6 Post – 260 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My entire body is made of meat!

I enjoy:


Open Source



The letter B


Psychedelic drugs and exploring reality

Former pothead (I have a genetic disorder!)

Videogames and such. Team Fortress 2 Scout/Engy/Demo/Pyro. Catch me on 24/7 2ort! ~T0kin.

You can sit back and wonder why the fuck we're still dealing with these petty garbage laws, or... realize the horror at how much taxpayer money is used to write them up, bicker and decide over them and waste time and resources in our legal system.

Every one of these right-wing, trash laws is a black hole of bullshit, sucking money from our economy, going nowhere, meant to do nothing but point and make a statement they don't even expect to pass.

Fuck all of it. You only get to choose to be against them, you can't choose whether your money was used to poop them into existence.

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cool, man

keeps pirating

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Google is the only brand I know of where people go out of their way to own the hardware but do everything in their power to avoid the software.

Wait, no. Razor... Razor exists. NO ONE'S MOUSE NEEDS A DAILY DRIVER UPDATE!

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"and I helped!" - United States

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slaps the hood of my 03 Acura shitbox type S

Yep, she's a keeper.

She developed a new form of 3D printer for printing extremely long objects.

The printer can effectively print a chain forever if given enough filament, as it prints at a 45 degree angle on a belt.

Good for cosplay swords, poles, staffs, belts, lamp posts, other long and hard things.

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How much of that is just new users doing their 23rd Arch install?

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It's seldom covered in any decent capacity by most work or private health insurance unless you target it directly and lose out on other options.

Most offices are corner cutting so hard that the following week, you might have a new therapist/counselor that has no frame of reference beyond the former's patient folder on you.

A lot of therapy is just a gotcha for Christian and religious bullshit.

Therapy and mental health is often seen as a sign of weakness for men, who often times never open up or seek help to begin with due to the stigma.

This isn't a huge conundrum. It's pretty easy to understand.

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I hope this place burns to the ground

"Dad! Don't say that! What if it actually happened!?"

Four months later:

Theft of UPS delivery drones causes UPS to halt production and use.

How to hack UPS drone V1.23.8 and install Buzzard CFW!!

Don't use Brave, they push crypto incentives. Use Firefox and ublock origin, that and BAT's chart is crap.

but Blink, you trade crypto

I guess I'd know, then.

edit: fuck plebbit too

The mainstream web... yes.

The back of the house has never been fucking better. Mastodon changed the game. Why hang out at some asshole's website, hating the website, lacking features and full of advertisements to suck you dry, when you can just come down to the flea market of federated social media and shoot the shit with someone real?

Won't matter. Conservatives will gloss over all of it as liberal propaganda.

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It sucks but I mean, the game is basically a sport now. I get the necessity.

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I hope OP is aware of how underappreciated and thrown away visual effect studios tend to be in Hollywood.

Dear God.

That's more than 406,999 users.

walks into a gas station in an illegal state and buys a cannabinoid vape pen with the entire rainbow of cannabinoids available from actual weed sans delta 9

walks by the drinks and see bootleggers, six different sizes of 40 ounce, high ABV drinks infused, some infused with 25 different drugs, vitamins and snake oil

we can't get your ADHD medications!

Clown-ass economy.

You give them the freest phone with the most open operating system you can find and people will install the spyware themselves.

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Fuck the running shoes too.

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I could, i̷͇̍Ǹ̸̙ ̶͎̓ǵ̶̻R̶̥͝è̶̝A̸̫̓ț̶̔ ̵̭͝D̴̺͝ë̸͉́T̴̹̎a̵̟͊I̵͎͌L̵̜̿, actually, but I'd be defederated by half of Lemmy.

Let's just say... don't Google Christian Weston Chandler, don't click a video called Down the Rabbit hole and don't watch the entire thing and certainly don't go looking at news reports regarding her(long story) and her grandmother.

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I went Windows 10 > Linux Mint

I have nothing to complain about. Lateral move in terms of functionality. In terms of general freedom and feeling like I actually own the PC I purchased,... 100% improvement.

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Judging by the content of the last few years, I would've guessed they'd been on strike a lot longer.

looks sternly at Amazon

Then why is it available?

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Well four is just a bit absurd

Days Since Last X Fuckup


I hate that I'll never have to edit this.


Insanely popular online yet I've never met a single soul in real life who even has an account. My cousin literally just made his first one to promote his band, like a week ago.

imo, Mastodon replaces Twitter, and effectively would if everyone moved at once. Most news, if it isn't there is mirrored there.

There is the whole trans porn and titties situation on any default account, tho, same as lemmy.

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oh my God!

I just want to be in the most free place where I can talk to people.

So far, this is it. I don't think the Twitter/Bluesky/Mastodon model really promotes discussion. The Reddit/Lemmy model does, by design, expectation.

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Now: "Oh, that came out?"

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Get real, dude. YouTube is all about mass broadcasting to the widest audience available, not reliable playback and a lack of advertisement, not that Dailymotion has either.

"The most stunning piece of cinema in its class since A Serbian Film" - New York Times

"Fun for the hole family." - The Onion

2 employees in the store


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So competitions are just a guy with a yoyo?

1A, one yoyo, typically unresponsive for loose tricks

2A for two-handed, looping tricks with responsive yoyos

3A for two-handed unresponsive yoyos

4A for off string (yoyo not tethered)

5A for Freehand (string tethered to a counterweight)

AP for artistic performances, regardless of the competitive style.

bonus trivia: Steve Brown, the creator of 5A, was on an episode of Wifeswap.

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"Basketball player and genie, Shaquille O'Neil is holding a dominos pizza box and asking if you'd like to Shaqeronni your evening."

So you're telling me, you and all your pregnant friends, all six of them are on your way to the last Blockbuster on earth?

...uhm... yes?

well, that checks out. Always wanted to go, myself.

Broke my wrist once and had to wipe with the other hand for three months, then I couldn't go back to the other hand.

The cruelty of life.

They are very aware of the meme and will never release a third game as "3".

Team Fortress 3 will probably just be called "forever" or have some other tagline to avoid being called 3.

guitar strum before smirking at the camera

Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats determined that they wanted a new … speaker, and it’s Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s getting the office,” he said.

"Wanted" is being used a little loosely these days.

I usually delete it and pick a different torrent.