Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

Carighan to – 246 points –
Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

What's interesting to me is of course how cheaply Bioshock got made compared to today's blockbuster hits. Somewhere, we took the wrong turn in regards to modern game development, truly.

Too many managers to pay and as a result too high personel costs, I would assume. :<


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Netflix is also working on a live-action film adaptation

This totally won't be a disaster.

I would argue that Bioshock is one of the few video game franchises that would probably do well in a non-interactive story medium. It's a very story driven video game. As long as they trust the writers to respect the source material and come up with a compelling story, I think it could be great. There's always a chance that it's a disaster though.

As long as they trust the writers to respect the source material

Witcher flashbacks...

The book was really good. Unfortunately Infinite made it non Canon

Interesting. How did Infinite do that? Or was it Burial at Sea?

It was specifically Burial at Sea. Some of the gaps it filled in cant coexist with the gaps that the book filled in

Luckily Infinite is the worst game of the series and I have no problem discounting its lore.

People say that, though it's my favorite. And I am not alone.

I feel like the DLCs were much rougher, though.

Tbf we can have both. The book hasnt stopped existing just because Infinite came out

They're going to hyperfocus on the shades and the armblades, and totally miss the whole point of the series, I guarantee it.

There have been quite a few great video game adaptations lately. Last of Us and Fallout come to mind

Neither of which were Netflix series. They just have a way of ruining franchises

Castlevania and Edgerunners were good but I recognize those aren’t live action.