1 Post – 183 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

IMO fediverse is big enough now to serve as reddit replacement.

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This constant shuttling of information back and forth is responsible for consuming as much as 200 times the energy used in the computation, according to this research.

Press x to doubt. I know moving data costs more energy than computation itself, but that sounds like a pure BS.

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There's really no point unless you work in specific fields that benefit from AI.

Meanwhile every large corpo tries to shove AI into every possible place they can. They'd introduce ChatGPT to your toilet seat if they could

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Papers please: for millions of Americans, accessing online pornography now requires a government ID

And I imagine everyone wants a picture of your ID. Which is horrible on so many levels...

sparking fears of supply shortages in Budapest

Nobody saw it coming...

Minor injuries are common and occasionally recruits die, often because of an underlying medical condition.

What. The. Fuck.

Moses told them he had the sickle cell trait

How was he even cleared for police training in the first place? This is a serious medical condition.

This sounds like an entire chain of lethal fuckery going on

I would download a car

Expect safety inspectors suicides over this

Because it's rigged against you. US has the most expensive health care in the world - It's not natural, this is crafted oligopoly to gouge the prices

So he wants to be a permanent dictator? Sounds legit considering the SCOTUS verdict about no criminal reponsibility

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Why not 700 years? It will save Disney 10 lobbying campaigns

it may be possible for an attacker with ring 0 access to modify the configuration of System Management Mode (SMM) even when SMM Lock is enabled.

If attacker has a ring 0 access he can already screw you up any way he wants

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Ough! Thats future sales of Intel CPUs going down the drain.

Random erections are the worst

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Funny thing is that capitalism accidentaly solves global warming same way as it created it - turns out renewables are cheaper than fossil fuel, and the greed machine ensures the transition to more cost efficient energy sources

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This basically means I'll ditch Samsung, because frankly their stock launcher sucks donkey balls.


If from poster alone you can tell they failed to capture characters, you know it's bad

The problem, according to the commenters, is that the words "woman" and "dolphin" were highlighted in the image, suggesting that whoever took the screenshot apparently searched for those exact terms.

Seems like a nothing burger blown out of proportion by the press. Stop upvoting garbage pls

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not the 4,000+

Unlimited powah!

With these sneakers, you won't miss any special event!

And how will they support themselves? Another crypto scheme to battle out with SEC?

It's the same with gmail - they scan your private messages and will snitch on you if they find something they dont like.

Back during the covid lockdown one dude was screwed because doctor asked to send a photo of the intimate parts infection of his infant son.

Google called the police, police raided him immediately.

Who knows what will they do next - send your private finance data to IRS? Your correspondence with lawyers? Everything goes apparently.

Use encrypted alternatives if you want to be safe.

You don't. Where are you going to work? What can you put on your CV? What work experience do you have? On top of that your ability to learn is a far cry of what you had in your 20s. If you have no family who'll take care of you, your future is utterly fucked. You're destined to live in poverty until the end of your life.

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Netflix is also working on a live-action film adaptation

This totally won't be a disaster.

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They don't have language, so they can't have the internal dialogue.

But can they have imagination? Since many animals have dreams, then why not?

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This is a solid policy. AFAIK even with ancient Asus B350 Board, you can use Ryzen 5800X3D - which is still a solid gaming CPU

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This is the same problem as with coastline length - the higher resolution you'll use, the bigger the number you'll get. AFAIK this is solved by just standarization of calculation methods - there's just certain rounding to be applied in all cases so you get a comparable results

Ok, that's a good point.

Many phones overheat while fast charging - this forces the circutry to reduce the current in order to prevent battery damage

If you cool your phone down, it can sustain high current and charges much faster

basic degree of adequate utility as mobile apps, lack engaging content, or exhibit other behavior that is not consistent with a functional and engaging user experience are not allowed on Google Play.”

They couldn't define it any broader couldn't they?

Probably reddit announcing some shitty monetization scheme

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This is surely well educated society - always redy to commit random violence based on some karen troll post...

Kosa means scythe in Polish. What a name...

After inflating the currency, Maduro, inflated his votes apparently

It won't fix the lost 40 years of her life tho

Early 1st gen ryzens segfaulted under certain workloads (particularly during compilations)

So it's not like AMD is stellar that regard. Everyone has a faulty product occasionally.

But AFAIK AMD didn't deny RMAs

As long as they trust the writers to respect the source material

Witcher flashbacks...

This would be especially nice if water ice was discovered inside

Fun overclocking project. I wonder how far can you go with the fastest LCD monitors

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