servers. A load of new users will see the content here and all the communities here will be absolutely flooded with new content and users.

2. Extend:

ActivityPub will be extended. Many new features will be added, that don't really match the standard, but they are mostly useful so some developers will try to add them to let's say Lemmy. They won't be blr to develop new features on their own and some stuff with threads will always be broken or half baked. Threads users will belittle the users here, some will maybe go there, cause it just works and is otherwise the same.
New users at the same time will most likely go directly to threads cause it's backed by a giant company, always works and has more features.

3. Extinguish:

They will cut the federation.
Communities here will feel empty and most users will just leave. Only the hard core will stay and that won't be sustainable. The fediverse becomes even less attractive for new users and will devolve into a niche community.

Akschually he was trying to assemble himself and was failing. So you could say that those are mistakes he made, because he was just learning.

But then again it's just a comic by someone who probably didn't do a full course on biology of the human circulatory system for one panel.

How are projects like this created?

This github repo is 6 months old, they already have 18+k stars and over 800 forks.

This looks like some overfunded pseudo-FOSS shit. Make the bare minimum open source and sell the rest to enterprises.

Why not take the money and really fund an existing project like kanboard or redmine?

I mean ffs kanboard is at least 10 years old and has less than 8k stars on github.

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The jail sentence has nothing to do with this happening.

This will keep happening while people are forced to bear kids they don't want in financial situations, where nothing can be afforded and everything is shit.

The mother was torturing her child because she needed to vent and her kid seemed like the root of all her problems, not because there were only 30 days of jail sentence.

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Look at the pricing!

Hetzner wants 150€ for this server. 3TB disk is 50€ extra. So 200€ for the server per month. This is also about 200$ so 1.6¢ per user and month. This should be very manageable.

Also it doesn't mean the server only holds 12k users. If the server holds 20k users or more you Look at less than a Cent cost per user and month.

They are already raising 600€ per month via Patron only so 3 months worth per month. If the server gets bigger, more people will probably give money and while it stays a kinda hobby project it should work out fine.

But you are right with something else:
Lemmy currently has no ability to loadbalance over multiple servers for one instance. This will become a Problem in the future, but it is being worked at.

Shouldn't that be:
DELETE FROM real_influencers WHERE name = 'Simon Riggs';

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I have cut my lips twice on these fuckers. Also just this week while pouring milk, the cap somehow slipped right under the stream and spilled the milk everywhere.

Who loses their bottlecap?

Also this makes it harder for kids to drink from bottles, since they can't put their whole mouth around.

I hate these shit stains with a passion.

I am 99% sure, thia was all just a PR stunt by some bottle company. If they really wanted to do something for the environment, they would go for glass bottles again, since they can be recycled forever.

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I second this.

I'm currently using multiple apps for multiple accounts, since this multi account stuff is not really optimal in any app I've tested so far. Account-specific NSFW would certainly help.

What’s your working environment like?
We’ve recently moved to a more “hip” location. We used to have personal desks, but now we have this “pick whatever spot is avaiable” open area. I dislike it a lot.

Lol. Same.

Nice "interview" with funny insights. As former ABAP-programmer (SAP systems) I see lots of familiarities.

But the 44B was payed, so they do/did exist. Now he could have just NOT bought twitter and spent half of this money on the poor et voilà no more homeless for at least 4 years.

But you are right with the rest.

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And rust also has the "🤦".chars().count() which returns 1.

I would rather argue that rust should not have a simple len function for strings, but since str is only a byte slice it works that way.

Also also the len function clearly states:

This length is in bytes, not chars or graphemes. In other words, it might not be what a human considers the length of the string.

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For desktop UI: Rust

Okay, what crate do you use for UI, that it is your goto?

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Go is a great language. I used it a few times when dealing with bugs in open source programs. And though I never used it besides that, I could spot and fix these easy issues fast.

Rust is not like that. The syntax is a little harder to read and a lot of widely used libraries use complex macros to ease their users lives.

I cannot count the times rust has saved my ass.

Sqlx checks my sql files against a local test-db and always errors, when my scripts miss parameters after changing the sql file.
I have to use a complicated mess of an API at work to get the data I need and I now use a 50-60 element enum that tells me exactly, what I got back from the API-calls.

Thing is.
I've used GIMP for the better part of the last 15 years...
Now everything else makes no sense. I tried Kita multiple times already and it never works out and I go back to GIMP.

GIMP broke me, rebuilt me and made into one of their own.

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Kinda, but Patreon exists and many of youtubers already get lots of money through it.

Vore Microcomputers/hole

containerised yiffOS build system based on sheath

Main branch name mommy

Okay, enough internet for today...

When covid started, the country I live in set some temporary rules to relive some financial stress from the people. A lot of companies in our sector had to quickly abide by those rules (maybe 3 month time to prepare the new processes etc.)

Our company already had a lot of customers who would need a solution to maybe automate that.

And our project manager (and a potential customer with him) decided to not only use a native solution we could program directly into the system, but throw rpa on top.

This not only made the solution harder to program, it also made it slower (it could only run at night instead of each case instantly), more error prone, more programmers were needed (I could program a simple solution alone, with rpa we needed 3 people plus an extra tester) and also the solution was more expensive, because of paid licenses for the rpa software.

Suffice to say, we did not sell a single copy not even to the customer who wanted it. But we "shipped" it in a sense.